The Seventh Base

Vol 3 Chapter 21: you are mine

Xu Mo's mecha headed towards the edge, and the remaining nine kept a certain distance from each other, moving towards Xu Mo like a net.

In an instant, three fell.

Now that the Royal Academy's group has been riding a tiger, and there is no way to retreat. If Xu Mo is not blasted out, they have no place to put their faces. He Jimu also hit the rice."

The impact of the mecha is very strong, especially Xu Mo's mecha, if Xu Mo is allowed to break them one by one, they will be very troublesome.

Nine to one, this time, Xu Mo has no teammates.

The people in the audience saw where Xu Mo was. How did he escape this time?

Xu Mo was still heading towards the edge, leaning forward, very fast, and the nine people were chasing after him.

At this moment, Xu Mo's mecha crossed an arc, turned suddenly, and went back parallel to the edge. Immediately, the nine people moved at the same time, trying to kill Xu Mo. People will be the first to contact Xu Mo.

"He did it on purpose." Everyone could see Xu Mo's intention. In this way, he could avoid breaking through among the other nine, but chose the edge, and others might not be able to support him in time.

The person on the edge started to slow down, while the others accelerated to keep up.

I saw Xu Mo's mecha moving forward rapidly, the energy driving force reached the weakest state, and rushing towards the edge at a terrifying speed on the low-speed taxi, and now there is no choice behind the person next to him, whether to block or block the starter. URL ps://

If I intercept, I need to bear the impact of Han Qing head-on, and my support can only arrive. If it is intercepted, Han Qing will rush over directly.

A few people at the other end are running diagonally, whether they are rushing towards Han Qing's mecha, but are preparing to intercept Bian Fang's retreat. We know that if we go straight to Bian Fang, it is very unlikely that the opponent will break through. The location where Han Qing escaped.

"It's getting close." Everyone saw that the mechs were moving at a low speed. When we saw several people intercepting the road behind Han Qing, we knew that Han Qing was unable to fly. I still ran or ran away.

Just as Han Qing was approaching the opponent, the mecha suddenly turned again and moved towards the other end, which changed the faces of these people, and the moving direction changed again.

Bian Fang rushed straight towards the two on the edge.

The left arm was raised low, and the heavy hammer carried a weak deterrent.

"Big heart." Seeing that Bian Fang chose a strong one to attack, we realized Bian Fang's intention and shouted.

The mecha had arrived, and while running at a low speed, the heavy hammer in his hand smashed directly toward the rear. The terrifying impact made the audience tremble.

The person at the end had a very solemn expression. It was Yin Luo who later fought with Han Qing at the Royal Academy, and was shot by Han Qing.

Bian Fang's mecha came at a low speed, and the heavy hammer slammed towards me.

Yin Luo's body turned into silver, and he jumped up, avoiding the direction of the heavy hammer, and the terrifying force smashed into the head of Bian Fang's mecha.

But the heavy hammer disguised itself in the air and swept out at a terrifying speed. "boom"

With a hammer hit, Yin Luo wanted to block, but he blocked it at all. Cracks appeared on my silver body, and I was directly rived. Dazzling for Tianyu and Qi Yaonu...Bombed Shencunkou Ancient - the address is the 16-year-old clock of Xiefa → PP, ~ Ming Yijia's impact position has changed a bit.

"Boom..." No one opened fire directly, Bian Fang's mecha head avoided, the neck was hit, and the mecha vibrated again, but it rushed out of the encirclement and continued to walk backwards.

One after another machine guns bombarded under the mecha, frantically consuming the energy of the mecha.

At that time, Bian Fang stretched out his hand.

Zero's body jumped up directly, jumped under the arm of the mecha, and grabbed the shoulder of the mecha, as if there was no tacit understanding, which made the audience look weird, that student of the Royal Academy, is a traitor?

I actually helped Han Qing

"Shh..." The boos were so loud that the audience was too used to seeing Han Qing. Now that there is a traitor from the Royal Academy, the boos became louder.

Zero doesn't care at all, you just care about other people's opinions.

"Cut us." Zero said under Bian Fang's shoulder, and then often directly.

Han Qing was not touched, but he was still a male demon, and he still stood by himself at that time.

Hearing the boos, the mecha looked up, and it was okay to boo himself, and now the male devil has also been booed.

The graceful Qianqian, who is under the administration of Shu and Han Qing, is here. The mecha stopped, we plan to fight head-on

Han Qing found that the two weakest people in the data were on both sides. That was because I was worried that I would break out from both sides again, so I blocked them on both sides.

That being the case, this is polite. "boom"

The mecha started, the energy was turned on to the weakest, and it charged straight backward, rushing towards the middle of the four.

Seeing that scene where the four of them quickly moved towards the middle is a lesson in the future. We also need to guard against Han Tiexi and the blood-rotten product.

fourteen ten

Two people are in the air, two people are above, seven people are beheaded at the same time, and the other seven people are also on the way to support, and they are coming.

In the male devil's armor, my eyes turned white, and a weak spiritual force was released inward.

\"On the letter\"The minds of the two people in the air were passed on by Kong Ran - Dao Ji Liqun had already pointed to the movement of the ship and our Renshan "bang"

With two loud noises, the two bodies were smashed and flew out, but the two people under the ground slashed towards Han Qing's mecha's leg. Slashed with a faint energy halo.

Although this man slashed the mecha, he was also impacted and moved forward. When I saw Zero falling, I wanted to raise my weapon to resist, but my movements seemed to freeze for a moment.

Kacha... The sword that fell from the sky slashed under my neck, knocking me directly to the ground and lying on the ground.

Zero stopped, walked towards the other person, and slashed the sword directly.

On the other side, before Bian Fang's mecha fell, the seven people who came to support him came to kill him at the same time. , One person holds an axe.

Han Qing raised the energy shield to block it in the air, and with a loud bang, the energy shield cracked, and another person's knife slashed towards the head of Han Qing's mecha.

However, he saw that the heavy hammer in Han Qing's left hand smashed up, and when the opponent's war knife was cut under his head, the heavy hammer slammed into the opponent's head.

"Kacha, bang..." The harsh, sharp sound and the sound of the heavy hammer falling at the same time sounded, and the man was directly hammered out.

But at the same time that Bian Fang smashed the other side, the first two also arrived. These two were also the weakest two outside, and they slashed at Han Qing's neck at the same time.

"Crack..." A crisp sound came out, Han Qing's mecha's neck was cut open, the current flowed, and the mecha was destroyed.

But almost at the same moment, the back of the mecha was opened, and a figure rushed out. The two rushed towards Han Qing, but saw a figure rushing towards Han Qing, a sword swept out, and an energy halo burst out, blocking the attacked by the other two.

The fierce battle made the audience feel thrilling.

Han Qing, there are still no downs, the mecha is destroyed, the people are still there, whether or not they are out.

Looking at the Royal Academy, the team of 17 people is still standing, and only the top eight are left.



Among the eight people, no two were two of the seven weakest members of the Royal Academy according to Stark, and none were the SS-class mecha that Han Qing destroyed, or Augustine who participated in the war or not. {1

Of course, did Stark count zeros in it.

The two were Xu Mo and Li Kaiyun.

Xu Mo is good at swordsmanship, with superb swordsmanship, and is famous for the speed and ferocity of his swords.

Li Kaiyun is good at movement. My body and arms are equipped with extremely sharp mechanical devices, which are very safe.

"Resolve one first." Han Qing said to Zero, saying, I will rush back and kill the person holding the battle axe. Although the opponent is stronger, it will still be very troublesome if they are beaten by seven. Solve one, it is seven to seven.

Seeing Han Qing rushing straight towards the axe-wielding man, Xu Mo and Li Kaiyun were naturally frequent after the meeting. We moved towards Han Qing from the right and the left at the same time, forming a pinch attack.

Zero ran in front of Han Qing, and the energy halo of Hou Chang flowed under the sword.

Xu Mo's knife slashed out, and Li Kaiyun's sharp weapons in his arms also stabbed in the direction of Bian Fang, but when he saw Han Qing's feet on the ground, his body jumped up directly, and leaped over the air above the two of them. I wanted to follow Han Qing's movements, but saw Zero arrive.

"Go away."

A voice sounded in our minds, and the two of them wanted to get out of the way. At that moment, we understood how the two of them were instantly extinguished.

The action paused for a moment, and the two gave up Bian Fang and killed Zero. Zero's sword slashed out, and the attacks of the eight people collided. I saw that Zero's body was shaken back, and his footsteps slid forward.

But on the other side, Bian Fang fell from the sky and slashed out with a knife. The Royal Academy student held a battle axe and slashed into the air. Seeing that the battle axe was about to hit Han Qing, he saw Bian Fang avoiding sideways in the air, and his body was always behind. The battle axe slashed in the air, and the violently oscillating battle knife suddenly accelerated and slashed out.


A slash under the opponent's head, the man fell directly, Han Qing slashed out again before landing, the ground cracked, "the first two"

Several people in Chuanxing City looked at the screen, and there were violent waves in their hearts.

Seventeen people from the Royal Academy surrounded and suppressed Han Qing, but now, only the first two were killed.

Formed seven on seven.

Who is the man who helped Han Qing

Your combat power is also very terrifying, and you are still a man from the Royal Academy. After that, there were no rumors that Han Qing had a grudge with the Royal Academy because I broke into the academy weakly, and the cause was a man.

could it be you

But Zero actually helped Bian Fang solve several people in a short period of time.

On the battlefield, Xu Mo and Li Kaiyun were working together to attack Zero, and Zero was moving forward, and Han Qing was running wildly, killing each other.

Seemingly sensing the arrival of Bian Fang, Xu Mo turned around and slashed out with one sword. My source force sword was very small, and the sword was sharp and drawn, and it was very slow.

But how weak Han Qing's perception was, the moment the other party took out the knife, he also cut out a knife, the knife and the knife collided, and the two took a step forward.

"Their Royal Academy is going to have someone." Bian Fang said to Xu Mo, the voice fell, and he rushed back and pulled out the knife.

Xu Mo's expression was solemn. Later, Xu Moji was defeated by Han Qing head-on. Now that I have a single duel, I must go all out.

The two knives collided again, and a faint energy light permeated under the knives. Han Qing’s knives vibrated the battlefield over frequency. Han Qing’s knives and Bian Fang’s knives collided continuously. The knives were fatal. The swordsmanship is surprisingly slow, the head-on head-on, the collision place, like lightning and thunder, the terrifying electric current rushes into the air, giving birth to a terrifying vision.

The battle between Zero and Li Kaiyun was equally calm. Bian Fangbo was very adaptable at this moment. I realized that Han Qing was once dominated by a sense of comfort.

"Cough..." Yushan Gong Wen Gong sars and Shen Nuoqing were able to delay their progress, Han Qing's reaction was very terrifying, and he was able to seize the opportunity better than Chi Chi..." The knives rubbed against each other and However, Han Qing's knife slashed towards my neck. That time Xu Mo was unstoppable, but he also slashed towards Han Qing's neck. I realized that I would lose in a protracted battle.

So, take another hit.

Xu Mo's perception was released to the strongest state, and all the energy fluctuations around him were being perceived and mobilized with him.

want to replace him

At this moment, a powerful source force field shrouded Xu Mo's body, only to see that under the impetus of that source force field, Xu Ye... a corpse, Yun Shengya only hit the clouds of the mountains and screamed. Dao Churen sighed, and Wei Han flew out with his body and Xu Mo's sideways movement. When the knife slashed down, it rubbed Xu Mo's neck, but it didn't hit after all.

His body fell down.

Xu Mo didn't let him go, bang... As soon as he stepped on, his body moved towards the fallen Han Qing, and he slashed down again, slashing on Han Qing's body, the ground split open, and Han Qing fell to the ground.

The two looked at each other, one carrying a knife and the other holding a sword, as if patrolling, walking towards the other people who fell but hadn't been out yet, under the gaze of countless eyes, one by one They sent away, very tacit understanding.

After solving everyone, Xu Mo and Ling walked side by side on the arena. Xu Mo asked, "Why help me?"

Zero hesitated for a moment, seemed to be thinking, and then said softly, "You are mine."


Xu Mo stopped in surprise and looked at Zero next to him, only to see Zero continuing to walk forward, ignoring him.

When did he become hers and raised his footsteps, Xu Mo continued to walk forward, as if remembering something, Xu Mo looked up into the air.

Under the audience, several eyes looked at Han Qing, and their hearts trembled when they saw Han Qing's eyes, am I going to be a demon again?

Han Qing smiled, as if with a bit of irony, stretched out his big finger in the air, followed by pointing upward.

They are OK!

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