The Shadowy Wedding Day with the President

Chapter 926: First to be strong 1

Mu Huan was relieved to hear her.

Let Xue Yun come in.

After the mother and the daughter met, they were all for a long time, and they were worried. After a while, the two talents clung together and burst into tears.

Let Mu Huan not control, and then choked.

After half a month...

"Wife, this time when you go to see your mother, talk to Xiaohuan, Jun Yan recently has a Tianyuan project in the company looking for cooperation, we are now a real family, what cooperation, nature To cooperate with the family, before the Junyan will slowly go with Ling's because Xiaohua mind Lingwei, now, Lingwei has a fiancé to get married, Xiaohuan is my daughter, and in the future, this Lingjia It’s her brother’s...”

"So, understand?" Ling Feng believes that he does not need to say too clearly, she also understands.

Not waiting for Xue Yun to say anything, Ling Feng said again, "This is all for the good."

Xue Yun nodded after the silence. "Well, I know."

"Yes, then I let the driver send you in the past."



Because of the accompanying Xue Yun, Xue draws happy, the recent health is a lot better, she is in good health, and Mu Huan is happy.

Xue painted after a nap.

Mu Huan and Xue Yun drink afternoon tea in the flower room.

After chatting for a while, nothing else.

Xue Yundao, "Xiaohuan, I heard that Junyan has recently found a project to find a partner."

Mu Huan is so smart, she does not wait for Xue Yun to say more, she understands what she means.

She is very direct, "Mom, is Lingfeng asking you to cooperate?"

Xue Yun, "..."

After a while...

"We are now a family, and Ling Xiao is your younger brother, you know..." The bigger and smarter her daughter is, she feels that she doesn't have to say anything more.

"Mom wants to say, this is all for the good, I want to make this brother good for this younger brother, to promote the cooperation between the two, the relationship between the two?"

Xue Yun, "..."

Sure enough, nothing is used by her.

"Mom, before Ling Wei wanted to destroy my relationship with Jun Yan, I wanted to be with Jun. I saw her last time. She looked at my eyes and felt that way. I think she would not The person who gave up easily, she used to work to create contradictions between me and Jun Yan. Therefore, I don't want to, because the two companies have cooperated to give her this opportunity." Mu Huan said.

She asked her husband to keep a distance from Ling Wei. He did it, how can she personally give the opportunity to Ling Wei.

"Now Ling Wei has been engaged to the second master of the family, she will not think about the king." Xue Yundao.

"Jun Yan just told me the truth of the matter a few days ago, saying that Ling Wei is engaged with the second child of the family, the marriage is fake, and the second child is to win the successor battle in the identity of Ling Wei, and Ling Wei I also want to use my family to get the whole Ling family, so Mom, don’t think that you want to cooperate with the case for Ling Xiao, you are doing wedding dress for it.” Mu Huan Dao.

Before the Ling family, there was no relationship with Bo Junyan. In order to make Mu Huan feel at ease, he did not tell her that Ling Wei and his family were the combination of interests. Now, Xue Yun is the biological mother of Mu Huan, and Bo Junyan thinks she It is necessary to know this thing, save it, and cause unnecessary trouble.

Mu Huan felt that Ling Wei was a person who would not give up easily. Now this marriage is a combination of fake interests. She looks at her eyes or the kind of eyes. She must not give her any chance.

Xue Yun wanted to say that this is not the case. I can think that Ling Wei really can't accept the property of Ling Xiaoping. She thinks that Mu Huan may be true, but...

"Xiaohuan, now the principal of Ling's is your uncle Ling, you are not working with Lingwei, but with your uncle."

"Mom may not know that Ling Wei has bought most of Ling's shareholders. At that time, Ling Feng said that he was kicked down and kicked."

Xue Yun, "This is impossible, Ling Wei, she is not such a bad person."

Mu Huan, "..."

She doesn't want to say anything about her mother.


"In any case, I will not talk to Bo Junyan about this, and will not let him continue to cooperate with Ling."

"Xiaohuan, you don't want to think because of your own, just like this, Ling has been working with Boss for so many years." Xue Yun married Ling Feng for so many years, and also knows the cooperation between Lingjia and Bojia. case.

"This is not just because I think about it. Last time, Ling's employees made a strike at a critical moment, making Jun Yan very angry. And if there is no Lingwei's instructions, how can those employees dare to strike? No longer working with Ling, this is also a big reason."

The last time Ling's employees went on strikes, so that both of them were very angry. After all, they have cooperated for so many years. When they lived and died, they threatened them. Such a partner can't really want it.

"But..." So, let her go back and tell her husband?

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