The Seventh Base

Vol 3 Chapter 22: Xu Mo's ranking

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Xu Mo's action made the audience quiet for a moment, and then there was a burst of boos. \"However, they could only grit their teeth with hatred when they were provoked by Xu Mo. The students of the Royal Academy were too unsatisfactory. The 12-person team was completely wiped out! It was tragic.

This was the worst time for the Royal Academy. Now, only Augustine and Zero are left, and Zero is still on Xu Mo's side. \"Brother Mo can play.\" Xiao Qi said, he also wanted to try. \"Brother Xu Mo and Zero are a good match.\" Sun Xiaoxiao muttered.

Xiao Qi covered her mouth, Sun Xiaoxiao turned her head and wanted to curse, but she saw Ye Qingdie sitting there, and instantly became quiet again, glaring at Xiao Qi. Ye Qingdie also looked at the two people in the arena.

I saw that Xu Mo ignored the boos from the stands, put down his fingers and caught up with Zero, and the two walked side by side in the arena.

At the other end of the arena, many battles also broke out. Although many people were watching before, those who were confident in their own strength then took the initiative to attack.

For example, the giant of Titan star, who attacked indiscriminately, hit whomever he met, and was envy and flew three times in a row, unstoppable, this scene also made the audience Tang Tan, it seems that this time he wants to touch the alien race Still difficult. Augustine can he do it

With the outbreak of the battles, the number of people in the superhuman competition decreased sharply. Xu Mo and Ling teamed up to eliminate more than a dozen people, and no one was looking for them anymore. The two were qualified to enter the top 100 seats in this superhuman competition.

The crowd guessed that their single combat power should be in the top 30 at least, with a high probability of being in the top 20. But the top ten is a bit more difficult.

In the superhuman arena, you can count more than a dozen very powerful characters at will, no less than Xu Mo and Zero Difference. As the arena continues to reduce personnel, a mechanical sound came out: \"The elimination round is over, and the remaining 100 people will advance. The top 100 is released.

In Chuanxing City, many people cheered for those who made the cut. The seeded players in this game were as strong as ever, but the battle between Xu Mo and Zero was also very eye-catching. They made the capital Royal Academy create an embarrassing history.

This is the least time they have entered the top 100 since the Transcendent Contest was held. There are only two people, which is tragic. Even in other extraordinary colleges in the capital, there are three or four colleges who have advanced. It all started when they targeted Xu Mo. Who would have thought that it would end like this

From the very beginning of the battle between the capital Royal Academy and Xu Mo, everyone thought that Xu might not be out, and the audience cheered for the Royal Academy. It ended in a fiasco at the capital's Royal Academy.

The Transcendent Contest has already selected the top 100, and the next is the single battle, so the Royal Academy has already lost. Lost very badly.

This year's Transcendent Contest might have an impact on the sound tubes of the capital's Royal Academy. Xu Mo, where did the Stark Group find it?

After this extraordinary contest ended, some media dug up some information about Xu Mo.

In addition, after the top 100 finalists were selected, the media began to sort out the information of the top 100 players and analyze them one by one. Even, predict their combat power rankings.

The No. 1 seed player, the Titan star, has unparalleled strength, the mecha can't withstand his impact, who can stop it? The second seed player, the star Lancelot, the ultimate mechanical technology, the lethality is terrifying.

The third-seeded player, a mecha from Camp Star, it is said that Camp Star people are all born mecha masters and have special talents in mecha. The fourth-seeded player, the Crusus star, holds the death scythe and can manipulate energy, which is very scary.

The fifth seed, the capital of the Royal Academy Augustine; he is also the only remaining genius of the Royal Academy, representing the final dignity of the Royal Academy, but he is only ranked as the fifth in the same ranking as the previous one. seed.

The sixth-seeded contestant, the representative contestant of Prometheus Corporation, an evolutionary warrior of SS sequence genes.

The seventh seed, the top talent of Norton College in the capital, Norton College is also the second institution outside the Royal Academy of the capital.

The No. 8 seed, a genius from the No. 1 Transcendent Academy in the central city of the coastal city group, they send people to participate in the Transcendent contest every year, and this time there is no exception. The No. 9 seed, a free Transcendent, does not On behalf of any force, grow up in Chuanxing City.

The tenth seed: the representative of the capital super machinery company Black Shield Group. The Black Shield Group is a competitor of the Stark Group and has always wanted to surpass the Stark Group, so it attaches great importance to the Extraordinary Competition.

This is the top ten seeded player listed by the media, and there are many powerful characters. The combat power is listed in the back, which makes people feel that this competition is strong.

Of course, this is a prediction of combat power, not an actual ranking prediction. After all, in the top 100 individual battles, if there is a strong duel in advance, then one of them will definitely eliminate Xu Mo's combat power and be included in the 21st. The ranking is very high. This is a comprehensive consideration of his mecha level and combat level, so he is listed as twenty one.

Zero was not as eye-catching as Xu Mo in the previous Transcendent competition, but because she and Xu Mo teamed up to defeat many people in the Royal Academy, and defeated Edward alone, her combat power ranking was listed after Xu Mo, the second Twelve.

On the screens of Chuanxing City, the predicted rankings of the players in the previous three rounds of the Extraordinary Contest and their wonderful battles in the arena were played everywhere. At this time, Xu Mo's mecha fighting screen appeared on the screen, as well as his famous scene, making a shush at the audience and his little finger upside down. All these made Xu Mo have great controversy in Chuanxing City.

Arrogant and arrogant, this Stark Group contestant, he is not the strongest group, but because of the controversy and the dispute with the Royal Academy, he has attracted a lot of attention. At this time, I saw a media reporter. Appeared and said, "Xu Mo, the representative of the Stark Group, is famous for his controversy, defeated the Royal Academy, and has an extraordinary talent. However, according to the latest investigation, everyone may still underestimate Xu Wei's talent. He may be this One of the most talented people in the Transcendent Contest, in addition to Xu Mo, there is also the Royal Academy girl who fought alongside him before, Zero."

There were discussions on the street.

Xu Mo and Zero, who are the most talented people in the Transcendent Contest?

This made many people show a strange look, some puzzled, and looked at the screen, ready to listen to the follow-up. \"Xu Mo, Zero, it has been confirmed that their source power level is B level!" The reporter continued to speak. As soon as these words came out, the street was silent for a moment. Xu Mo, Zero, source power level, B level?

They, have been fighting against people with a higher level than their source power?\"Fu!!!\" Many people took a deep breath, and some people said: \"Idol!\"

Too strong, Xu Mo has always been competing with the top geniuses of the Royal Academy at the first level of the source power level, and he has defeated all the geniuses of the Royal Academy. In this way, even Augustine is not as talented as Xu Mo. If Xu Moyuan's power level reaches B+, how strong will his combat effectiveness be? I am afraid that he can challenge the alien race and compete for the top three.

In this way, next year or the year after, if Xu Mo participates in the Transcendent Contest again, everyone really needs to shut up. Xu Mo didn't know about all this. In addition to training, he also studied the information of the top 100 in the past few days.

Although he doesn't have to win the first place, but if he can move forward, he naturally wants to move forward. After all, Stark said, add money! Before the top 100 battle is coming One day, the mayor hosted a banquet for the top 100 contestants. In the evening, many people gathered outside a building in Chuanxing City.

Occasionally, there will be vehicles coming, and media reporters will flock forward.

"The vehicle of the Royal Academy has arrived." At this moment, the vehicle of the Royal Academy with the maple leaf logo was approaching, and the crowd rushed forward. The vehicle stopped, and several figures walked down, among them were Royal Academy contestants Augustine and Zero, as well as the leaders of the Academy. \"Augustine, what do you think about the outside world listing you as the fifth seed this time?\"\"Zero, what is your relationship with Xu Mo?\"

"How does the Royal Academy see this collective elimination, Zero, did you betray the Royal Academy for Xu Mo?"

The swarming reporters turned on their fire, and the people from the Royal Academy walked straight forward. A security guard stepped forward to maintain order and divided the crowd, and a group of people stepped inside. The media reporters were a little disappointed that they didn't get the answers they wanted, but this was to be expected. The Royal Academy of the capital had lost all face this time, so naturally they would not respond to them. Then, another vehicle arrived.

"Stark Group's car." The media reporters have very good eyesight, and they can see it from a distance. As soon as the car arrived, they surrounded it. Stark's house, Xu Mo, Ye Qingdie and two Starks The members of the group got out of the vehicle, and Ye Qingdie, as the publicity ambassador of the Extraordinary Competition, participated in the banquet as a natural thing. "Xu Mo, what's your relationship with Zero?"\"What do you think about defeating the Royal Academy?\"\"Did your previous actions humiliate the audience?\"

Another series of voices came out one after another, and the security guard rushed over again to separate the crowd. Xu Mo ignored the questioning and walked straight ahead.

Xu Mo now not only represents his own image, but also the Stark Group. He can't be too willful, otherwise, he has to go up and talk about the Royal Academy and gestures. There was a commotion from behind. Xu Mo turned his head and glanced at it. It was the mayor's vehicle, but it was chased and blocked by a group of people who were still shouting to step down. Xu Mo sighed, a group of political fanatics.

This mayor seems to be attacked everywhere he goes, which doesn't seem to be very easy. The news of their banquet was announced in advance, and the people knew it, so they kept it here.

But this has nothing to do with Xu Mo and the others. The group walked inside and walked all the way, waiting for the guidance of the person to pass through two doors; they entered a huge golden hall, and there were many people in it, all of which were extraordinary competitions. of the participating members and those who follow. A group of people are seated, and each team is a separate seat.

In the hall, people from various forces walked around and chatted with each other. Those who were able to enter the top 100 seats were even from the upper circle, and many knew each other. Here, it's all people.

Several tall figures passed through the middle, and many people looked at those people, the Titans, because of their stature, they were more likely to attract attention. "Titan Star's skin is very yellow, somewhat like the color of soil, and the whole body is full of solid muscle lines.

No. 1 seed. \"Stark\''s family said to Xu Mo, Xu Moli said to one of the Titans, he had seen it before in the arena, the power exploded, the body broke the mecha, without the help of weapons,

\"Barbarian.\" A low voice came out, and immediately the faces of the Titans changed slightly, their eyes turned and swept to one of the tables. I saw a group of people sitting there quietly, with metal ornaments on their heads, looking extremely noble

\"Kacha.\" The Titans clenched their fists and made a crisp sound, but the group seemed disdainful. One of them looked up at the Titan contestants and said:\"Barbarians, on the field, be careful.

"The second seed." Xu Mo looked at the person who spoke. The person at that table was a person from Lancelot and an alien race. They seem to despise the Titans.

Stark approached Xu Mo and whispered: \"Titan has been destroyed, the Titans belong to the wanderers, and the people of Lancelot are different. They have developed mechanical technology, and Byron has cooperated with them. The people who invited them are said to be nobles of Lancelot, extremely arrogant and superior.' Stark kept his voice very low, obviously he didn't want to cause trouble, listen to him, the people of Lancelot It's not easy to provoke. It seems that the alien race of Byron is also very complicated.

Those alien races whose home planet was are still inferior even if they have tyrannical strength. At this time, Xu Mo looked in one direction, and he saw two acquaintances. Li Zelong and Nanming Huowu, they are also in the top 100, and there are also people from the Li family

Li Zelong took Nanming Huowu to the table of the Royal Academy in the capital and toasted the elders led by the Royal Academy. Li Zelong, he graduated from the Capital Royal Academy, and now, Nanming Huowu is also a student of the Royal Academy.

On the seat, Zero watched vigilantly at Li Zelong and Nanming Huowu. She knew the two and had seen them in Gangwan City, especially Nanming Huowu, who had also fought each other. Nanming Huowu naturally saw Zero, and lowered her head slightly. Now, she is just relying on others. Zero, the darling daughter of the Royal Academy of the capital, has a completely different status from her.

Li Zelong didn't care, smiled and nodded at Zero, then turned to look in other directions, his eyes fell on Xu Mo's side, and then he raised his footsteps and walked towards Xu Mo's direction.

Seeing Li Zelong and Nanming Huowu walking towards Xu Mo, Zero also stood up and stared at Li Zelong.

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