Zhuangzi: The best way to maintain good health is to be"ruthless""


Zishi is the best time to sleep. Li Shizhen naturally knows the yin and yang health preservation well. After reading the book, I felt at ease and there was no big python, so I didn't add any more fuel. Then he closed his book with comfort, put on his clothes and went to bed.

At the second watch, Li Shizhen was awakened by the monk's son who was patrolling the night and banging his clappers. I opened my sleepy eyes and suddenly saw a big python entrenched in front of me. The python was as thick as a small barrel, its armor was shining brightly, its eyes were like two small lanterns, and its mouth was wide open, but it didn't bite Li Shizhen. It looked like it was yawning, and it lowered its handsome triangular head. But see: the eyes look like small lanterns, and the teeth look like daggers.

The mouth is as wide as a bloody basin, and the tongue is like a sword stabbing left and right.

The scale-armored wall entangled and moved, and the force tail curled up and the rocks were startled.

Li Shizhen did not wait for death. When he was in a hurry, he did not think of fear of death. What he thought was:"If I am eaten by a python, I will write"Compendium of Materia Medica"."》——Destroy me if you are given a great mission from heaven! Can't die! I want to live!!"

This is indeed true. Li Shizhen often goes up the mountain to collect herbs and runs around. The snakes and pythons he saw are not this one, but he has never seen such a huge python. There are black snakes with thick wrists and green snakes with thick arms. , a thick-mouthed flower snake... a two-foot-long eye snake, which is common and not surprising. He has a magical medicine to cure snake bites. He has been bitten several times and recovered quickly. But this time is different, the giant It is entirely possible that the python used him as food and swallowed him up in one gulp.

Li Shizhen hurriedly took out the"Yum Yum Powder". The python opened its bloody mouth and the suction force was huge. It had sucked him up so that he could not help but move closer to the mouth of the bloody basin. In an instant Suddenly, he sprinkled"Yum Powder" on the python's head, and the python's mouth and two red-light eyes closed.

Li Shizhen thought in shock:"You can't move. If you move, the python will be frightened, and everything will be over!" Oh my God! It’s my fault that I didn’t listen to the dissuasion of the drug farmer Hao Fengguang. Asked for it!"

You can also hear the panting of the black and blue giant python. In the deathly silence, you can see the snake python curled up and trembling slightly. The lin armor pieces are like a wall. How can it pass through? The tail is still on the lapel of Li Shizhen's robe. Pulling it, he was so shocked that he thought:"Could this really be death? Could it be that I am destined to die now? Could it be that I will never see my wife again? Can't see your son? Can’t see my parents and fellow villagers? Will rewriting Materia Medica be in vain? Even my body is gone?"He held the picture of the herbal medicine"Narcissus" he was drawing in his hands, like garlic. There was a handful beside the stone. He pulled it from the water spring ditch during the day.

Li Shizhen did not wait quietly for death. He was thinking:""Compendium of Materia Medica""Compendium" has only written thirteen volumes, and there are still more than forty volumes to be written! I can't die!"He glanced around and saw that the giant python seemed to be asleep, but it was still shaking. It was obviously not dead from sleep. He looked at the entrance of the cave. It was still ten feet away from him. The python was coiled in a tall black granary. Blocking the way out, what should I do?"

Li Shizhen realized:"It's strange, why is the python still trembling when sleeping?" With the light of the fire that was not extinguished, and the dim light of the fireflies, he looked closely at the Linjia wall and was shocked. :"Ouch - so many little bugs... like biting a python... maybe like mosquitoes sucking blood from people. Oh, small bugs eat big bugs, there you have it!"

Li Shizhen's eyes suddenly had a light of rebirth, and he quietly put it down. Drawing pad, he quietly took out the bottle of insect repellent potion, poured it into the palm of his hand little by little, and sprinkled it lightly on the wall of the Giant Python Linjia. In an instant, those small meat bugs and hard-shelled bugs flew away in a hurry and crawled away.

This trick worked, but what was scary was that the python opened its big eyes and woke up. Fortunately, he didn't open his big, bloody mouth and didn't spit out the snake message in his mouth. Li Shizhen remained calm and didn't dare to move.

The giant python shook its tail as if to express its gratitude, then nodded the triangular giant, curled up and started to move. Obviously, the big insect felt much more relaxed, and the large patches of small insects that bit it were gone, and it was shaking its head in comfort.

The python is also a sentient creature. Li Shizhen helped him get rid of the blood-sucking bugs. Doesn't it understand? What a joke! The giant python moved slightly, curled up on the Linjia wall, and passed by Li Shizhen's buttocks. Without moving him at all, it slowly moved into the deep cave and curled up into a big ball again. This time it really fell asleep. , no longer trembling at all.

At this time, it was already twilight. Li Shizhen took the opportunity to pack up the herbs, narcissus, and books, put them into a bag, and quietly left the cave. Looking back at the giant python, he was still sleeping. It was obvious that he had just helped the giant python drive away the parasites with potion, and the giant python intended to let him have a way out. Exactly:

There is no need to be afraid of beheading when practicing medicine. From birth to death, you have to wander around.

The giant python also has a life, and knows how to leave a way for gratitude.

Li Shizhen was more than a mile away from the cave when she looked back in shock: the giant python was not chasing her. Touching his forehead, there was only a little bit of cold sweat, and he quickly walked to the mountain opposite, drawing pictures of herbal medicines.


Li Shizhen often said: People have a hundred calculations, but God has one calculation. If you want to become a great person, you must first tolerate evil spirits.

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