《"Gui Cao Gang Mu" When tired, Qi is depleted, when thinking, Qi is stagnant, when spiritual, Qi is released, and when cold, Qi is reduced.——Li Shizhen


Axiang stood up in an instant and said with a smile:"It's so miraculous, the dead become alive again. The living become dead, and the dead become living, are all caused by the grass, fruits, and food that enter the mouth. It's your fault."

Li Shizhen said with a smile:"That's right. Diseases come from the mouth, it's true." He suddenly shouted secretly:"Yes, we can drive her away." Then he said:"Axiang, go back and take a look. , Your husband Shui Guizi ate herring and plums, and his stomach hurts so much that he is probably rolling on the ground. Just use this method to detoxify your husband, and go back quickly!"

Axiang was shocked when she heard this, and she was so anxious that she carried a basket on her back. Put your shoulders up and run down the slope. Li Shizhen felt much more relaxed now. She put the basket on her back and went to collect medicine. While I was picking the Bupleurum and Perilla, I saw Axiang running back. Li Yan asked:"If you don't save your husband, how can you come back?"

Axiang pursed her cherry lips and said with a smile:"He can't die! It's okay."

Li Shizhen's eyes shot out a cold light and said sternly:"Under the plum tree Carrying a dead person! Not to mention that if you eat herring, you will definitely die! How can you not save someone? Where is your conscience?"

Ah Xiang twisted her slim skirt and said:"My dear friend, if the little girl has no conscience, she will not break out in a sweat. I was running down the slope. As I was running, I suddenly realized that Shui Guizi never eats herring. He is very economical. He sells herring for copper coins. To make up for my health, he always gives me steamed herring. Oh. I didn't expect that I was a greedy sparrow and ate plums again. If I hadn't followed my benefactor closely, I would have died twice."

Li Shizhen suddenly glared and thought to himself:"Oops! It looks like he is holding a stick. I can't drive her away, what should I do?"

Ah Xiang could even speak with her eyes. She glanced at him and said with a smile:"My dear benefactor, you gave this little girl two lives, so I have no choice but to give her two lives. I have to help you with my life, so I feel sorry for you. Well, I wasted a lot of your time, so be it... I will pick medicine for you, and you sit on the rock and read, and make up for the time I owe you."

"Whatever."Li Shizhen thought to herself:"This is the only way. Time must be made up, and reading must not be missed. Then he stepped forward and said,"Look, this is Bupleurum and that is Perilla... Let's collect some of these two kinds first.""As soon as Ah Xiang heard this, he started collecting the books with a smile. Li Shizhen put the"Rihuazi Materia Medica" under his buttocks and read the Tang Dynasty"Compendium of Materia Medica". There are three types of books Li Shizhen reads: some books are"quick reading", and some books are"quick reading". One book every hour. Some books are"closely read", one book a month. Very valuable books are"recorded reading", copying and reading the essential contents, one book every two months. This book of Materia Medica from the Tang Dynasty", he used all three reading methods together. Yesterday he read it from beginning to end. Today, he started the second method of careful reading.

As he read, he thought to himself:"There are too many fallacies in this book. I read it quickly yesterday. , I found that the seven kinds of herbal medicine were wrong, some were wrong, and some were unknown. Well, if we don’t comprehensively correct the errors in medical books, it will harm all the people."

He thought deeply:"The fallacies in books are very harmful to people, and they are passed down from generation to generation, causing harm to people from generation to generation. Many lives have died on herbal medicine. In order to save living beings, even if I have to work hard, my head hangs from the beam, and my hammer pierces my bones, I still have to write a new and authentic cursive script."Exactly:

A masterful rejuvenation cures a serious illness, and it is better to practice asceticism to correct errors.

Fake herbal medicines are harmful, but real herbal medicines can save all people.

Poor people devote themselves to the people, and they respect the destiny of heaven.

Books can carry people and also bury them, and timely treasures and compendiums can give light.

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