That night, Yu'er and Hong Xingzi took a warship and patrolled around Taihu Lake. They saw that all the docks, ferries, military forts, forts, and fleets in Taihu Lake were all well guarded, orderly, and safe.

Hong Xingzi said:"Brother Yu'er, Taihu Lake is prospering day by day, and it's not far away to regain Dongting Lake." Yu'er said,"Yes, everyone will push the wall down! Taihu Dayu Camp is so harmonious, even though Duracell and his son possess it The weather and location are advantageous, but there is discord between father and son, and there are many entanglements between father and son and his subordinates. He is bound to lose." Xingzi said:"Hey, it would be great if the ancient master and Grandma Luhua also come. We can take Dongting Lake in one fell swoop. Revitalize Tianhonghui. But where are the two masters?" Yu'er said:"The ancient master is the holy master of the martial arts world, so naturally there are many things going on." Xingzi said:"A real person does not show his appearance, and if he shows his appearance, he is not a real person! You two first Master, he can be said to be an expert in this world." Yu'er stood beside her holding the scabbard of his sword, looking at the night of Tianya Lake in the distance. The breeze blew his long hair on her face. He took a step back and said,"It is said that Shu The Emei people and the Qingcheng people are having a serious quarrel. On both sides are the most authentic sects in the world. But for some unknown reason, they have been soaked in the bloody storm all year round, fighting and killing endlessly. Probably the two senior teachers have been in Sichuan. Harmony to achieve a harmonious and win-win situation between Qingcheng people and Emei people.

Xingzi turned away from looking at the night, stared at the outline of Yu'er's handsome face, and said with emotion:"When misfortunes cause Xiaoqiang, there will always be a result. I think, The two masters will come back... Oh... Yu'er, you look so solemn and look like a hero. I look at you at night, but no matter how I look at you, I can't get enough of you."Yu'er put the scabbard in her hand together with her own, leaned on the edge of the boat, and said,"Am I a hero? Xingzi said:"If you are not the great hero in today's world, who else could you be?" Yu'er said slowly:"He is not a great hero!" Who is the big hero in the world today? The final decision will be made by closing the coffin!"

Xingzi said coquettishly:"When you are in a good mood, don't talk about closing the coffin... It's bloody and bloody... Brother Yu'er, can't you say some funny words?"Yu'er trembled with passion and said:"Oh! Color is empty... Wealth is empty... Name is empty, power is even more empty.……"Xingzi said:"The lake spirit contains heaven and earth, when the spring breeze warms up. During the wandering, the sorrow and tears are gone forever! Now is the eve of the cold war to regain Dongting. Can't we talk about what's on our minds?" Yu'er said:"Oh, retaking the Dongting, life or death is uncertain, how can I think about it." Xingzi twirled her skirt and said:"Well... no... I don't... It's a rare night, I want to pour out the words I have kept in my heart. Otherwise, you will suffocate me to death!"

Yu'er remained silent, looking away from the brightly lit camp, watching the boat riding the wind and waves. The boatman was operating silently, not even coughing, making it extremely quiet.

Xingzi said:"In the battle in Dongting, even if you die, you must die with no regrets in your heart and love! I want to fight side by side with you! I have said this dozens of times. Tonight, I want to train another kind of Kung Fu." Yu'er said:"Another kind of Kung Fu? What is it?" Xingzi said with a smile:"Special Kung Fu!" Yu'er twitched like an electric shock and felt hot all over his body. It was a strange attack.

Xingzi said:"Sometimes my heart feels like begging... Of course I need to wait... This is the special skill. If you don't have patience, you will fail. To regain the Dongting, the storm can't take away our deep love! Brother Yu'er, it's really: I'm too tired...for a while, I feel like I'm waiting outside your door. I wonder if you feel it. Since I've been with you, I've become less lonely, more open-minded, and more open-minded, even if you and I are separated. Day and night, my heart is like a little bird, flying to your side." Yu'er said:"What's the reason?" Xingzi said simply:"I like you is the whole reason!" As he said, Suddenly, the melodious singing of the boatman came from the night:

The heavy rain will eventually return to the head of the river, and the waves will inevitably flow eastward.

The clouds are clearing, the sun is rising, the sky is clear, and autumn has just passed so freely.

Winter passes and spring comes again.

When will the bloody storm end?

Piaomiao Miaomiao goes to the boat, and rarely stays in the vast waterway.

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