The secret war is silent

Chapter 819 The Road to Shu is Difficult

"Slow down, look at your feet..."

"Old Yang, give me your hand!"

"Team leader, it's okay, I can do it, ouch..." Yang Si screamed, stepping on gravel under his feet, and almost slipped.

Fortunately, Luo Yao was quick and caught him.

"Team leader, thank you." Yang Si was very frightened. If he kicked him, he might really be shattered to pieces.

"You're welcome."

Along the way, we encountered endless situations. This road was much more difficult than on flat ground. In some places, we had to dismount and be led along.

At this time, many people in the team understood why Luo Yao also selected personnel through long-distance running. If he didn't have enough physical strength and endurance, how could he walk?

This was something that had long been foreseen as something that might happen.

"Brother, there is a valley ahead. It's quite a big place." The voice of Yang Fan, who was walking at the front to explore the road, came over.

"I know, everyone, work harder, go to the valley ahead to have a rest, drink water, and eat something before leaving." Luo Yao shouted loudly in the team.

"Yes, team leader."

"I'm so exhausted..." When they arrived at the valley, someone sat down on the ground, like a ball of soft mud.

Especially the girls in the team, all of them are like eggplants beaten by frost.

Have people distribute dry food.

It's just a kind of flour pancake. It tastes quite delicious at first, but if you eat too much of it, it becomes hard to swallow.

I have no choice, I don't have a village in front of me or a shop in my back, so I can only eat this, not to mention it would be nice to have a bite to eat.

The weather is hot, so this salty dry flour pancake can be preserved.

"Now if I have a bowl of Yangchun noodles, sprinkle with a little chopped green onion and drizzle with two drops of sesame oil, it will be beautiful!"

"What are you thinking about? Eat quickly. After you finish eating, you can continue on your way!" said the person next to him, pushing him.

"Can't you just let me take a bite before talking?"

"Ha ha……"

"Don't worry, when we get to the next store, I'll treat everyone to noodles and meat!" Luo Yao said while biting a dry noodle pancake.

"The team leader is treating you to a treat. You must eat it. Don't save money for him!" Yang Si said coaxingly.

"That's for sure!"

"The weather is hot, everyone should pay attention to heatstroke prevention and cooling down. If anyone feels unwell, please report it immediately!" Luo Yao reminded.

"Team leader, Yingying has a fever..." As soon as she finished speaking, a girl reported.

"Xiao Liu, what's wrong?" Luo Yao came over and saw a girl named Liu Ling from the team. She had the impression that she was the telegraph operator responsible for copying and receiving telegrams.

The one with the fever is called Chu Yingying, who is in charge of listening to the radio station. They have a good relationship. The two of them walked together along the way and took care of each other.

"Oops." At this time, regardless of the difference between men and women, Luo Yao, the team leader, directly reached out and touched his forehead.

So hot.

"Everyone spread out, don't gather here, ventilate and cool down." Luo Yao said, "We still have to hurry, we can't boil hot water, we can't use cold water to cool down, we have to wipe it with alcohol, we have to give him an injection to reduce the fever, we We have to find a local store as soon as possible, Tiger..."

"Here, brother, your order!"

"Take two people and go forward first to see if you can find a town or village. We won't leave today. We will have a good night's rest before leaving tomorrow."


"Be careful, bring the gun." Luo Yao grabbed Yang Fan and warned.

"Xiao Liu, has Xiao Chu taken any medicine to prevent heatstroke?"

"Xiao Liu and I ate early in the morning." Liu Ling nodded.

Because the other party was a girl, Luo Yao called Zhao Shiyin over and asked her to give Chu Yingying a fever-reducing injection.

"Let's go on the road in a while. Find two people who are strong enough to take turns carrying Xiao Chu on their backs!" Luo Yao ordered.

"Xiao Liu, follow me and take care of Xiao Chu at all times." Luo Yao walked over, took out a small square box with English text from his bag and handed it to Liu Ling, "Take this, Xiao Chu can't eat anything." , when the time comes, give her some food."

"Team leader, is this chocolate?" Liu Ling recognized the English on the box and said in surprise.

"Keep your voice down, don't let others hear you."

"I know, thank you, team leader." The little girl blushed excitedly and quickly put away the box of chocolates.

Gong Hui asked Li Haihuai to bring him the chocolate.

Half an hour later.

The team is back on the road.

The road is still not that easy to walk. Although Lychee Road is also the road into Sichuan, there are not many people walking on this road, which is not as good as Jinniu Road and Micang Road to the west.

But this road is relatively short and can be walked by horses. It will take at least four or five days to go around to the west.

Since the Ming Dynasty, with the use of gunpowder and the advancement of mountaineering technology, craftsmen have been able to shovel rocks and cut slopes in areas with fast currents and steep cliffs, and use stones to build stone slab roads, which are stronger than plank roads and have a lower carrying capacity. Beyond the plank road.

Since the Qing Dynasty, Qi Road has basically replaced the dangerous plank road.

The danger of Shu Road has been greatly reduced, but Shu Road is basically deep in the mountains and ridges, and many of them are uninhabited areas with dense forests.

Therefore, the risk is still extremely high, and no single person would dare to leave.

Usually, you form a gang or go on the road with a caravan. This way, it will be much safer if there are more people.

"Be careful, you have to pass under a waterfall for a while, and the road is covered with slippery moss!" came the message from the person in front.

"Everyone, please lean on the mountain wall. The road ahead is very steep."

"Wrap the packhorse's feet in cloth to prevent them from slipping..."

Fortunately, we managed to get through the narrowest section of the road without any injuries to people or animals. Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"How is Xiao Chu?"

"I still have a little fever, but it seems better than before." Liu Ling touched Chu Yingying's forehead and said.

"Fever is easy to dehydrate. You need to feed him more water. You can add a little salt to the water. Not too much, just a little is enough to supplement electrolytes." Luo Yao ordered.

"Yes, team leader."

"Everything I brought out must be brought back intact. This is my responsibility!"

"elder brother……"

Yang Fan's voice came from a long way away. He was the only one in the team who dared to call him that. You knew it was him without having to distinguish.

"There is a town ahead, I guess it's quite big, but if we want to get there, we have to walk for at least two hours." Yang Fan came back and brought news that cheered everyone up.

"Okay, you go ahead and lead the way. Let's go to the town to rest tonight!" Luo Yao ordered.

In the telescope, there is a town at the foot of the mountain. It looks like it has hundreds of households. It is not small. It has green bricks and green tiles, smoke is coming from cooking stoves, chickens and dogs are smelling each other, and it has a bit of a paradise deep in the mountains.

But if you want to get there, you really have to walk a long way.

Fortunately, it is not very far from the ancient road.

This town was developed along the ancient Lychee Road, and it should have been developed from a post station in ancient times. This is normal. If there was no post station on the ancient road, how did the phrase "a concubine riding in the world of mortals laugh, no one knows it is Lychee" come from?

You know, in order to eat this Lingnan (Lingnan in the Tang Dynasty was south of the Qinling Mountains, which is today's Fuling and Shancheng areas, where lychees are produced), this lychee road was created. It took sixty miles to change horses to transport Xijing. There was no The inn, how come there are horses available for exchange?

It's just that many inns have long been lost in history, and not many remain.

A group of people suddenly came to the ancient town, which naturally attracted the attention of the people in the town. It was obvious that few outsiders came here.

Usually those who come are people from nearby villages or towns.

But they are no strangers to people outside. Since they can form a town, they are not isolated from the world, but the news is slightly lagging behind.

After all, they also need to exchange what they have with the outside world. Salt, sugar, cloth and other daily necessities also need to be exchanged to obtain them.

However, it is rare for such a large-scale "caravan" to come.

Of course, this was a misunderstanding by the people in the town. Luo Yao and the others were passing by, but they were not a caravan. Although they carried a lot of things, they were not exchangeable goods.

However, they did bring some daily necessities such as salt, but these were not used for exchange or trade.

But to make friends with the local people, and then give the gifts left behind when the time comes.

These villages in the mountains are accustomed to bartering, and money may not be as useful as salt and other daily necessities.

There is only one inn in the town, which is normally empty, but this night they were all booked by Luo Yao and his party.

The boss is only responsible for providing accommodation, meals, etc. You need to buy rice and grain separately, or you can bring your own, and the cost of firewood is extra.

Generally, if you have one or two guests, you can go directly to the boss's house to share the food. If there are too many people, the boss will not be able to provide for you, and the boss cannot support cooks and too many waiters.

The inn does not have that many rooms, but it does have two big bunks, which are mainly prepared for the accommodation of the "caravans" who walk the ancient roads. There are very few individual guests, only four or five rooms, and the yard is not small, and there are ready-made stables. , also provides fodder.

This is very good, they can also replenish a batch of fodder here, and also allow the pack horses to have a good rest before going on the road.

"Brother, the food is ready. It's time to eat." Luo Yao was writing something on his notebook under the lamp. There was no electricity in the ancient town in the mountains, so he could only light candles or kerosene lamps. As soon as it got dark, most of them went to bed. Now, there is no entertainment life, except for making people!

"Come on, have you contacted your family?" Luo Yao closed his notebook and asked.

"Not yet, the signal here is very weak and intermittent." Yang Fan replied.

Luo Yao nodded. In the mountains, due to factors such as the magnetic field in the mountains and the obstruction of the mountain peaks, it is normal that radio wave signals cannot be received, not to mention that the town they are in now is a depression.

"Don't worry about it. After we hit the road tomorrow, we'll find a higher place and set up the radio to contact home. Let's eat first."

In the evening, we ate multigrain rice and wild boar meat bought from fellow villagers. Wild boar meat is difficult to obtain and has a strong smell of mutton. But for people who haven’t had a bite of meat for several days, the smell is still too strong. Acceptable.

What's more, after cooking, the wild boar meat is still quite delicious. It has been stewed in the wood stove for more than two hours, and it is really delicious.

After arranging the sentry post, Luo Yao went to visit Chu Yingying again. After giving an injection and a bowl of Chinese medicine soup, the fever finally went away.

She had just recovered from a serious illness and had no appetite. Luo Yao went to her boss to spend money to buy polished rice and had someone cook rice porridge for her.

After eating it, I fell asleep.

The stone in my heart finally fell.

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