The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 341 It's just... very strange (two more in one)

"Xianggong, mother and the others..." An Dong left for a long time before Shen Yijia found her voice.

Song Jingchen held her hand and patted her to reassure: "Let's go to the county first."

They were still on the road ten days ago, and even if something happened, Fan Mingyuan or anyone else wanted to send him a message.

Maybe someone at home has come, but the truth will definitely not be what Anton and the others guessed.

He is more inclined to the mother and they are hiding, but he will have to see Fan Mingyuan to find out.

They didn't even have time to move the contents of the carriage, so they unloaded the carriage and hurried to the county seat on horseback.

Trying to drill into the hole, but underestimated his size, the dumpling was stuck in the middle of the hole: "Ooooooooo~"


Shen Dali heard the villagers' discussion, and when he arrived at the end of the village, he was annoyed when he saw that the people had left.

It's not only An Dong who feels guilty about this kind of thing in the Song family, he also blames himself.

As a former bandit leader, he didn't even know that someone was doing bad things under his nose, and he deserved to be taken to the nest.

What's more, it was the aunt's house that he recognized, so wouldn't it be his own home?

But fortunately, Shen Dali was here, otherwise the group wouldn't know how long they would be stuck.

Shen Dali's thoughts Shen Yijia didn't know, when they arrived at the county seat, it happened to be the time to close the city gate.

Song Jingchen had a small seal given by Fan Mingyuan, so they were not stopped, and they went directly to the back door of the county government.

Nanfeng knocked on the door.

A woman stuck her head out, seeing if she didn't know him, and seeing that Nan Feng was not dressed like a rich man, his face immediately pulled down: "Knock knock knock, knock what knock. Don't you know where this place is? Hurry up, If you want to report the case, go to the front office."

In the past, the county magistrate was a corrupt official, and the common people did not dare to go to the yamen if they had something to do.

Since Fan Mingyuan took office, it has been completely reversed. The people have nothing to do, and the big things must be decided by the county master Fan Mingyuan.

Some people did not want to go to the former ya to lose face in court because of family matters, so they ran straight to the rear ya and knocked on the door, asking Fan Mingyuan to judge them privately.

However, it must be said that under the management of Fan Mingyuan for more than a year, the atmosphere of Anyang County has improved a lot.

Where can you see those gangsters who used to receive protection fees in Anyang County now.

When the front foot appears, someone on the back foot will report to the official, so that you don't even know who caused you to be arrested.

You only have to walk around the street and you will hear something like "I'm going to arrest you to report to the officials."

The gatekeeper took Nanfeng as someone who came to report to the official.

Seeing that she had misunderstood, Nanfeng took out a small seal from his arms and handed it over, explaining with a good temper: "I am not here to report to the official, my master knows Fan County magistrate, this is the small seal of Fan magistrate, my master has something to do. …”

The old woman in the doorway rolled her eyes and interrupted him contemptuously: "Tsk, you're really interesting to talk about, is there anyone in Anyang County who doesn't know my family? Yin, I don't know the old lady, so she said she would go to the front office if she had something to do..."

It's not that no one has clambered up relatives or brought out some token in order to see Master Fan quickly, and the gatekeeper has long been surprised.

In the past, when I sent people like this, I should leave, but I didn't want to...

"Bang." The door, which had only been opened a crack, was pushed open with a force.

Before the doorkeeper could react, someone suddenly grabbed her collar, and she screamed in fright, "Ah~ what are you doing, you can't beat someone in this county government office."

Only then did she realize that there were a few more people in front of her at some point, and the one who grabbed her was a pretty little daughter-in-law.

Shen Yijia had a small face, lifted the person up, took the small seal from Nanfeng's hand and put it in front of the gatekeeper, and asked coldly, "Do you recognize this small seal?"

The doorkeeper was so frightened that she clenched Shen Yijia's hand and cried and said, "Oh, it's not the old lady, I don't want to recognize it, but the master has already said that the reporting officer has to follow the rules, you can't..."

Shen Yijia scratched her ears impatiently, making a gesture to knock out the noisy old woman.

"What's the matter?" A displeased voice sounded behind them.

Shen Yijia turned around, it was a man wearing a gray robe and a goatee, with several medicine bags in his hands.

After only one look, she looked away and didn't recognize her.

The visitor recognized Song Jingchen, a look of astonishment flashed across his face, and a happy expression appeared on his face: "Young Master Song, you are back."

Song Jingchen nodded.

The doorkeeper looked at Shiye Ma politely leading the person into the door as if she had seen a ghost, rolled her eyes and fainted.

This doorkeeper is also unlucky. Before, because he was receiving money from others to help pass the word in, he was caught by Master Ma and severely deducted the money for a few months without saying anything, and even ate a board.

It was because of this that she had that attitude, but she didn't want to offend the noble the first time.

Master Ma brought people into the flower hall, ordered a servant to report to Fan Mingyuan, and then summoned the maid to serve tea, and said, "My lord was injured a few days ago, and I was able to stay for two days. Master Song, please wait here for a while. ,I go"

"No, I'll go directly." Song Jingchen frowned, stood up and interrupted Master Ma's words.

Master Ma thought of the relationship between his lord and this man, and without saying anything to stop him, he led him straight to the inner courtyard.

As soon as he arrived at the Chuihuamen, he bumped into Fan Mingyuan, who hurried out after hearing the news.

"Eldest son, you're back." Fan Mingyuan's joy was undisguised.

But Xu was injured, his face was pale, and he stood with the feeling that he was about to fall at any time.

Even if Song Jingchen is worried about Li and the others, he doesn't look good and asks here, frowning: "Let's go ahead and talk about it."

"it is good."

Shen Yijia followed behind, staring at the back of the woman supporting Fan Mingyuan without blinking.

Fan Mingyuan was injured and needed someone to walk. It was nothing, but the woman was wearing an apricot dress, not a maid.

Seeing that half of Fan Mingyuan's body was on the woman, the two should not look too intimate.

In the ancient times when men and women were in great defense, this was already considered a big breach of the norm.

When looking at the beautiful husband, he never let other women get close.

Shen Yijia frowned, didn't Fan Mingyuan have already engaged Xiao Ruoshui?

She remembered that Xiao Ruoshui wrote to her that the wedding date was set for the next spring, and asked her if she could add makeup to her at that time.

Fan Mingyuan can't wait for Xiao Ruoshui to marry, so he is ready to take a concubine for himself,

If this is the case, she has to persuade Xiao Ruoshui to marry someone else.

After all, she is her little friend, so she can't be wronged by this.

But three wives and four concubines seem to be the norm here? Will Xiao Ruoshui care?

Thinking of this, Shen Yijia shook her head. The most important thing now is to find the mother and the others first.

Xiao Ruoshui's affairs can be put aside first, since there are still several months before her wedding date.

Shen Yijia followed Song Jingchen into Fan Mingyuan's study in the backyard.

The woman helped Fan Mingyuan to sit down, and Fushen bowed and walked out, never raising her head or saying a word.

"Master, they are all right, but I don't know where they were hidden by your people." Fan Mingyuan knew why Song Jingchen came to find him, and said without waiting for Song Jingchen to speak.

Speaking of this, he was also very speechless. A few days ago, there was a tricky case in the village below. He took people there, because he was too busy to come back the next day.

Before reaching the county office, the carriage was stopped by two men, saying that there were seven people from two families in their village missing.

When Song Jingchen was not at home, he often visited Song's house these days.

He didn't know the man with the knife tyrant on his face, but he had seen the other man several times. He lived next door to the Song family and surnamed An.

He asked the driver to stop the carriage, frowned and asked, "Are you from Xiagou Village?"

Anton also recognized him, but he did not expect that the man he had seen several times in front of Song's house was the magistrate of Anyang County.

He was stunned and hurriedly told the Song family's disappearance overnight.

Fan Mingyuan was startled, and even the county government didn't have time to return.

Just as Anton and the two said, in addition to the fighting marks, there are dried bloodstains in the Song family's backyard. At first glance, it is not the Li family who left.

He followed the clues to the back mountain, and happened to be with Yaoji who came back to clean up the traces. Forty thousand two people met, if only they met them.

As soon as he said the last two sentences, a few men in black rushed out.

Each of the men in black is a master, and the people he brought are just yachas, and you don't need to think about it to know that they are not the opponents of the man in black.

Yaoji and 40,000 are better. Taking advantage of his people's life-and-death struggle to delay time, the two of them ran away in the forest in a flash.

It's the kind that runs away without looking back!

This injury is what he will suffer. When he escaped, the sword in his abdomen rolled down the mountain, and when he woke up, he was in a wooden house.

He was so injured that he couldn't move, but it was an orphan girl who rescued him, and it was the county magistrate who brought him back after being brought by Master Ma.

It was also from the conversation with Yaoji that he knew that Li and the others were all right.

He was afraid that the target would be too big and would be noticed by the people in black, so he didn't dare to send someone to look for it with great fanfare, and only sent his henchmen out to find it secretly.

Among them, they have also encountered people in black several times, and the casualties are not mentioned, but at least it means that they have not found Li's group.

It was a quarter of an hour when Shen Yijia and Song Jingchen came out of the study.

Song Jingchen's hand clenched into a fist and never let go. As soon as Emperor Chong'an's imperial decree was issued, something went wrong at home.

It seemed that the person who didn't want him to return to Beijing had made both preparations.

Some people stayed outside Anyang County to rob and kill him, while others went to arrest Li, and if the robbery failed, they could use Li to threaten.

This is his guess, and it does not rule out that there are two waves of people.

The five soldiers were divided into two groups.

Nanfeng and 30,000 went to Qingping Town, while Song Jingchen was going to go into the back mountain to look again.

If it was a Tibetan, Song Jingchen immediately thought of the basement where Nan Feng and the others were imprisoned before.

If they don't go there to find shopkeeper Wang, maybe shopkeeper Wang has news about them.

As for why Yaoji and the others haven't contacted Fan Mingyuan, it's not difficult to understand. Song Jingchen didn't get close to Fan Mingyuan when he was in Xiagou Village.

It was understandable that they did not trust him.

I believe Fan Mingyuan himself is aware of this.

After all this tossing, when they returned to Xiagou Village from the county seat, it was already Xu Shi.

The dumpling was irritably circling at the gate of the yard, and Shen Yijia immediately rushed on it.

It can't even get into its exclusive tiger hole, isn't it big enough? The unscrupulous master could even ignore it.

Because of its anger, it used all its strength in this attack, and the three horses behind it all neighed in fright.

Shen Yijia was worried about Li and the others, and when she saw something rushed over, she subconsciously raised her foot and kicked...

The dumpling flew out with a whimper in pain.

Shen Yijia: "..."

Danzi: "..." It wants to kill this woman, it wants to betray the principle.

However, it can only think about it, and Shen Yijia will probably make it into a tiger meat hot pot if he really does it.

If the Li family were still in the mountains, they would have to find the man before the man in black.

Shen Yijia pulled out several people's clothes for the group to sniff.

It's a pity that these clothes have already been washed, and since too much time has passed, the dumplings didn't smell anything.

"Xiang Gong." Shen Yijia stopped Song Jingchen who was walking in front of him without saying a word.

Although Song Jingchen has always behaved calmly, Shen Yijia knew that he was the one who was most worried about Li Shi, Brother Hao'er and others.

Song Jingchen paused for a moment, then turned around: "What's the matter? Are you tired? Otherwise, you should go back and rest first."

He thought that because the assassin Shen Yijia hadn't slept well last night, he was too excited to rest in the carriage during the day.

His voice was as calm as ever.

Shen Yijia puffed out her cheeks and stepped forward a few steps to him.


A light kiss on his chin.

He met Song Jingchen's stunned gaze.

She scratched her head: "comfort you." This time it really wasn't to take advantage.

Song Jingchen squeezed out a smile and rubbed her head: "Mother, they'll be fine."

"Yeah." Shen Yijia nodded earnestly and suggested: "This mountain is too big, even if they are really still in the mountain, we don't know the exact location, so let's find them separately."

"You..." This is naturally the best way, but in case Shen Yijia meets a beast or a man in black...

Shen Yijia knew what he was worried about, and waved her hand indifferently: "Hey, it's not like you didn't know that I used to run in this mountain before, there is no one I am not familiar with here, and if I really encounter anything, I am not afraid..."

Shen Yijia waved her fist, but when she saw Song Jingchen, she frowned.

She blinked and closed her small fist: "I can run even if I really meet, I can run very fast."

Song Jingchen pursed his lips, and finally nodded.

Shouldn't he always treat Shen Yijia as a delicate flower that needs to be protected, is it still Shen Yijia?

The two of them went in one direction, the group led the way to Song Jingchen, and Shen Yijia led Mo Yuan.

During the time when the spiritual liquid still needed medicinal materials to upgrade, Shen Yijia took the dumplings to almost turn over the nearby mountains, and she knew exactly where there were caves to live in.

In addition to her and Tuanzi, there was one other person in the family who knew that was Lin Shao, who had run with her several times.

There is only a little light from the dim moonlight through the treetops, but this does not affect the speed of Shen Yijia's walking through the forest.

If she wasn't afraid that Mo Yuan wouldn't be able to keep up, she could actually be faster.

It was because she deliberately slowed down, and she could hear Mo Yuan's increasingly heavier breathing in her ears.

Shen Yijia looked back at her.

However, before she could speak, Mo Yuan said, "Miss, don't worry about the slaves, the slaves can keep up."

She has been learning all kinds of things since she met the young lady at the age of five. Her physical quality is actually stronger than many others. It can only be said that Shen Yijia is too perverted.

Shen Yijia pursed her lips and swallowed the words that made her wait here.

Going all the way to the deep mountains, after passing through five or six caves, I haven't found any traces of people living there, let alone living people.

I don't know if it was Shen Yijia's delusion, she always felt that the little animals in the mountains saw her from a distance and ran away without a trace.

It's just... strange, she wasn't here to hunt today.

But their memory is really good,

"Wait." The sudden expression on Shen Yijia's face condensed and she stopped.

"Miss, what's wrong?" Mo Yuan asked.

Shen Yijia frowned and asked, "Did you hear that?"

The sound of the wind blowing the leaves can be heard incessantly, in addition to these sounds...

"What did you hear..." Mo Yuan's voice stopped abruptly: "It's the sound of fighting."


Shen Yijia's pupils shrank, and she ran in the direction of the fighting sound.

The distance was too far, and it was covered by the sound of leaves, and the subtle fighting sound was almost ignored by her.


Do you look at the habit of four thousand characters together? If you're not used to it, just tell me, and I'll post it in chapters.

If no one says I will be four thousand words in the future!

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