(19) The Longting Pearl is Hard to Lose

Chapter 126

The fishing song of paradise on earth gradually faded away, Yu'er said:"The fisherman's song is really nice. When will there be peace in the rivers and lakes, only singing and joy without killing? That'll be fine." Xingzi said:"When there are evil people, there will be massacres, injustice, frame-ups, robberies, and conspiracies... Absolute peace and tranquility, paradise on earth, I'm afraid it will take thousands of years." Yu'er said:"A thousand years is too long, just Let's fight for the present! Xingzi, let's wander around and take risks on the cusp of the storm. If we can exchange for the long-term peace of the world, death is enough." Xingzi said:"And when it comes to death, can't you just say this word!? The world will last forever! Peace, we should have peace at home...I am most afraid that you will mention the word death." Yu'er said:"But in a hurry, people are in the world, and they can't help themselves. Besides, without sacrifice, there is gain! Well, Don't be angry with me."

Xingzi listened to the fishermen's songs, but she couldn't hear clearly what was being sung. She said,"Taihu Lake, Taihu Lake, today is really a lake of peace and joy, especially with Yu'er. My brother appreciates this scenery and appreciates this beautiful scenery. It feels like he is in paradise on earth." Yu'er said:"Since Dongting Lake under the governance of Tianhong Society was occupied by Duracell and his son, during those few detective times, I encountered many refugees. , they are complaining... they are all suffering great suffering! We will wait and see what happens and stop with silence. Dongting will be recovered and the lake will be returned to its original owner in one day, which is not far away." Xingzi said:"At that time, we will patrol Dongting Lake at night. , and like today...Brother Yu'er, by then, we should……"She was too shy to speak.

Yu'er said:"I know what you are going to say next. Let's talk about it when we are here." She said:"I want to talk freely tonight. Yu'er, we can get rid of the common rules in the world, get along with each other freely, and communicate with each other freely. Talk, this is the blessing of traveling in the world! Wherever you go, I will fly over the walls to find you... My eldest sister is also a reasonable person, but I paid the price with sadness! I have kept you in my heart, rooted in my heart. Rooted. And what about you?"

Yu'er said:"Of course I will not leave our eternal vows behind. You are like a rainbow that never needs a rainbow. You always appear in my eyes and relieve my worries. I thank you." Xingzi said:"It sounds good, it sounds good, it sounds good. I can't wait for you to spontaneously say what's in your heart. As long as you raise your thumb of friendship, it will be endless comfort to me. Brother Yu'er, have you ever thought about our separation? How did I get through the days and nights when you went on an adventure to Dongting Lake?" Yu'er said,"I must have been crying... You secretly shed tears behind someone's back, right?" She smiled and said,"Guess That's right. Every tear I shed is for you. No matter how heartbroken it is, it's not wrong to miss you." Yu'er said:"Of course, so do I... There's just a little difference. Thinking of you again , I can't even shed a single tear, it's strange." Xingzi said:"Men are different from women. Men are made of clay, and women are made of water. Naturally, daughters shed a lot of tears." Yu. The son said:"In my life, your appearance is undoubtedly a miracle. The friendship has melted my rigid and ignorant heart, and I have become much smarter." Xingzi smiled and said:"Actually, you are not stupid, but in the early days of getting along, you You always look like a stupid boy, extremely stupid... In fact, you are not stupid, you are a very spiritual young man at heart."

Yu'er said:"I hope we can stay together through thick and thin and last forever." She said:"Well said! How much I want to be with you every day; how much I want to know the pain and joy in your heart; how much I want to tell you: being with you is enough for me." Yu'er said:"Me too." She said:"We want to be together Hey, tonight is the night Brother Yu'er pours out his deepest feelings... It's rare." Yu'er said:"I'm just too busy, sometimes I forget because of urgent matters." She said:"It's normal, I will never complain. As long as you don't have that kind of sadness and entanglement, I will be a blessed person. Of course, I will never forget those sick days and moons begging for food... I was already a numb person at that time, and I never imagined that I would still be here today. It is the blessing given to us by God." Yu'er said:"Perhaps, before we regain Dongting Lake, this will be the last night of love and friendship between us. From tomorrow on, you and I will be busy, planning every battle plan. A breakthrough in the difficulty. We need to conduct another detailed investigation of Dongting, perhaps the last adventurous investigation. I am worried...who can do it?" Xingzi said:"Feng Liuzi!" Yu'er said:"He is the protector of the base camp. Once he leaves, who will we turn to at the base camp?" Xingzi said:"Feng Leizi and Xiao'e, they are very reliable in taking care of Taihu Lake." Yu'er said:"I think there is some uncertainty." Xingzi said:"That's right. , you can contact Ren Zhizhou and Zhuziqing, they will definitely help. In this way, it will be more reliable to have many soldiers from the yamen to help." Yu'er said:"Good idea, follow it. Well, the boat has arrived at the camp, and it's almost dawn. Let's go back. Xingzi took the two sword scabbards leaning on the edge of the boat and handed the Qinglong sword scabbard to Yu'er. The boat straightened up when it reached the shore, and they jumped onto the dock and headed towards the camp.

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