The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 925: Life is a bucket of black dog blood 3




Bo Junyan, "..."

Today, her mood is very strange. The mother-in-law is still alive and has a great influence on her.

Today, Mu Huan has indeed suffered a lot of impact, so she is afraid, afraid that this is just a dream, because only dreams will be so bizarre.

Her mother didn't die.

This is really...

To subvert her life too! Her cognition!

Sure enough, you never know what will happen in the next second of the world.

Mu Huan's grandmother can't afford the emotion of big joy and sadness. She is afraid of her grandmother. She suddenly sees that her mother will not be able to withstand the excitement. So after they arrived in Yuncheng the next day, she did not go back with Xue Yun directly. Give her grandmother a video first, and do heart prevention.

"Grandma, did you not salvage my mother's body?"

Xue painting was a glimpse first, then he said, "How come this suddenly?"

"Grandma, have you ever thought that my mother may still be alive?" Mu Huan did not answer.

"How is it possible, your mother, she..." Xue Zhuben wanted to say how your mother might still be alive, and she would not come back to find her if she was still alive.

Suddenly I think that the granddaughter who has never been unrealistically thinking about it will not say such a hypothesis unless she finds something!

"Xiaohuan, isn't it... you find out that your mother is still alive? Do you have news of your mother?"

"Grandma, you know that your emotions are not too excited."

"Do you really have news of your mother? Is she really alive?" Xue's voice was a little excited.


Her voice, let Xue draw quietly.

At this point, she did not know how to describe her mood.

At the beginning, she did not find her daughter's body. She had imagined that she was still alive and lived in a corner of the world. She just hadn't found her yet, but over the years, she slowly gave up on this idea and felt that This is impossible.

Now, suddenly tell her that her daughter is still alive, which makes her...

The brain is blank and I don't know what to think.

"Grandma, don't be too excited." Mu Huan let the doctors guard before the video call, but still worried.

"I..." Xue painted knows that she can't be too excited, but how can this emotion be controlled.

After she had been away for a while, the talents calmed down.

"Your mother is there? Do you know where she is?" When Xue asked this sentence.

Mu Huan has come in.

Seeing her coming in, Xue draws excitedly to grab her arm. "Xiaohuan, you will suddenly say this, is your mother found? Where is she now?"

"Just outside, I am afraid that you will suddenly see her, the impact is too great."

When she suddenly saw her mother, she was still shocked and couldn't stand it. The impact almost knocked her down, let alone her grandmother.

Even though Mu Huan has slowly taken this step by step, Xue painting heard that her daughter was shocked when she was outside the door, and her body swayed and almost fell.

Mu Huan hurriedly held her.

"Grandma, I know this is very exciting, but you also know your physical condition..."

After Xue’s painting slowed down for a while, “I know, you let her in, I’m fine.”

She followed again. "I can't wait until my daughter is okay, still alive, I won't be easily knocked down. I want to live a few more years."

(Updated before 12 pm

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