《"Gui Cao Gang Mu" The valley will be prosperous if the valley is stable, and the valley will be destroyed if the valley is destroyed.——Li Shizhen


Li Shizhen read thirteen pages carefully, and the sun was setting in the west. He rubbed his eyes and thought:"I was disgusted with Axiang at first and wanted to drive her away. In fact, she gave me the most precious time so that I could read so much. Time is more precious than money." He looked around and saw Axiang was reading Digging herbs in the deep bushes a hundred feet away, I developed respect for her.

He shouted:"Axiang - are you tired? Take a rest! Come here and eat some dry food." Axiang smiled and said:"I'm not tired, I'm just tired from doing the crops." As he said that, his back was full of food. Carrying a basket of herbs, he fell in front of Li Shizhen and said,"The little girl doesn't understand, how can I pick it right?"

Li Shizhen put down the book, stepped forward and grabbed a handful, and said,"What is this?"

Axiang said,"Plantain." Yes, it can dispel fire and cure dizziness."

Li Shizhen grabbed the herb with her other hand and said:"This is plantain, but this one is not, it is chamomile. If you eat it, it will cause abdominal distension. It will not dispel fire at all, let alone cure it. Dizziness. Do you see any difference between the two?"

Axiang was shocked and said:"Ah - no, I used to treat the two as one kind of herb... They are exactly the same." Li Shizhen said in a deep voice."Take a closer look, are they the same?"

Ah Xiang saw it then and said,"One kind has narrow and elongated leaves... One kind, um, um, the leaves of the wheel grass are like a wheel. Where are the round leaves?"

Li Shizhen said:"Enemies, let's make a distinction now. Never mistake chamomile for plantain. Mixing the two together and frying them will be counterproductive." With four hands, the two of them quickly put the plantain After picking out the grass and classifying the purple leaves, bupleurum and other herbs, the basket was still full.

Li Shizhen said with a smile:"Thank you so much for giving me time to read."

Axiang said:"My life has been saved by my benefactor, so why should I thank you?" Li Shizhen said:"I can't afford to pay you. In the future, you don't have to." Please come and pick herbs for me."

Ah Xiang said nothing, but secretly made up her mind:"I'm determined to follow you! I'm determined to learn." He said,"No wages! A little girl can't be a doctor, so she can be a medicine farmer. I You have to learn from your husband! It is our husband and wife's kindness to give you more time to read."

The two of them ate dry food pancakes and picked up water hyacinths to drink water.

A Xiang sighed faintly:"Hey, Shui Guizi and I are not idle people. We can't take any time from morning to night. My parents' family is in Zhangjiawan, east of Qizhou City. People in the village mix plantain and turngrass. I made a decoction. Fortunately, my husband gave me some advice. I told them the real and fake plantain, so that the villagers would not make a mistake and suffer a loss."

Li Shizhen said,"Exactly. Herbs cannot be used indiscriminately, otherwise they will mislead people."

Ah Xiang said. :"I was a sick ghost when I was a child. My father called me 'Ghost Girl'. I was sick every now and then. I had long wanted to learn some medicinal herbs and small medical skills, so I had to learn them from my husband."

Li Shizhen said:"No! As time goes by, how can we stop the rumors?!"

Axiang said:"Sir, you are upright and upright, and Axiang is not a dirty person, so what are you afraid of? Isn't it true that Dr. Li is not afraid of dead people, but is he still afraid of living people?"

Li Shizhen was so frightened. A sharp drop suddenly opened the door. Then she thought that her husband forced her to collect the medicine, so she said:"After all, it is inconvenient for men and women to be together. I'm afraid it won't be good if your husband finds out."

Axiang said:"A thief has a guilty conscience, and a person who eats bacon has a bad taste.""Thirsty, we are doing business. Besides, it was my husband who asked me to learn how to collect herbs. He is a man with a big heart, how can he be afraid of this and that."

Li Shizhen didn't expect that she underestimated Axiang, secretly She admired him and said:"You are very reasonable. I am a little narrow-minded. You are the one with a big mind and a big heart, and I am really ashamed."

From then on, Li Shizhen made an agreement with Shui Guizi and Axiang. Well, he practices medicine at home every weekend and admits patients; he goes to the mountains to collect medicinal herbs every single day. Within two months, Ah Xiang and Dr. Li had become very familiar with each other. During the time of collecting herbs and taking a break for meals, they asked and discussed everything about herbal medicine. There are poems to prove it:

The beginning is natural, climbing the mountain of herbs.

We know each other better when we know each other, there is no need to hide our faces.

It's rare to meet someone noble to help me, I just regret meeting you late.

If you have a chance to work hard, you will learn a lot.

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