Captain America just feels it.

My mood fell into the abyss again.


Screen brother.

Where did I offend you?

You are playing with me like this.

Now Miss Carter just came over and kissed me.

You do this.

I’m really going to die.


Miss Carter’s hand has quietly been placed on Captain America’s waist.

The posture needs to be twisted.

Captain America has suffered enough.

He quickly pressed down Miss Carter’s little hand.

“Wait a minute, Miss Carter, there must be some misunderstanding!”

I saw Miss Carter looking at Captain America with raised eyebrows.


“Steve! I really believed your lies!”

“When you played the first video just now, you told me that you would never have an affair!”

“But in the video, you clearly kissed that blond bitch, and you did it in public!”

“Tell me honestly, tell me what tidbits you have, and I will spare your life!!!”

Seeing Miss Carter who was so tender just now.

All of a sudden, she turned into a tigress that was ready to attack.

Captain America couldn’t help but lament that women are really terrible creatures.

He wiped the cold sweat that had just appeared on his forehead with his hand.

The brain is racing.

Captain America felt like his brain was going to smoke.

At this moment, he only felt.

No matter what you say, it’s wrong.


What else did he have to say.


An idea flashed across Captain America’s head.

He knew what to say.

“Wait, Miss Carter.”

“Look, the scene in the video just now where I was kissing that blonde…ahem, blonde woman came from the future.”

“Does that mean that the next tidbits about me on this screen are also about the future?”

“Well, let’s listen first and see what happens in the future.”

“I promise you, you will definitely avoid these gossipy news that happened to me in the future!!!”

Captain America’s eyes are piercing.

The whole person revealed his sincerity.

Miss Carter lowered her little hand that was about to strangle Captain America’s waist.

There was a pause.


What Steve said makes a little sense…

The tidbits that happened to Captain America have not happened now.

It’s really not right to pursue a murderer across time and space on your own.

Although the truth is this.

But Miss Carter did it for the girl’s sake.

He didn’t want Captain America to see that he had lost his temper all of a sudden.


Miss Carter still maintained her angry look.

“Huh, what you said makes some sense.”

“Let’s see what the video says first, Steve Rogers. (Long sound -)”

Jian relied on his clever brain to finally coax Miss Carter.

Captain America let out a long sigh of relief.


The next big brother on the screen can be more effective and don’t reveal too many explosive news about me…

at the same time.

Other heroes from different time and space are also very interested in the next content.

after all.

Eating melon is the first instinct of human beings.

if it is possible.

Everyone wants to be a crocodile in the melon field.

You can eat enough melon every day.

Stank Building.

Tony called to Jarvis.

“Jarvis, record the entire next video for me!”

“I want to wait until the video ends and play it back a hundred times!!!”

While talking.

Tony mixed himself a cocktail.

Get cozy on the couch and get ready to watch.

Tony’s feelings for Captain America are complicated.

Although I made many genius moves as a child.

But his father, Howard, was not very satisfied.

Always said to Tony.

You are far worse than Captain America.

Tony felt very unconvinced.

Isn’t Captain America just an experimental product?

Isn’t he just a big-headed soldier?

What a big deal.


Tony as a child.

His feelings towards Captain America are disgusting, even disgusting.

But since Tony saw the wonderful performance of the American team in the contract negotiation battle.

See the brilliance of humanity shining in Captain America.

I also recognized Captain America in my heart.

But the resentment has been deep since childhood.

It’s impossible to completely change your opinion of Captain America all of a sudden.


Now Tony’s feelings for Captain America.


Just like that annoying but capable brother next door.

Although the brother next door is very nice.

But I still felt a little awkward.

Can wait.

The screen is about to broadcast tidbits about Captain America.

Tony is not unfamiliar with the word “gossip”.

He knows.

The so-called gossip.

More often shows the protagonist’s ugly appearance.

That is, the scene where the protagonist makes a fool of himself.

For Tony.

Being able to see Captain America’s gossip.

It’s like finally being able to catch the pigtails of the neighbor’s brother.

How can Tony not be excited.

Tony was in high spirits.

He even brought a bucket of popcorn.

Prepared to eat while watching.

Pepper felt helpless about Tony’s appearance.



Got another bucket of popcorn.

Sit next to Tony.

Also prepared to watch the video.

After all.

Women are much more aggressive than men when it comes to eating melons!!!

What’s more.

This is Captain America’s gossip.

It’s a big melon among big melons!!! !


Pepper Potts!

But we must not let her go!!!



Director Nick Fury, the boiled egg, saw the content of the video that was about to be played and was about to say something.

He heard the voices of Hawkeye and Black Widow behind him.

“Director, what are you doing there? Sit down and watch while eating together.”

The black boiled egg turned his head.

He looked closely.

Oh my goodness.

It turned out that I don’t know when.

Black Widow and Hawkeye had already taken beer, fried chicken and French fries.

Put them on the table.

The chair that was originally a bit hard to sit on, I don’t know when, they were replaced by a soft sofa.

Director Nick Fury opened his eyes wide.

He looked at all this in disbelief.

“You… When did you two do this!???”

Black Widow picked up a piece of fried chicken.

“Director (chew chew chew), stop talking (chew chew chew), come and see (chew chew chew).”

Hawkeye also picked up a piece of fried chicken and said.

“Yeah (chew chew chew), Director (chew chew chew), don’t block the screen if you don’t want to see it (chew chew chew).”

“Oh oh oh, I’m coming.”

Hearing both of them calling him over.

Director Nick Fury didn’t care about these two little things.

He sat next to Black Widow and Hawkeye.

He watched while eating French fries and drinking beer.


On the screen.

The video continued.

【First. 】

【The first gossip. 】

【Also the most important news. 】

【Captain America is actually not a virgin anymore!!!】

【And his first time was not given to Agent Carter!!!】





Hawkeye, Black Widow, Black Boiled Egg.

The three of them took a sip of the old wine.

All of them spit it out!

“Ahem, what…what!???”

“I like this screen brother, is it so big right at the beginning?”

“Oh my god, Captain America’s first time is not for Miss Carter!???”

The three people present shouted that it was awesome 666.

They vaguely guessed that Captain America’s gossip would be very explosive.

But who could have thought it would be so explosive!

Who would start with a big one right at the beginning!

Black Widow was laughing foolishly while holding fried chicken.

She felt.

Today she will definitely be able to eat melon to her heart’s content!!!


Behind the military camp.

Miss Carter’s face darkened.

Steve’s face changed drastically.

Howard was cheering and jumping for joy.

Sure enough.

Humans’ joys and sorrows are not the same.

Howard patted Captain America’s shoulder excitedly.

“Oh my god, sure, brother.”

“You’ve got a big one for me!”

“Tell me, when were you no longer a virgin?!”

Miss Carter also echoed at this time.

“Yeah, Steve (long tone –), I also want to know when you were no longer a virgin.”

“I’m really curious (long tone –)”

Although both parties expressed curiosity.

But their attitudes were one hot and one cold.

Completely opposite.

Captain America was sweating all over at this moment.

Screen brother!

Didn’t you agree to only tell me future gossips about me!

How did you get out of this! ! !

Captain America stuttered to the two of them.

“Watch… watch the video, I won’t explain…”


What else to explain?

Captain America now just wants to stay away from this place of trouble.

Turn around.

Pretend to leave.


Miss Carter grabbed him.

She said to Captain America with a fake smile.

“Steve, where do you want to go? Don’t go. Let’s sit down and watch together.”

Captain America thought it was not good.

It’s over!

There’s no way to escape! ! ! !

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