Li Shizhen often said: The ancients said:"If Heaven had not given birth to Zhongni, eternity would have been like a long night.

If Heaven had not given birth to Zhang Zhongjing, the medical profession would have been operating in darkness without lights.""


Li Shizhen went up to Mount Lushan alone.

The sky is blue and the scenery on the famous mountain is superb. He had no intention of admiring the scenery, so he took away the sketches he had written and drawn, and corrected them carefully. Thoughts:"The first time I went up the mountain in winter, hundreds of herbs had no leaves, and I only drew diagrams of roots and branches. The second time I only completed the diagrams of 128 herbs. This time I didn't complete the 200 diagrams. Picture, starving to death on the mountain, you can't rush down the mountain! Time is not forgiving! Life is unpredictable, what if - don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of what happens... Then it will destroy the Great Wall of Herbal Medicine for all people, then pay it back Got it!"

Thinking of this, Li Shizhen turned down the path and went to the edge of the bush slope to look for herbs. Find the same thing, examine it carefully, and write down the diagram. When you are thirsty, you drink mountain spring water; when you are hungry, you eat the beef fried noodles you brought. Dried beef powder can drive away hunger. Two small handfuls per meal and some cold water are enough. Dry beef powder was made by Li Shizhen's wife Wu who traveled a long distance specifically for him. It was refined and ground. It was easy to carry, light and convenient. After eating some wild fruits, the nutrients were complete, and doctors naturally understood it.

On Lushan Mountain in Jiangxi, many locust trees were gnawed by ants and maggots, turning them into rotten wood. Li Shizhen noticed the damage last time and poured some bitter medicinal water on each tree. I came to check today and found that there were no ants on the locust trees. Moreover, the locust trees are growing well, with thick stems and lush leaves. The yellow leaves are a thing of the past.

There are also two big 300-year-old pine trees growing next to the Immortal Cave. The pine trees were sick last time, but Li Shizhen cured them. This time I saw the pine tree and was alive and well.

Unfortunately, there were no lights on Lushan Mountain. There were lights in the temple, so Shizhen had to hide outside the wall to borrow light. When it was late, the lights went out and I couldn't finish reading the book. I also planned to finish reading the last chapter, but I couldn't finish it. Seeing fireflies reminded him of the ancients using this trick. I hurriedly picked a dish-sized leaf, caught some fireflies, and wrapped them in the leaves. I finally finished reading the last chapter of the day, and then I went to sleep in a small cave with peace of mind.

On the third day, I was walking along a path when I suddenly heard a moan of"Ouch - Ouch". A closer look revealed that it was Hao Fengguang, a medicine farmer, who had fallen from a high cliff. He was covered in blood, his clothes were torn, his face was torn, and he was half dead. As long as the person is not dead, it is no problem for Dr. Li to revive him.

The golden sore medicine powder brought by Li Shizhen is extraordinary. It only takes one hour to heal the bloody wound. He also gave the farmers dry beef powder to eat, and used leaves to scoop some spring water for the injured people to drink. Hao Fengguang's life was saved, and he really regarded Dr. Li as a god, worshiping and kowtow. It's exactly this: the blood of the Lushan medicine farmers is flowing, and the scenery of life has come to an end.

His legs had entered the gate of hell, but he was rescued by Shi Zhen's skillful hands.

It is rare to die and be resurrected. Life is short.

Doctors are not interested in fame, fortune or wealth, and their benevolence has reached a new level.

Li Shizhen was eager to finish the day's medicine. After leaving, she felt a chill in her heart. It turned out that he heard from the medicine farmer Hao Fengguang that there was a big python outside the small cave where he was sleeping, and advised him to leave quickly and find another place to sleep at night.

Li Shizhen never troubles people, and he never has the habit of begging for help. Therefore, he did not disturb the monks in the temple. Undaunted, he picked up some dry firewood and lit it with flint. He thought:"A pile of fire is enough to scare the python away!" He thought so, but he didn't expect that the big bug didn't come, but the small bugs kept coming. There were so many mosquitoes in the small cave that they kept him awake. I got up and sprinkled some homemade potion on my bed. There were fewer mosquitoes, but I still couldn't sleep. Then I caught some fireflies for lighting and started reading. Exactly:

Snakes and scorpions are not frightening, but mosquitoes are too many to scratch.

Sprinkle some Chinese medicinal water to drive away both evils.

Only fireflies, although their light is tiny.

You can read by using the light, no more worries.

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