*《Suwen*Pulse Essentials Essence Theory》The head is the house of shrewdness, the back is the house of the chest, the waist is the house of the kidneys, the knees are the house of the tendons, and the bones are the house of the marrow.


Li Shizhen held a medicine book in her arms and signaled that she wanted to read it. Ah Xiang saw clearly and understood the master's intention, so he said:"Wine jar! Stop scratching, the doctor must read carefully."

Shangguan Jian couldn't afford it, and said:"My benefactor will not forgive the swordsman's sins. Shangguan Jian will kneel down until tomorrow morning." I can't get up!"

When Li Shizhen heard this, he said:"What's the crime? You don't need to bow to me. Go quickly and drink moderately in the future."

Shangguan Jian stood up and bowed his head, saying:"Mr. doctor, it's already getting late.. Wild wolves gather in groups here and eat people in the middle of the night. It can be seen that a girl under ten years old in East Village was bitten by a hungry wolf the day before yesterday. The villagers beat the wolf away, and five deep wolf teeth were bitten out of the girl's neck. Seal, all the blood has flowed out, and the person has died."

Axiang still smelled the nauseating smell of alcohol breathed out by Shangguan Jian, and said in annoyance:"My lord, you are not afraid of wolves, you can leave quickly. The backpack is not full yet, sir, I have to finish reading today. You are a scholar, why are you trembling?"

Shangguan Jian's eyes were about to split, he raised his eyebrows and glared at Axiang, but he did not dare to be presumptuous in front of his benefactor. Then he bowed deeply to Li Shizhen and said,"Take care, my dear friend, the little one is gone." When Li Shizhen nodded in agreement, the reckless man had already penetrated into the dense forest with his sword.

Li Shizhen read the medicine book for another half an hour. It was already dark and the words could no longer be seen. He said,"Axiang, it's time to go back to your homes. Let's go quickly."

The two of them were walking into the reed wall path when they suddenly heard the howling of wolves. In an instant, eight hemp wolves surrounded him. Li Shizhen and Axiang were anxious and took off their backpacks to stop him. The wolf was ferocious, moving in all directions, circling wildly, and waving its claws ferociously. A hungry wolf took the lead and pounced on him like an arrow. Li Shizhen protected Axiang and pushed him with his backpack. The fierce wolf's sharp teeth had bitten his calf. Axiang hit his head with his backpack and injured his eye socket. The fierce wolf let go and then Two wolves attacked from the west.

Looking at the seven hungry wolves about to eat the two of them, he saw in the darkness, a shining sword"chi chi chi - plop plop", stabbing the hemp wolf directly, and the three leading wolves who bit him were all stabbed to death..

Li Shizhen and A Xiang were bitten down early and were seriously injured. There were deep wolf teeth marks on their calves and blood was flowing. Looking up, he saw it was none other than Shangguan Jian, who had been called a madman. The swordsman killed three wolves, and then used his sword to hunt down the other four ferocious wolves, but the wolves disappeared. It's exactly this: kindness to others should be remembered firmly, and kindness given by drops of water will be repaid by springs.

A thought is as far apart as heaven and earth, and ingratitude leaves a trace of ridicule.

A man who stands tall and strong in the world, how can he be afraid of wolves and tigers and leopards?

Don't judge by appearance, the madman saves the virtuous and defends the righteous way.

It turned out that since Li Shizhen saved the lives of his two brothers, Shangguan Jian always wanted to repay him with his life. He often gets drunk when he drinks, but his mind is clear when he is drunk. He often lurks and follows Li Shizhen, but Li Shizhen never notices him. I have been secretly guarding him for one month and thirteen days, and I haven't had a chance to repay my kindness. Today, he expected that there were too many wolves and that they would come out at dusk, so he scratched the dark passage and hid in the reeds. As expected, there were actually a few ferocious wolves eating people. It was a good time for Shangguan to show off his skills and repay his kindness.

Shangguan Jian was still drunk. He wiped the bloody blade on the wolf's fur, wiped the sword on the grass, and said with a smile:"Hahaha, three wolves want to eat people! But this sword let you go." Blood. Shangguan has become rich. The meat of three wolves is enough for this man to eat for a month."

Li Shizhen and A Xiang were both sitting on the grass, as if they were stupid. The soul seemed to be lost, speechless and expressionless, only the dead white hands pinched the wound and were applying powder to disinfect it. Shangguan Jian put the sword into its sheath, came up and saluted with his fists, and said:"My benefactor was frightened. I came a step too late and made you injured and suffered. It's my fault." There was no reply from Li and A. Shangguan Jian felt guilty and knelt down. He kowtowed and said,"I'm frightening my benefactor. Oh my god, what should I do?"……"

Li Shizhen was conscious and not scared out of his mind. He was meditating:"Human life is the most precious, and there is only one. I don't regret dying, but the great task of writing"Compendium of Materia Medica" has come to naught. I This life has been in vain, as if I have never come to this world, as if I have not lived in this world, just like a piece of loess on the ground.……"


*Hua Tuo, a famous doctor in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, famously said: If yin and yang are in balance, the heaven and earth will be harmonious and people's qi will be peaceful; if yin and yang are inverse, the sky will be weak and people's qi will disappear.

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