The secret war is silent

Chapter 818 Lychee Road

Luo Yao also didn't expect that Hu Yisheng was so addicted that he even dragged him to talk in the war room all night.

After being on the road for days and staying up all night, Luo Yao really couldn't bear it.

So he slept at the 34th Army Headquarters.

Wake up.

He was startled when he saw the bright sun outside. He stayed away all night, fearing that Yang Si and Wen Xueren should be worried.

Fortunately, he ordered to rest for half a day in Shangluo.

An orderly came in and brought face wash water and towels. Luo Yao asked, "Brother, where am I?"

"Hello, sir, this is our Sir Hu's bedroom!"

"What?" Luo Yao almost spit water out of his mouth and ears. He actually lay down in Hu Yisheng's room and slept all night?

"Brother You Ning, you are awake. If you don't wake up, your men will tear down my room!" Before Luo Yao could continue to ask, Hu Yisheng's voice came from outside.

"Sir Hu, why did I sleep in your room..."

"I thought you were tired, so I asked someone to send you to me. Unlike you, I have no problem staying up for days and nights during a war." Hu Yisheng laughed.

"Thank you very much, Sir Hu. I have been out for such a long time and it's time to go back. Otherwise, my return trip will be delayed."

"Leaving today?"

"Well, we agreed to take a half-day break," Luo Yao said.

"Which way do you take to enter Sichuan?" Hu Yisheng asked.

"Let's take the Lychee Road. The Lychee Road can go directly to Fuling, and then it's closer to the mountain city from Fuling." Luo Yao said.

"Okay, then stay and have lunch, and then I'll send someone to take you back." Hu Yisheng said without any doubt.

Can Luo Yao not agree? I had no choice but to agree, called Yang Fan over, and asked him to go back and report a message to Yang Si and others, so that they could be ready to set off after lunch.

After lunch, Hu Yisheng sent his adjutant to drive Luo Yao back, and accompanied Luo Yao and the 401 team out of Shangluo County.

Heading westward, we arrived at Lanqiao Town after dark.

"Brother, when we entered the town, someone was following us sneakily." We found a hotel to stay at.

Yang Fan came over and reported.

"I know, let everyone be more alert and add an extra whistle at night." Luo Yao nodded. It's good to be more cautious when going out.

"I know, it's too poor here." Yang Fan nodded. In places that are too poor, the folk customs are more sturdy.

As the saying goes, hunger and cold breed greed. If people don’t have enough to eat and can’t survive, naturally they can do anything.

Sure enough, a group of thieves sneaked into the inn at night, and what awaited them would not be a good end.

How could Yang Fan be so merciful that he sent all these thieves to the police station in the town.

Luo Yao and the others carried passes issued by Hu Yisheng. The people at the police station were naturally very polite, but they did not have the courage to offend the military.

This is just a small episode.

But after all the hard work, everyone didn't get a good rest in the middle of the night, so they set off again early the next morning, arriving in Lantian County half a day later.

We didn't enter the city, we just took a short break at noon and took a detour to the west.

Xijing has arrived.

The ancient capital of Xijing, the largest city in the west, had always been the political and cultural center of the country before the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

Since the Anti-Japanese War, a large number of refugees from North China and the Central Plains have poured in, and the population of Xijing City has skyrocketed, giving rise to great prosperity.

At the same time, Xijing was also one of the accompanying capitals designated by the National Government.

It can be seen how important the political and military status are.

There are so many historical and cultural monuments in Xijing that it would take several days to just take a quick look around.

There are also various specialties, such as mutton steamed buns, fried noodles, Roujiamo...

When you come to Xijing, if you don’t taste Xijing’s delicacies, it’s like you haven’t been there. Luo Yao and his party entered Xijing City.

Compared with the small county town below, Xijing City is much more lively, and their group is not so conspicuous when they come in.

There are many caravans and caravans like them coming in and out of Xijing City every day.

But when outsiders enter the city, their identities must be checked.

Luo Yao and the others had various identity documents, so they were naturally not afraid of inspection, but they did not want to alert the local officials in Xijing City.

Everything is based on the principle of keeping a low profile.

"Team leader, we finally passed by Xijing. Otherwise, can we stay for a day and then walk again?" After settling down, Yang Si ran over to find Luo Yao.

In fact, Luo Yao was also thinking about this issue. The Chinese people's feelings for Xijing are self-evident. If they just passed by in such a hurry, it would leave a trace of regret.

After all, some people may only come here once in their lives and pass by in a hurry. If the mission is urgent, that's it.

Now that the task has been completed, on the way back, whether it is one day early or one day late actually has little impact.

"Are you the only one who has this idea, or does everyone else have this idea?" Luo Yao couldn't just consider the opinions of a few people.

"Everyone wants to stay for a day and visit Xijing City, which can be regarded as fulfilling a dream of Chang'an in our hearts!" Yang Si said with eager eyes.

"Okay, then stay one more day. However, the safety of free activities is the most important. My requirement is that at least three people go out in groups, and they must explain where they are going and the time they will return." Luo Yao said.

Xijing City is too big. There are more than thirty people in their group. If they disperse, who knows what will happen.

It is not impossible to lose one or two people.

The best thing is to not go out, so nothing will happen, but doing so will chill the hearts of the team members below.

"A group of three, of course." Yang Si agreed. He guessed that Luo Yao would not agree to go out alone. This is the arrangement in Laohekou. Our team leader takes safety issues very seriously.

"That's no problem. If you still want to go out, you must submit a written explanation. You will not be allowed to go out until I approve it." Luo Yao added.

"It's no problem either."

"That's it. We will leave early the day after tomorrow. Those who go out tomorrow must return to the station at eight o'clock in the evening at the latest. Those who fail to return after the time limit will be punished according to the disciplinary measures of the military technical room!" Luo Yaodao.


"Brother, Zhang Yuanliang said that he has friends in Xijing City, and he wants to visit him tomorrow?" After the announcement of the one-day stay in Xijing, there was a lot of joy below, but Yang Fan posed a problem for Luo Yao.

"How dare he raise conditions for someone who has made a mistake?" Luo Yao snorted coldly, "No, you go tell him and let him figure out his current identity."


"We brought two prisoners. The target is too big. This is Xijing City. I'm worried that it will arouse unnecessary suspicion." Yang Fan said, "When we checked into the hotel just now, the owner of the store didn't look right at us."

"Well, you go tell the boss that the military commander is in charge and tell him not to meddle in his own business." Luo Yao ordered.

People in small places probably haven't heard anything about the Juntong, but in big cities like Xijing, people's knowledge is different. How could they not know what kind of organization the Juntong is.

"Okay." Yang Fan nodded, "Brother, are you going out tomorrow?"

"I won't go out, but I might walk around nearby. It's time to finally come to Xijing City and taste the local food." Luo Yao said. Firstly, he has no friends in Xijing, and secondly, he doesn't know anyone, including those literati. He would like to go where he likes to go, but he is the team leader, how can he leave without permission? If something happens and no one can be found, he will bear a huge responsibility.

"Then I want to go out with Cai Xiaochun and Hu Yingjie. Hu Yingjie has a friend in Xijing. He wants to go and see him?"

"Okay, but I can only give you half a day off. Unlike Lao Yan and others, you have to be responsible for the safety of our equipment and salutes." Luo Yao said.


"Go." Luo Yao waved his hand.

After Yang Fan's warning, the innkeeper's attitude changed significantly, and the smile on his face was much more pleasing than others.

Businessmen are always most afraid of getting into trouble.

Luo Yao and others are obviously people he can't afford to offend. If he can't afford to offend them, he should treat them well. Fortunately, Luo Yao and others are quite kind and well-behaved. They pay for their meals and hotels.

This was different from the military special agents he knew, but it was better to do less than to do more, and the boss didn't want to do anything too much.

If you make a mistake, don't get the credit, and make yourself a mess.

Early the next morning, Luo Yao received seven or eight requests for leave to go out, some to visit friends or to go out for fun.

There are also those who plan to go out for a walk. Luo Yao has designated a person in charge for each group, who must bring the person back within the specified time. If he fails to return after the time, the person in charge will be severely punished, and everyone else must also sit together and accept it. punishment.

The area around them suddenly became deserted. In addition to a radio operator left behind, there were also security personnel guarding Zhang Yuanliang and Yagyu Yoshizawa.

Counting Luo Yao, there were only seven people.

Luo Yao didn't stay in the store all the time. He went out in the morning and walked around, found a store, and ate a bowl of noodles with mutton steamed buns, and for lunch, he had fried noodles and steamed buns.

After Yang Fan and the others came back at noon, they bought four large watermelons and asked the innkeeper to chill them with well water.

By four or five o'clock in the afternoon, people who had gone out were almost coming back one after another.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Luo Yao asked Yang Si and Yang Fan to count the number of people respectively. When Yang Fan reported, everyone on his side came back, and no one was missing.

However, Yang Si reported a situation that made Luo Yao's head explode. Wen Xueren, Zhao Shiyin and another female team member went out together. They said they wanted the Big Wild Goose Pagoda. Logically speaking, they should have been back long ago, and No news so far.

"Has anyone been to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda today and seen them?" Luo Yao asked one by one.

Everyone shook their heads to express that they had never seen it before.

What he fears most is this kind of thing. Wen Xueren and Zhao Shiyin are both his right-hand men. Now that they are gone, can he not be anxious?

"Team leader, please don't wait any longer. Maybe they are just having fun and come back late." Yang Si suggested.

"I hope so too. If I don't reply before ten o'clock, I may have to go to the police station to call the police. I hope all three of them are okay." There was a trace of deep worry in Luo Yao's eyebrows.

"I'm back, I'm back..." Just as the guys were frowning, someone shouted outside.

Everyone rushed out.

Seeing three people who looked like beggars, Luo Yao was just about to get angry, but seeing their miserable looks, he couldn't get angry.

The three of them were also unlucky. First they encountered a thief, and then they were deceived. As a result, they were penniless and almost sold. They finally escaped, but they had no money and couldn't call a car back. Fortunately, they were all Wen Xueren. He was quite smart. He memorized the route in his mind and walked back on two legs.

Tired and hungry.

learn from mistakes.

It's not a bad thing to let your subordinates suffer a little loss, as long as they are fine.

Three days later, the team crossed the Ziwu Ancient Road and crossed the Qinling Mountains to Xixiang in Guanzhong. After resting for half a day and replenishing supplies, the team set foot on the Lychee Road into Sichuan.

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