Li Shizhen's famous saying: Trekking through countless poor mountains and deep valleys, footprints all over the north and south of the Yangtze River


It once happened that Li Shizhen was reading a pharmacology book on Materia Medica from the Song Dynasty. Suddenly he heard Axiang shouting:"Doctor, look, what is that?"

Li Shizhen looked up and saw a deer. The stroll was very spiritual and lifelike. She put down the thick book in hand, got up and followed slowly, saying:"Axiang, let's go, follow."

Li Shizhen walked forward, and Axiang walked behind, walking lightly and slowly. The deer was walking, less than a hundred steps away. The deer was also well-behaved and nimble, but he was not afraid, nor did he dodge. He ran along the sheep's path, through the mountains and forests, and disappeared as he walked. The two of them felt quite magical and searched for a way out on the lost road.

Suddenly, a red snake, fully ten feet long and as thick as a bowl's mouth, jumped up next to the cliff and the spring, but disappeared without a trace. Ah Xiang was so frightened that she could only hide. Her face turned pale with fright, and sometimes turned red, and said:"Ah, run quickly - hide quickly."……"Li Shizhen remained motionless.

A moment passed, and Li Shizhen did not retreat when she suddenly smelled a scent that hit her nose. He tiptoed towards the place where the red snake appeared, and saw another red snake coiling in the grass, with a waterfall more than ten feet high flowing down.

Li Shizhen's heart was also pounding. He was not afraid of red snakes, because he had antidote powder to prevent snake bites in his arms. What surprised him was that there were red snakes, deer, and tigers and leopards in the deep mountains. If they came out, it would be bad.

While thinking about his retreat, he suddenly saw the red snake obediently walking away from the stream. The fragrance suddenly smelled good. Li Shizhen immediately concluded:"Ah! It's the smell of Ganoderma lucidum grass." When she walked to the stone water grassland where the red snake curled up, it was true that Saw a tree of flawless Ganoderma lucidum. He shouted:"Axiang, come and see! This is Ganoderma lucidum."

Axiang followed him and exclaimed:"Ah - this is Ganoderma lucidum?...A life-saving herb? A fairy herb." Then he knelt down and squatted. Next, Li Shizhen and I threw away the soil and slowly dug out the roots and hairs.

Li Shizhen held it with both hands and said with a smile:"Haha, if you want to get life-saving herbs, you should go to the dangerous peak to find them. Phew, um, the Ganoderma lucidum grass guarded by red snakes and deers! It's so big and beautiful, more than a foot tall, with leaves It's big and dark in color, it's the most perfect and mature Ganoderma lucidum."

After that, the two of them returned cautiously and happily.

There are many adventures. The next winter, Li Shizhen and Axiang went to Heifeng Mountain to dig up the precious medicine"Cordyceps Sinensis" and lost their way in the snow-capped mountains. The two were eager to find a way back, but the road was covered with goose-feather heavy snow.

Li Shizhen saw a big cave on the mountain on the left and said,"Axiang, the snow is falling too hard and we can't find the way back! Why not hide in the cave, rest for a while and then find the way back."

Axiang said,"That's right, let's get there. Eat some dry food in the cave, hold some snow, and turn it into water to drink." The two were walking towards the cave when they suddenly heard the roar of a tiger like thunder. Looking around, two big tigers rushed out of the cave, opened their bloody mouths, raised their foreheads and licked their tongues. The two tigers did not rush down to eat them. Instead, they lay down obediently and slowly fell asleep. But see:

The tiger doesn't eat people, so it's possible that it's lost its mind again.

What a thrilling road, where you encounter death but survive.

Things are so strange in the world, and the darkness turns into light.

It seems that with God's help, adversity can turn out smoothly.

Axiang was shocked and was in a daze. Li Shizhen saw that the tiger was not moving fiercely, so she slowly led Axiang back. As we retreated to the valley, we saw no sign of danger, but saw the tiger's footprints forming a long road.

Li Shizhen said:"The tiger does not eat people, but prints the road. Is it God's will? Hurry, follow the tiger's footprints and you will be able to go down the mountain."

The two of them carried small backpacks and followed the tiger's footprints until they found the way out. It is precisely because of the freezing cold weather that one loses his way, and the tiger leads the way instead of eating people.

Follow the paw prints down the mountain, and thank the tiger for escaping from death.

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