The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 340 Mother and they are gone (two more in one)

On a rainy night, a group of men in black leaped to the roof like ghosts, and the sound of rain drowned out the slight noise.

Nanfeng moved a low stool and sat under the porch. At night, he drank too much water and felt the urge to urinate. He looked around and got up and went to the thatched hut.

The leading man in black made a gesture, and someone immediately followed.

Immediately, the leader jumped off the roof with the rest, and with a wave of his hand, the men in black divided into three waves and headed for the three rooms.


The leader took out a bamboo pipe from his arms, pierced the window paper, and blew the smoke into the house.

After waiting for a while, he used his sword to pry open the door bolt...

Most people who practice martial arts can see at night. Even if there is no light in the room, they can clearly see the slight bulging of the quilt on the bed.

The leader walked to the bed step by step, tightened the sword in his hand, and stabbed it without hesitation...

Only when he was stabbed did he realize something was wrong, and he yanked the quilt away. Where there were people under the quilt, there were only two pillows side by side.

"No, it's a trick." The leader was startled, only to feel a chill jumping up from the soles of his feet, and a strong murderous aura came from behind him.

He subconsciously grabbed the sword and blocked it behind him, and then he heard a ding, and the sound of the blades colliding was extremely harsh.

Only then did he realize that the few people who followed him in had already fallen to the ground.

"I'm going to save people." Shen Yijia left the last man in black, told Song Jingchen and ran out.

Song Jingchen thought about what to stop but didn't say it, but looked at the leader's eyes a little colder.


Shen Yijia trotted all the way in her middle clothes. The three houses were in the front yard, and the other two were in the front yard. When she arrived, she saw a group of black-clothed people around the yard.

It turned out that the smoke was useless for the dumplings. The man in black tried to enter the house, but the dumplings threw him right in the face.

The men in black can only work together to solve the stumbling block first, so there is this scene that Shen Yijia saw.

Shen Yijia breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time, the long whip threw out the sword that blocked the stab at Tuanzi.

With countless sword wounds on his body, the dumplings lay dying on the ground, staring fiercely at the man in black, when they saw Shen Yijia coming, it stood up staggeringly.

Seeing this scene, Shen Yijia frowned, and the whip rolled up and threw it on the person next to her.

The dumpling took the opportunity to rush out from the broken opening, Shen Yijia pursed her lips tightly, squatted down and touched its head, placing her fingers in front of it.

In the eyes of the man in black, the dumpling licked Shen Yijia's hand, but in fact Shen Yijia was feeding it the spiritual liquid.

The men in black looked at each other, raised their swords and attacked one person and one tiger.

It's just a woman, they don't care about it at all, their biggest goal is still the dumpling.

Kill it while it's sick.

But then they were dumbfounded.

Shen Yijia directly put away the long whip and met the man in black. Her speed was too fast, and with the darkness and the rain curtain, the man in black could only see a white shadow passing in front of them.

Shen Yijia grabbed a man's collar, knocked on the man's hand holding the sword, and crushed the man's hand bones.

The man's cry of pain directly overshadowed the sound of the rain, but this was just the beginning.

Shen Yijia picked up the man and dodged a blade, threw the man in front of the dumplings, and shouted, "Duanzi."

Of course she could kill people directly, but she felt that these people hurt Dango.

The group must want to take revenge on their own.

The dumpling gained strength, and a flying pounce bit the neck of the man in black who was brought to him.

Before the pain in the man in black had passed, he felt his body hanging in the air, and before he could react, his neck hurt and he was killed on the spot.

The rest of the men in black were startled, is this still human? Why does she feel like throwing a big man is like throwing a rag?

It turned out that they were not much different from the rags. Shen Yijia grabbed one and broke his hand bones, making him lose the sword, and then threw it directly to Tuanzi.

Sometimes if two people bump into each other, she will do it one by one...

One person and one tiger cooperated tacitly, and many corpses soon lay down in front of the group.

The last of the dozen or so men in black remained.

"You, you, you...don't come here!" Seeing his companions die under this man's hands one by one without fighting back, the man lost his fighting spirit, and was so scared that he stepped back a few steps and fell down. on the ground.

Shen Yijia walked towards him step by step, she was obviously a little girl, but the man in black felt that he had seen death.

Where did this person come from? Isn't Song Shizi's wife the unloved second lady of the Shen family in the capital?

Even if she secretly learned martial arts, how old is she?

Now they can easily kill these professionally trained dark guards. If she is allowed to grow up, I am afraid that person is not her opponent.

He couldn't help swallowing his saliva, then moved back tremblingly: "Please, please, please, let me go."

The heavy rain was still falling, and Shen Yijia was soaked wet. She paused, tilted her head, and pointed at the dumpling: "Did you let it go when you bullied it?"

The dumpling snorted at the right time, as if complaining to Shen Yijia.

When Song Jingchen came over, he saw Shen Yijia standing in the rain, watching the dumplings rush up to deal with the last person.

"Aren't you hurt?" Song Jingchen went out and pulled the person under the eaves, cupped her face with both hands and wiped it for her.

Both of them were only wearing middle clothes, and the clothes were directly stuck to their bodies when they were wet by the rain.

Song Jingchen originally wanted to check whether Shen Yijia was injured.

When he noticed the bulge on her chest, he quickly turned his head away, dragged her to the room where they slept, and said hoarsely, "Go back to the room and change your clothes."

Shen Yijia didn't notice his strangeness, let him drag him away, and hummed: "They didn't have the ability to hurt me, but the dumpling was injured."

"Ouch~" Tuanzi followed Song Jingchen's feet and called out in a low voice.

Song Jingchen looked down at Tuanzi, and noticed that its wound was healing visibly to the naked eye.

His pupils shrank, and he said solemnly, "Go to the kitchen and stay."

The dumpling, who had acted coquettishly until halfway, said: "..." The hostess was so nervous even though she was not injured, and she ignored her injuries, and even drove her away, she was too partial.

There were still a few corpses lying in the house, even if they were all dead, Song Jingchen didn't want Shen Yijia to change clothes in front of the male outsider. Fortunately, there was a small shed next to the house.

"You're also wet." Shen Yijia's eyes stared straight at Song Jingchen's chest when she said this.

She didn't notice it at first, and then she stared at Song Jingchen's abdominal muscles and couldn't take her eyes away.

Song Jingchen was stared at by her straightforward eyes, and in order to avoid embarrassment, he gritted his teeth and pushed the person into the ear room rudely, and slammed the door closed for her.

Shen Yijia: "..." She hasn't said to change it together!

When she came out after changing her clothes, Song Jingchen also finished changing, but her expression seemed a little wrong.

Shen Yijia: "..." stingy, it's not like she hasn't seen it.

Nan Feng was found by the black-clothed person who had finished the solution on his own. He was also injured a little, but luckily it wasn't serious.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the two of them were okay, but was interrupted by Song Jingchen just as he was about to kneel down to plead guilty.

"I left a live account and took it to trial." Song Jingchen instructed, his tone was very casual, and he didn't seem to have much hope that he could find out from that mouth.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The man in black did not say who the master was when he died.

Shen Yijia used what she had learned from Mo Yuan to wake up Mo Yuan and 30,000.

Mo Yuan woke up when those people were blowing smoke, but she had no choice but to have a seizure before she could react to the effects of the medicine, so it was not surprising to wake up to see those corpses.

Thirty thousand:  …

The rain did not stop until dawn, but luckily it was getting smaller.

Nanfeng and Sanwan went to the village to find Minoyi, and brought back news that the village was empty.

Except for the traces of people living in the house where they lived, weeds have grown in the yards of other houses, and it seems that no one has lived for a while.

Song Jingchen pursed his lips and said, "Report to Fan Mingyuan then."

This village also falls under the jurisdiction of the magistrate of Anyang County.

They did not enter Anyang County, but went directly to Xiagou Village, and the rain stopped halfway.

When he entered the village, it was already afternoon. Shen Yijia lifted the curtain of the car and saw many familiar figures working in the fields.

People who used to dislike each other in the past now feel a little kinder when she looks at them.

The carriage into the village naturally attracted a wave of curious eyes from the villagers.

However, because they didn't know the driver of the car, they didn't dare to step forward to ask, so they could only watch the carriage go towards the end of the village.

The tail of the village used to be excluded from the village, but now it is different. She lives in three families, and the daughter of the An family went to the capital. I heard that she was attracted by the nobles.

Needless to say, the Song family has always been a hot topic in the village.

It was originally a guilt, but now that His Majesty's imperial decree has come down, it is even more incredible to recall the capital again.

Even the family of Widow Wang was looked at by the villagers because of their friendship with the Song family.

Only now...

"The one who just passed by seems to be from the Song family, right?" Cui patted the person next to him and asked.

"Who?" The man didn't respond.

"Just that female evil... the powerful daughter-in-law of the Song family, and the boy of the Song family." The word female evil star spun around in Mrs Cui's mouth, and she swallowed it.

She saw it from the corner of the curtain, but the carriage passed directly, not very sure.

"You read that right?" Another woman spoke.

Everyone knows that the Song family opened a fragrant powder shop in the town. At first, Li told others that Shen Yijia was guarding the shop in the town, and Song Jingchen was always at home.

If it wasn't for the imperial decree of Emperor Chong'an, they would have thought that Song Jingchen had been at home. After all, it was normal for the lame to not go out. They could occasionally see a person in a wheelchair through the open door.

As a result, the imperial decree stated that Emperor Chong'an sent Song Jingchen to Xunyang. Although Li didn't know why things turned out like that, she believed in her son.

When someone asks her, she simply doesn't hide it, and directly tells everyone that the husband and wife are going together.

Mrs Cui was originally unsure, but was immediately dissatisfied when the woman asked in a suspicious tone: "How could I have misunderstood, it's the couple, didn't they see that the carriage was heading for the end of the village?"

"I, I saw it too." Zeng timidly responded to his mother-in-law's words.

"Why are they only coming back now, there is no one at home, hey..."

As soon as the carriage stopped beside the crooked neck tree, Shen Yijia couldn't wait to jump out of the carriage, and Tuanzi was as excited as she was.

The dumpling went straight around the house and prepared to drill a hole in.

The door was tightly closed, and Shen Yijia stepped forward and knocked on the door: "Mother, we're back."

"Brother Hao, Sister Huan, I'm back."

"Miaomiao, Lin Shao..."

Shen Yijia called everyone again, Song Jingchen smiled helplessly, got out of the car, and frowned at a glance: "Don't knock, there's no one at home."

Shen Yijia was about to ask how you knew when the door opened next door.

Anton came out with a bow and arrow in his hand, and when he saw them, he was stunned: "You, you are back."

His eyes stayed on Song Jingchen's lap for a moment. The rest of the village knew that Song Jingchen was not at home because of the imperial decree, but he knew it long ago.

The night Song Jingchen left, his wife was hungry. He got up in the middle of the night to cook her a late-night snack and happened to see him. He was still waiting in the yard for a long time because of the strangeness, and he saw Shen Yijia leading the horse out...

But he didn't tell anyone.

Song Jingchen nodded.

Shen Yijia asked, "Where did my mother and the others go, aren't they at home?"

The sound she just knocked on the door could be heard in the backyard.

A trace of guilt crossed Anton's face: "Wait a second."

After he finished speaking, he went back to the house, and came out again after a while, not holding a bow and arrow, but a key.

He glanced at the two of them and walked to the gate of the Song family.

Shen Yijia was so excited that she didn't pay attention, only then did she see a lock on her door.

Shen Yijia blinked, but why is the key in An Dong's hand? Is mother afraid that they will not be able to enter the door when they come back?

"This, this door is locked by me." Anton took off the lock and explained.

The courtyard door was pushed open, and when she saw the scene inside, Shen Yijia was shocked that something was wrong.

The yard was overgrown with weeds, and several chairs fell to one side.

"This..." Shen Yijia looked back at Song Jingchen in confusion.

Song Jingchen's hands on both sides clenched into fists...

"About ten days ago, the workshop didn't open for a long time, so my mother and the others went to look for Aunt Li..."

The key to the workshop was always in Li's hands, and she would open the door ahead of time every morning.

"But I don't want your door to be unlocked, and I didn't see anyone after entering, but... there are traces of fighting everywhere." Anton's face was filled with grief.

"And the long-term workers hired by your family are also gone. Everyone guessed that they wanted to make money and kidnapped Aunt Li and the others..."

The Song family consisted of one woman and four and a half children. Although Li was in her thirties, she was well-maintained and still a beautiful woman with a charming charm.

She is stronger than many big girls in the country, and the four and a half old children are so good-looking that they can sell them for a lot of money.

"Aunt Wang and Tie Dan also lived in your house for a few days, and we didn't see you together."

As Anton's voice sounded, Shen Yijia only felt a buzzing sound in her head, how could it be?

Nan Feng and San Wan looked at each other as soon as they heard Anton talking about the long-term workers, and their first reaction was that it was impossible.

Thinking of something, Anton said again: "I went to the county government with Shen Dali to report to the official, but there is no news so far.

We were afraid that the villagers would enter your house and rummage, and we thought that the two of you would definitely come back, so we discussed and locked the door for you. We have never touched anything inside. "

"Thank you." Song Jingchen said.

Anton shook his head, he didn't help.

Thanks Andesin for the tip, refill

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