Outside the central hall, there is a group of palaces. People go out of the palace, smiling as if they are celebrating a festival. They are celebrating the New Year every day, happily, and the noise is getting louder and louder. More than 800 strong men from Luban City and people from Tianyuan Lake Island gathered together in groups to talk to their parents and talk about customs. Bring good wine and meat, have a good drink, talk freely, and make it lively.

In the palace, gatherings of celebrities and celebrities are no longer absent.

Sima Da stroked his beard and said with a smile:"A wonderful achievement, a wonderful achievement. In the vast Dongting Lake Island, there is the Holy Lake Paradise, which is admirable and eye-opening. It is a scene of living and working in peace and contentment. If you are destined, you can't avoid it, and if you are not lucky, you can't touch it. No. The business people here are very different from the people far away. Those far away people have no souls and only have a painted face. Of course, there must be tigers, eagles, wolves, rats... in the world, otherwise, it will not be complete.!"

Gao Shanhan found his daughter Jiaojiao, who was as beautiful as a hibiscus in water, young and beautiful, and taller than her mother. Mother and daughter were very affectionate, and they took up the usual parting business. Gao Shanhan raised his eyebrows and praised:"It's a worthwhile trip! I always think this is a weird and evil place, but it's not the case. The paradise is well-organized and peaceful inside and outside. Only in this world, if you tolerate others, will you gradually become more beautiful without knowing it... Just hit it with one punch to avoid hundreds of punches! In life, once you do one of the most virtuous things, you will definitely have a lot of good luck."

Dongmen Jibing paid homage to his master and his wife and said,"Master, it shows that fairness and justice exist Travel here is smooth and everyone is good. In the world of wolves, even birds are guilty! Now we can see that the famous people who came here to live in seclusion have created a unique and prosperous new"Lubanqi City". This place does not even have weapons. Forging, people and all things live in harmony, without bloody fighting, which is what people in the world want. There is heaven outside the sky, and there are people above people. Accumulate good deeds, and the more you go, the smoother you go. The mountains will fall when you rely on them, but they will flow away when you rely on the water; you will fall when you rely on everyone. , The most reliable thing is to rely on oneself! It is exactly: good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and the way of heaven is reincarnation. There is no savior in the world, you are the savior!"

Zhuge Yunxian smiled and said:"What the disciple said is very true, I can see my two younger brothers, No more regrets in this life. The two places communicate with each other, they have served the public, and they have restored their virtues. They have helped and settled the people, all industries have prospered, and they are very happy. As the saying goes: There are eight or ten wisdoms, only use 70% more. Achievements are all through hard work, and geniuses are all Force them out! Man follows the earth, the earth follows the sky, heaven follows the Tao, and the Tao follows nature... In this world, only by being strong-willed can we maintain kindness!"

Zhuge Yunlu said:"The Zhengguo of the small earth is not fully achieved, and practice is not perfect. We have not all won, getting rich is not all possible, and all evil has not been eradicated. All the masters have to give you the prize."

Zhuge Yunshui said:"That's right. Eldest brother, second brother, it's a rare moment for us three brothers to drink Dongting wine today. Come on. Let's all get drunk before we stop." The three brothers smiled and expressed their agreement.

Li Qingxia sighed:"In a paradise outside the world, good people work together to illuminate the universe. Stay away from killing each other and fighting in the same room, and come to find the bliss of immortals. It is not a dream, but it is reality. I admire you, admire you, admire you."

Zheng Long said:"There is no war here. , there is no river of blood, no decay, everyone lives in peace and contentment, and there is an atmosphere where the world is for the common good. Our Luban city over there should also follow suit."

Ji Niuxing said:"This place is like a Luban flying city, in the sky and on earth. It’s a surprise for us comers. But I can’t figure it out... Why have you forgotten even your closest relatives and haven’t looked for relatives for several years?" Dongmende laughed and said:"Haha, it’s not that the comers don’t want to go back. It’s not that you are ruthless or unjust, or that you took the Forgetfulness Pill! It’s that you were forced to have no choice at first, but later you realized that a person’s life is too precious and too short. Life is only once for a person, so you should cherish it ten thousand times, and do more for future generations during your lifetime. It is a matter of strengthening the fruit of the frame. In life, you should understand it as early as possible, and it is difficult to violate the will of God; you can fight and fight, but you can't compete with the way of heaven! It is not easy to do good and accumulate virtue! Those who dare to suffer losses in everything are called gentlemen; those who seek to take advantage of everything are villains! Those who can save others are gods. Man is not as good as God, everything is determined! The human heart is pure and pure, and the mind is calm and pure!"

A gust of wind came into the palace, and two people spun down from the top of the palace. All the officials were shocked when they saw that it was Bashan and Zhongyi who had been resurrected from the dead. They were all stunned, not believing their eyes.

Mudanhong said in shock:"Brother Bashan, Sister Zhongyi, didn't you fall off the cliff? I thought you were drowned by the Yangtze River flood."

Bashan said calmly:"Yes, we fell off the cliff and were drowned by the water.. But we were saved by the fisherman, who was from the Nameless Paradise. We were brought here and saved."

Zhong Yi smiled and said,"I never thought we could survive two lifetimes. In fact, we were brought here. , a person dies and comes back to life, that's the most wonderful thing. Only after you die and come back to life can you know how to be a human being." The two monsters of Huangshan saw the three monsters and they were not dead. They jumped and hugged each other, and they were extremely affectionate. Yang Chunse and Qiuchun all crowded up and hugged each other with Ximenhua, Peonyhong and Zhongyi, talking about long stories and short stories, just like sisters.

Legend has it that the nameless paradise in Dongting Cave coexists with Lubanqi City.………………

There is a saying:

Thousands of years have passed since great events, and heroes dream of heaven.

The waves are high and the water is deep and there is no way to cross it, but you can bravely step on the divine ship.

Traveling around the world is not leisurely, Luban Feicheng will reappear.

Be willing to work hard to build wisdom, and plan for the world to enjoy a new heaven


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