The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 347 Three hundred and forty-seven green makes you panic (two more)

Those two people were none other than Fan Mingyuan and the woman she had a relationship with.

The two went out, and their table was in the corner, so the other party didn't see her.

Shen Yijia frowned, Xiao Ruoshui was green, right?


Seeing that the figures of the two were about to disappear from her line of sight, she subconsciously wanted to follow them.

"Sister Jia?" Li Shi's voice called her back to her senses: "What are you looking at?"

Shen Yijia looked, only to realize that the two of them had already finished eating, and both looked at her curiously.

"Mother, I just saw Fan Mingyuan walking with a woman." Shen Yijia told the truth. After thinking about it, she talked about the behavior of the two people in the county government before, and finally asked, "Does Fan Mingyuan want to take a concubine?"

Li Shi paused, turned and glanced at the door. She didn't see the two people Shen Yijia said. She asked a little uncertainly: "The woman you said is Miss Cheng?"

Fan Mingyuan was ten years old when she was admitted to Fuguo Gongfu. It happened that she had just given birth to Brother Hao and Sister Huan. After giving birth to the twins, her body was weak and cultivated for half a year.

Later, he also focused most of his energy on Brother Hao and Sister Huan.

When she can free her hands from the dragon and phoenix, Fan Mingyuan will also grow up.

In addition, he has been living in the outer courtyard, and he either goes to the academy or studies with Song Yi on weekdays, so Mr. Li doesn't meet him very often.

In addition to having a meal together at family banquets during the New Years and holidays, the two of them could say a few words when Fan Mingyuan went to the inner courtyard to greet her on the 15th day of the new year.

It is nothing more than to say something is missing, remember to tell her.

Really speaking, as a teacher, Mrs. Li's concern for him is limited to not letting people treat him badly in terms of clothing, food, housing, and transportation.

"Mother, have you seen her?" Shen Yijia's eyes widened.

It's over, Fan Mingyuan is an orphan, and if he really wants to count, the Li family is his only elder.

This has already progressed to seeing the elders...

Li Shi didn't know what she was thinking, so she nodded and said, "Zi Xiu came to the house the next day after returning home from the mountain. You were still in a coma at that time, so I didn't know."

That day, Fan Mingyuan was also accompanied by a girl.

Fan Mingyuan introduced that the girl was his savior, an orphan, because he was gossiped by people in the village for saving him, so he recognized her as his adopted sister.

"Savior? Righteous sister?" Shen Yijia puffed out her cheeks.

She has seen a lot of this damned and familiar dog-blood section in the book.

Seeing that the savior is pitiful, the male protagonist recognizes him as his sister. He originally wanted to repay his kindness, but he wanted to sleep with him as his wife instead of the other party.

Next, because of the existence of this sister, the hero and heroine have misunderstandings, and then all kinds of sadomasochism are deep.

Shen Yijia remembered what Da Hua Lao sang in her ear: "How many good sisters do you have..."

Then put Xiao Ruoshui into the book.

In his mind, Xiao Ruoshui sang this song to Fan Mingyuan with tears in his eyes, and finally asked, "Who will you save me and your sister from falling into the water?"

Shen Yijia got goosebumps on the spot.

Xiao Ruoshui, who was far away from the General's Mansion in the capital, sneezed inexplicably.

"Miss, are you catching a cold? The servant girl will find a doctor to show you." The maid, Magpie, who was preparing meals for her, cared.

"It must be Xiao Ruoqian's dead girl who is talking ill of me again. I haven't dealt with her when I went to my father to sue me yesterday." Xiao Ruoshui rubbed his nose and said angrily.

Xiao Ruoqian is her most annoying concubine sister.

She just went to Wanhua Building in men's clothes to gain a lot of knowledge. She didn't know how Xiao Ruoqian saw it, so she turned around and told General Xiao, causing her to be locked up.

Although this thing was of no use to her, Xiao Ruoqian's actions annoyed her again.

The more Xiao Ruoshui thought about it, the more angry he became. He put the chopsticks in his hand heavily, and stood up: "Xiao Ruoqian really thinks I'm a muddy pinch? You dare to scold me behind your back, let's go, let's go find that dead girl."

The corners of the magpie's mouth twitched, and even a sneeze could be counted on the second lady, which is indeed the usual style of the eldest lady.

Shen Yijia didn't know that someone took the blame for her, and after paying the noodles, she drove the carriage to the best longevity shop in the county.

Tie Dan wants Widow Wang to go away with dignity, and buy the best coffins.

Apart from building a house, he still had a lot of money left in the arena, plus the money that Widow Wang saved by breaking her fingers on weekdays, so he didn't have to worry about not having enough money.

All these things will be delivered to your door.

After coming out of the Shoucai shop, the carriage passed a jewelry shop, and Tie Dan suddenly stopped.

A person entered the shop and came out after a while.

Shen Yijia didn't ask him what he was doing inside, and drove the carriage out of the city to go home.

As soon as their forefoot arrived, the person who sent the longevity material also entered the village.

The villagers of Xiagou Village were originally curious that Tiedan had come back. Why didn't they see Widow Wang? They saw an ox cart with longevity materials parked in front of Tiedan's house.

It was only when everyone understood, they couldn't help but sigh.

Li took Shen Yijia and Brother Hao to help lay out the mourning hall, and a white cloth was hung on the door.

On the way, Aunt Tian also came to help.

Shen Yijia saw her for the first time after returning.

Compared to before, Aunt Tian has changed a lot.

The whole person looks good, and he is no longer wearing the same layer of coarse linen.

It's the muslin cloth that makes me sigh every time I see Li's clothes, and there are two silver hairpins on its head.

It can be seen that without the physical drag of Father An, their family's life has improved.

And in February of this year, Nianci gave birth to a fat grandson to the An family. When she was in a good mood, she looked young.

When they were done, it was getting dark, Shen Yijia didn't give Tie Dan a chance to refuse, and violently carried people back to Song's house.

After dinner at the Song family, he was let back, and Brother Hao and Lin Shao went with him.

In fact, these two people lived there during this time, but Shen Yijia didn't know it.

When Song Jingchen returned home, everyone had already rested, and only the light of the candles shone from the east wing.

He pushed open the door and went in, and saw Shen Yijia sitting on the bed in her middle clothes, reading the book in her hand, and there were piles of them on the bed.

He would recognize them because he asked Nanfeng to buy them, and he heard that they are the most popular words at the moment.

She didn't know what to see, but her face was puffed up.

Hearing the movement, Shen Yijia raised her head and saw that it was him, her eyes lit up: "Xianggong, you are back."

Song Jingchen saw her emotional changes in his eyes, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, and he made a low "um".

"Have you eaten yet? Mother has eaten something hot in the pot. I'll bring it to you."

After all, Shen Yijia will wear shoes to stay.

Song Jingchen pressed her back: "Don't be busy, I've eaten."

"All right."

Song Jingchen rubbed her head and took out a paper bag from his arms: "This is for you."

"What?" Shen Yijia opened it, it was full of candied fruit, she thought of the purse he took away, and grinned: "Didn't you say I can't eat too much?"

"Hmm." Song Jingchen rubbed his nose: "The injury on your body hasn't healed yet."

It wasn't that he bought it.

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