Shen Yijia was thinking about where to catch a bird and came back, thinking that all the small animals in the mountains were hiding, and the weather was so cold, the birds must have flown to other places, and she was very discouraged.

She learned from others that they threw a handful of rice in the yard to catch birds, but she stayed for two days, not to mention birds, and not a single bird feather fell.

Instead, he almost caught a cold.

Song Jingchen couldn't stand it any longer. At night, everyone rested and took Shen Yijia directly to the kitchen.

As soon as Shen Yijia arrived in the kitchen, she leaned into Song Jingchen's ear and whispered, "Are we here to steal food?"

The sound is like mosquitoes and flies, and there is really a smell of being a thief.

Shen Yijia couldn't think of what else to do when she came to the kitchen to find something to eat. It wouldn't be the night where she wanted to talk to her about her ideals and aspirations in life.

Song Jingchen glanced at her speechlessly, and drove the wheelchair to the stove.

Bend over and pick up a wooden stick from the side, put it into the stove and pull it.

There was still a faint spark in the stove, and the warm light on his face made people who were usually cold-hearted a little more human.

After a while, he saw a black lump pulled out from the stove.

Shen Yijia was shocked: Xiang Gong is so hungry that he is ready to eat dirt?

Song Jingchen glanced at her, kept silent, took out a handkerchief to wrap the black block, and squeezed it hard.

Immediately, the aroma of meat overflowed.

Smelling the familiar fragrance, Shen Yijia's eyes lit up, and she leaned over and said excitedly, "This, this, where did you come from?"

Isn't that what the roasted bird she was thinking of was.

"It flew into the stove by itself, maybe it was cold outside and wanted to go in and bake the fire. I also happened to see it." Song Jingchen was expressionless and flickered seriously.

Shen Yijia: "."

Although I came out of a mental hospital, don't take me for a fool.

The two happily ate the pigeon meat together.

In fact, Shen Yijia ate it alone, occasionally stuffing a few pieces of meat into Song Jingchen's mouth.

After eating, Shen Yijia wiped her mouth contentedly, not forgetting to stuff the bones back into the stove to destroy the corpse.

Song Jingchen looked at her series of natural operations, raised her eyebrows, and seemed to do these things frequently.

Back in the room, Shen Yijia fell asleep after eating and drinking.

Song Jingchen sat up, took out a note from under the pillow, and saw a small line written on it: Daan, everything went well.

He rubbed his brows, put down the big stone in his heart, and put the note to the oil lamp and lit it.

Turn off the oil lamp and lie down, and everything is silent again.

Poor Uncle Yang, who is far to the north, stares at the sky where there are only snowflakes but no other creatures in a daze.

"Uncle Yang, are you waiting for the letter from the eldest son?" A girl dressed in armor and dressed as a man came over and asked.

Uncle Yang sighed and didn't answer.

I couldn't help worrying about Song Jingchen, and the young master suddenly sent two letters in a row.

The content of the first letter is normal; but the second letter is not right, since he let him put an extra pigeon in the past.

He originally thought that the young master had too many things to order, and that the letter was too thick and a pigeon was not enough, but he waited for these days

Where did the pigeon go?

The time flickered to the fifteenth day after Shen Yijia's spirit liquid had risen to level three, Shen Yijia rarely woke up early.

The first thing she did when she opened her eyes was to look inside her body. Shen Yijia almost cried with joy when she saw the drop of golden spiritual liquid suspended in her body.

Song Jingchen's leg was saved.

Before everyone got up, Shen Yijia got dressed and went into the kitchen.

She decided to prepare breakfast for everyone today!

After hearing and seeing Li's cooking for so long, Shen Yijia felt that it was still okay to cook porridge by herself.

The third round of pk is advanced! The new book list dropped one place, oh!

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