In the end, Aunt Tian bought a lot of brown rice from Widow Wang. Although Widow Wang likes to take advantage of small things, she is also divided into objects. In her opinion, the home is not as good as her own, and a medicine jar at home is a drag on her all the year round.

Therefore, she did not start the price on the ground, and still sold it to her at the normal market price.

Shen Yijia did what she said. She used the trolley to help deliver the grain and also brought the rest of the wood with her.

As soon as she entered the yard of An's house, she saw An Xiu'er, who had not seen her for a long time, wearing a brand-new jacket and passing under the porch, with a birdcage in her hand.

Seeing that Shen Yijia paused, An Xiu'er carried the bird cage back to the house without saying hello.

"I don't know why this girl has been around recently. It's like holding that bird as a baby every day. Don't pay attention to her." Aunt Tian embarrassedly helped her daughter.

Shen Yijia didn't care, she licked her lips, she hadn't eaten roasted bird meat for a long time, and wanted to eat it.

Helping An Dong unload the things together, Shen Yijia pushed the trolley home, thinking about the taste of barbecue.

Aunt Tian was sitting in the main room, roasting the fire and sewing needles.

In fact, seeing so much food, she had already guessed it, but she still didn't give up.

Aunt Tian nodded her forehead angrily: "It's not that we can't live in our house, why are you going to someone else's house?"

She didn't plan to live in the Song family from the beginning. After all, An Dong and An Xiu'er were not too young. The Song family lived in the Song Jingchen couple, and it was easy to gossip.

When she went out, An Xiuer said more after being rubbed by An Xiuer.

"You didn't mention it?" An Xiu'er pouted a little dissatisfied.

"I mentioned it, but I didn't agree."

An Xiuer stopped talking in front of her eyes.

Aunt Tian glanced at her and thought of what Anton said that she was wrong recently.

Thinking of Song Jingchen's face again, his heart sank. He said in a stern tone: "You have been embroidering more wedding dresses in your room recently, and Kaichunniang will find you a good husband in the coming year."

"I won't marry." An Xiu'er's face turned pale and she blurted out anxiously.

"You don't marry? I'm looking for you if you don't marry? Or marry no one? Are you going to be an old lady at home for the rest of your life?" The more Aunt Tian looked, the more wrong she felt, and she was annoyed that she didn't find out earlier.

"Instead... Anyway, I don't want to get married yet." After speaking, An Xiu'er ran away with the bird cage.

"Don't marry? Could it be that you want to live with your pigeon?" Aunt Tian was very angry, especially the guess in her heart made her very uncomfortable.

He couldn't help complaining: "This child used to be fine, how could it have become like this. I don't know where to get a pigeon, and let her stew it to make up for his father, but he wouldn't agree."


"I want to eat roasted birds!" Shen Yijia couldn't help muttering when she got home.

Song Jingchen was reading a book on the side. Hearing this, he felt amused. He couldn't help but say something to pierce her fantasy: "How can you catch birds in this weather?"

"I think Xiu'er has one. It's fat and white. It must be delicious when roasted." Shen Yijia retorted unconvinced.

Hmph, tomorrow she will grab one and show it to him.

Song Jingchen frowned, put down the book in his hand, looked up at Shen Yijia and asked, "Did you see it? What kind?"

"I don't know what breed it is." Thinking that Song Jingchen didn't believe her, Shen Yijia tried her best to think back and said, "It's white and fat. Oh, by the way, its eyes are red."

When An Xiuer turned around, she glanced at it.

Song Jingchen's eyes sank and he stopped speaking.

This week our ratings have dropped again, so helpless!

The little cutie who doesn't have a rating can help you to score (can you ask for a five-star, cover your face)

If there is a little cute who really thinks that Wenwen has a big problem, you can also point it out.

By the way, what was previously posted in the main text had nothing to do with the content, and it was only written on it because many little cuties didn't see it as words.

The content of the text is 1000+, there is no word count, and I don't need to do that during the free period. If the content is not enough, I can update it three or two times a day. The minimum standard of the platform is one update!

But I don't have anything important to inform in the future, and I will try not to talk nonsense in the text.

Rumble: Then our new book list entered sixth place, Sahua!

I hope that the little cuties who like Shizi's book can continue to support!

It's been more than a month since I posted, thank you for your support along the way.

Finally, I would like to thank Akutagawa, Tiansheng, Jiu Yu, and Zuo Ming for the reward and refill.

Thanks Akutagawa, Bad Bad, Chi Chi, DE I, the promise that once dissipated between my fingers, self-proclaimed, Qi Jinyan, Jaina.Sun, for the monthly vote. Refill!

Thanks to all the cuties who voted and commented.

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