Li Shizhen often said: The more incense burned, the more ghosts will be provoked. Read a thousand books and travel thousands of miles


Looking for Ganoderma lucidum is easier said than done. The last time he encountered the perfect Ganoderma lucidum, he had already used it up, and he felt a little worried:"If there are patients with critical illnesses again, where will the life-saving medicine come from?" Thinking of this, he was not surprised by the steep cliffs, and thought:"This life I have died one, two, three... thirteen times, this is the fourteenth time, do it before you die!"

When I climbed to Longshou Cliff, I didn't see any top-notch medicinal materials. Looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, my heart was up and down, and I thought:"The ancients had their heads hanging from beams, hammers piercing their bones, and they were diligent and eager to learn. But what about me? I'm still far behind." Then I took out Xu Chunfu's"Book of Shortcuts to Getting Started with Medicine" and read the last few pages, thinking to myself. :"The introductory book is superficial, let alone a heavenly book. Some shortcuts and herbal medicines are even more inaccurate.……"I was thinking:"Life is too precious. I want to experience the cherishment of life... Could it be that I can only appreciate it when I am dying? Maybe I didn't fully appreciate it after dying more than ten times."……"

Just as he was thinking about it, suddenly there was a flash of light. He put a big knife on his neck, turned his head and glanced sideways, and saw a gangster with the head of a mad lion, shirtless and yelling:"Scholar, bring the money!"

Li Shizhen had seen too much and didn't care. In an instant, he thought:"Death is death. I just want to experience death, so why not jump off the Dragon Head Cliff."

Seeing that he was not afraid, the man shouted loudly:"If you don't pay the money, I will kill you! The wolf boy is standing under the cliff. I'm waiting to eat your flesh. I'll pay you.……"No words were uttered, only a"dang sound" was heard, and the sword was defeated by the flying dragon's head and fell off the cliff.

The person who came was none other than the three leading ladies in the world. The leader Yueshang smiled and said with a smile:"Haha, you murderous lunatic, the Three Musketeers have been following you for several days! Why are you trying to show off your mother's prestige? If you eat people, you will also eat our great benefactor! Humph!" Qingqing said sharply:" Kill this crazy gangster! Prevent him from eating human flesh!" After saying that, Jian Zao took action and punched a hole in the back of the crazy gangster's heart.

Li Shizhen woke up as if from a nightmare, but something happy happened in an instant. In the blink of an eye, the evil strong man screamed"Ah——ah——"With a sound, he fell off the Dragon Head Cliff. The ground was covered with blood, and ants crawled to lick the blood.

Seeing this, the third sister Liu Fenshu was spiritual. She pulled out two handfuls of grass and threw it on the blood stains. She wiped it again and again with the sole of her embroidered shoe. At this moment, the blood on the green sword was also wiped clean on the green grass, and the smell of blood could be smelled. Not enough.

The three outstanding ladies clasped their fists, and the eldest sister Fan Lizheng said:"I'm busy with my benefactor's letter. I won't disturb you, so I'll take my leave." Li Shizhen still didn't reply, but just nodded. The three female swordsmen in Jianghu sheathed their swords and left quickly. Then all I could hear was the laughter of Miss Yue Sanxiao, which echoed in the valley.

It was really like a dream, Li Shizhen was thinking:"When I think of death, death comes. So strange, so strange... Oh, no wonder! Everything can happen in the world, in the world, in the rivers and lakes... This doctor does not go to the rivers and lakes."Ding, those rare grasses don't grow in the courtyard, let alone in the palace."

Li Shizhen was thinking:"I am here to bring people back to life, but some people seek money and kill... It is true that people die for money. There is karma and retribution. At what age, it will be great if people can be pure and tolerant, and their life span can also be extended by accumulating virtue."

Li Shizhen habitually knocked on her forehead, so that she could calm down even in the most turbulent times. Then he put Xu Guoyi's"Heavenly Book" under his buttocks as a sitting blanket, and suddenly his lower body felt cold. He also took out the"narcissus" grass from his bag, compared it with the sketch he had drawn, and wrote on another page:"Darcissus: also known as Jinzhan Silver Platform."

Narcissus mostly grows in clusters where there is water. Its roots are like garlic, long and slender, and covered with red skin. The leaves grow in the winter months, like scallions and garlic, and the stems grow in early spring, like onions. There are several flowers blooming at the head of the stem, as big as a hairpin, shaped like a wine glass, with five tips and a yellow heart, just like a lamp. The flowers are sparkling and the fragrance is quiet.…………

As he was writing this, his stomach suddenly growled. He had been hungry for a long time, and he was holding on to the book. But I put down the manuscript at hand and was afraid that the wind would blow it down the Longshou Cliff, so it would be all in vain. He hurriedly folded the herbal manuscript and carefully put it into the sack.

Li Shizhen grabbed two handfuls of beef fried noodles from the bag and ate them slowly. Feeling thirsty, he got up, put on his bag, and went to find mountain spring water to drink. I drank the cold spring water with my hands, and suddenly felt a stomachache after drinking it. It was a pity that he didn't usually use medicine, so he endured it. Sitting on a big rock, he thought about his wife Wu, who took good care of him. He thought:"When you go out, you are asking for trouble. You are asking for hardship. It is for writing"Compendium of Materia Medica". Mencius Said:"When heaven gives a great responsibility to a man, he must first strain his mind and will, strain his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, deplete his body, and mess up his actions. Therefore, tempting one's mind and forbearance will not benefit him in any way." Saving patients through herbal medicine is an important task in the medical field. No matter how hard you suffer, don’t be afraid, just have no regrets or regrets." He thought again:"I have been out for half a month and I really miss my wife. She is so gentle and gentle. She cares about her and works harder than me. When I go away, she supports the medicine hall. She is a virtuous housekeeper inside and out. Without such a virtuous Wu, it would be difficult for me to achieve my great career. I really want to thank my wife"""Great doctor - great benefactor" suddenly heard the shout of Xiao Qingqing. She was flying on the grass. In an instant, the sound was heard. She cupped her fists and said:"Doctor, there is a liar who is trying to swindle money, saying that his pills can It is a magic pill that can lead to longevity of 108 years. Each pill costs one hundred taels of silver. My sisters asked me to ask a great doctor to verify it, so that tourists who go to the mountain will not be deceived.

Li Shizhen just shook his head after hearing this, and asked:"Is anyone buying it?""

Yue Zhong said with a smile:"Several gentlemen were so blown away by that guy that they spent money to buy it in a daze.

Li Shizhenxiong said:"Let's go!" Might as well go take a look. Qingqing followed him towards the shortcut path. As he walked, he asked,"What kind of medicine seller is he?" Qingqing held the scabbard with one hand and carried the festooned skirt with the other, saying:"Haha, that guy was born with an elf, a big mouth, a long head, a short beard, and small eyes. He put medicine all over the floor, saying that his medicine pill is a miracle doctor." According to Li Babai's biography, Li Babai lived over 800 years old and lived in the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties. And he also has a pill that can make him live three hundred years. When Li

Shizhen heard this, she was amused and said with a smile:"Miss Qingqing changed into this beautiful dress and looked like a fairy descending to earth." Qingqing laughed loudly and said:"The eldest sister and the three younger sisters are also wearing colorful dresses. They are the most fairies." Well, Master, who is that braggart? Li

Shizhen chuckled and said:"Jiangyangshan, a bullshit doctor, just a bragging doctor.""A poem sighed:

It is too sad to blow up false ghosts, and it is difficult to cure the mental gap.

Don't take the hypothesis as the truth. Who will be the liar in the coming year?

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