The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 348 The meat in the mouth flew (two in one)

Song Jingchen went to take a bath, Shen Yijia rolled around on the bed with the candied fruit in her arms, and stuffed five of them into her mouth in one go, keeping her mouth bulging.

So sweet!

When Song Jingchen came back, Shen Yijia had already changed her reading posture.

The whole person was lying on the pillow, and the candied fruit was placed beside the pillow, which was just convenient for her to take.

With only half of the bag full of candied fruit left, Song Jingchen's mouth twitched.

When Shen Yijia was about to reach for it again, he quickly put away the candied fruit: "Don't eat too much at night, it will save you a toothache tomorrow."

"Oh." Shen Yijia slapped her lips.

If you can't do it at night, you can do it tomorrow.

Song Jingchen leaned over to help her put away the book of words scattered on the bed. There were many folded corners, and he carefully smoothed them out.

This is his habit for many years, it has nothing to do with the book.

He didn't ask her why she turned it all over.

"Is the book of words written by this romantic talent very popular?" Shen Yijia handed them over one by one and asked suddenly.

Song Jingchen moved his hand to smooth the corner of the book, and flipped through a few books at random, only to find that these words were written by people who claimed to be romantic and talented.

He shook his head, wondering why Shen Yijia asked this, and only said: "I don't watch these on weekdays, but what Nanfeng buys is the most popular nowadays."

Speaking of the three most popular words, the expression on Song Jingchen's face froze, and he inexplicably remembered the three best-selling books that Shen Yijia once gave him.

His eyebrows jumped: "Is there something wrong with this book?"

If that's the case, he can consider letting Nanfeng wash the thatched hut for a month.

Shen Yijia said "Oh": "No problem, people who can write so many books must be very talented. I want to get to know them."

Use his fists first, and then break all his brushes, so that he will dare to write these messy things in the future.

Song Jingchen's eyes darkened, and the movements in his hands were quickened, and he was much more rude.

Forget about smoothing the corners, several books were folded because of his stacked pages.

Shen Yijia didn't notice his change. In fact, she had already read the book of these words. She had read it too much, and she basically forgot after reading it, and she didn't quite remember the ending.

And many of them are thrown aside when she can't watch half of them.

She remembered that there were several books about recognizing her sister and her sister's plot. This time she opened it up to see what happened to her sister.

What did she see in the end?

It's not that the heroine is beautiful alone, but that after a deep sadomasochistic relationship, she is moved by the affection and righteousness of the male protagonist and accepts the existence of her sister.

In the end, the male protagonist hugged from side to side and was very happy.

Fuck you, be kind!

She flipped through it roughly, only to find that there were more than half of these words in the book.

In the end, what Qingmei, Hongyan, Baiyueguang, and cinnabar moles will all be included in the male protagonist's back house.

When she watched it before, she didn't feel anything, but this time, revisiting it almost made her furious, and she wrote nothing.

She felt that the flirtatious genius was just out of order.

In fact, Shen Yijia didn't know that the ending in the book is what the men in the current environment are after, so these books will sell well.

In a certain mansion in Beijing, a man sat at his desk and wrote a book.

Suddenly, he moved his hand and felt a little chill down his back.

The entourage on the side looked at it with enthusiasm, but his master stopped writing. He was so anxious that he couldn't help asking aloud: "Master, what's the matter with you?"

You should keep writing.

The man ignored him, looked behind him and saw only a row of bookshelves, he scratched his head: "Go, burn a charcoal basin and come in."

The entourage gave him a strange look: May day is burning a charcoal pot in the house, and he suspects that something is wrong with his grandfather.

The man was annoyed by what he saw, so he picked up a writing brush on the desk and threw it over: "If you don't go, if you don't go, you will come to serve in the study next time."

"Hey, I'll go, I'll go, sir, don't change people." The entourage rushed out begging for mercy.

Grinding ink in the study is not just as simple as grinding ink, the most important thing is to see the follow-up in advance.

Others who want to know in advance can only spend money to buy it from him. He doesn't know how much money he makes by selling this.

Of course, his grandfather knew about this, because he got half of the money he sold for spoilers...

Treacherous or his grandfather treacherous.

Shen Yijia couldn't help but think of Fan Mingyuan when she saw these words, and when she thought of Fan Mingyuan, she thought of her good sister.

She waited for Song Jingchen to pack up and lay down before rolling into his arms.

Seriously urged: "Xianggong, you must not give me the whole sister."

Otherwise, don't blame her for ruining it.

Song Jingchen was puzzled: "What happened to Sister Huan?"

Shen Yijiamo almost forgot that this person has a younger sister.

After thinking about it, I told him about Fan Mingyuan.

Song Jingchen had heard Fan Mingyuan talk about it, but he generally wouldn't worry about things he didn't care about.

After Shen Yijia finished speaking, she was afraid that he would not know the seriousness of the matter, so she ignored it, and gave him some examples of sadomasochistic plots in the storybook.

What heroine is so sad that she runs away from home.

What was pregnant with Liujia and was so angry that she slipped and almost died.

As for the perfect ending of shit, it is impossible to say, impossible in this life.

She decided to burn all those books tomorrow, so as not to be seen by the beautiful husband.

The more Song Jingchen listened to her, the more outrageous she became, both dead and alive.

Hearing his forehead jump, he hurriedly interrupted: "Apart from Sister Huan, there won't be any younger sisters, and there will only be you by my side."

Shen Yijia was stunned for a moment, tilted her head and blinked, looking at him fixedly.

The beauty Xianggong said that there will only be her by his side. Is this a promise?

Although she often thought in her heart that she would not let the beauty husband take a concubine, but it was always her own idea, and the beauty husband did not say it.

This is the first time the beauty Xianggong told her clearly.

Only her!


Song Jingchen also looked at her, and the two looked at each other.

The night was dark and the atmosphere was just right. I didn't know who moved first. When Shen Yijia reacted, she had already been pinned down by Song Jingchen.

At first, Song Jingchen just tasted it for a while, then restrained and left the lips that could easily make him throw away his armor and armor.

A silver wire broke between the two.

He looked at her for a long time, the person under him blushed slightly, there was a mist in his eyes, as if he wanted to speak, but also ashamed, and the red lips seemed to be closed.

His eyes darkened, and he lowered his head again.

Song Jingchen told himself in his heart that they were husband and wife...

No matter how many worries before, all collapsed at this time.

The kiss gradually became hot, and the temperature on the two of them gradually increased.

A slender and fair hand undid the belt around Shen Yijia's waist, and gently picked up the loose clothes, revealing the foot of the red apron inside.

Song Jingchen was about to continue when suddenly his body froze and he took a deep breath.

He lowered his head and saw a small white and tender hand was pulling Xiao Song Jingchen.

It's bullshit!

Shen Yijia was still thinking about why the beauty Xianggong didn't continue. After noticing his gaze, she followed him, her hands tightening.

"His" Song Jingchen's expression twisted.

He suspected that the man wanted to murder his husband.

Just thinking about this, I heard a slightly wronged voice from the person below me: "Xianggong, why are you sleeping with a stick, it makes me uncomfortable."

So she just wanted to help him take it off.

Song Jingchen:  …

"You let go first." He gritted his teeth.

"Oh." Shen Yijia looked at Song Jingchen like this, and didn't dare to ask him to take off the stick.

But why didn't she find out that the beauty Xianggong likes to sleep with a stick?

Song Jingchen slowed down for a long time, seeing Shen Yijia still looking thoughtful, he was so angry that he lowered his head and bit her lips.

Turning over and lying on the bed: "Sleep!"

At the same time as the words fell, a copper coin flew out of his hand, and the room fell into darkness.

Shen Yijia covered her mouth and wanted to cry, but it was the stick that moved first.

Thinking of how nervous Song Jingchen was just now, she wanted to ask now who did he save when the stick fell into the water at the same time as her.

嘤嘤嘤, just said that as long as she is alone, big pig's hoof.

Shen Yijia didn't know that the bridal chamber she was thinking of was destroyed by herself.

When I woke up the next day, those small eyes still turned to Song Jingchen's lower body from time to time.

But she watched for a long time, until the beauty Xianggong put on his clothes, she couldn't find where he hid the stick.

Yes, she blamed the stick on the stick and secretly decided to find a chance to steal it from him.

Let the beauties can only choose themselves.

Song Jingchen took a full view of her expression, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he stiffened and turned out of the room.

"Sister-in-law, are there any bugs in your house?" Brother Hao asked Shen Yijia with a distressed expression at the dinner table.

"Ah?" Shen Yijia touched her lips subconsciously, wanting to say no, it was bitten by your elder brother.

Before she could speak, Song Jingchen coughed dryly: "Eat."

Shen Yijia blinked, looked at Song Jingchen and then at Brother Hao, was looking at Mrs. Li, and glanced at the people on the table.

Except for Mrs. Li, who was holding back laughter, the others were all worried.

Shen Yijia suddenly remembered that Brother Hao had also asked before. At that time, she thought she was bitten by an insect, and Lin Shao even gave him some anti-insect powder...

Looking back on it now, I feel that something is wrong, but at that time she and the beautiful husband hadn't...

Shen Yijia paused and squinted at Song Jingchen, it turned out that he had secretly kissed her long ago.

Song Jingchen obviously also thought of it, and the earlobes gradually dyed red.

He never thought that Brother Hao would cheat on his brother so much, and he cheated twice.

After breakfast, Song Jingchen went out, and the family members went to the yard to practice the exercises.

Shen Yijia took Lin Shao, followed by a dumpling to Tie Dan's house.

When I called him to eat in the morning, he said he didn't want to eat, but Shen Yijia didn't force him.

Tie Dan was sitting in the courtyard in a filial attire, along with Shen Dali and Heizi.

Seeing her, Tie Dan pulled out a smile: "Sister, you are here."

Shen Dali wiped away tears: "Auntie."

Shen Yijia twitched the corners of her mouth, did these two people go against each other?

She looked at Tie Dan: "Don't laugh if you don't want to laugh."

After he finished speaking, he said to Shen Dali and Heizi, "I'll trouble you two this time."

These two were her help.

These were discussed during dinner last night, and she went with her to bring people back.

Burial directly in the afternoon, and invite the villagers to dinner in the evening.

Li stayed at home to prepare the banquet, and Mo Yuan followed her to help.

The two said again and again: "No trouble."

Shen Yijia was just polite and didn't say anything else.

When they escaped, they wanted to get rid of the man in black, and it was night again, and Iron Egg didn't even know where they went.

He only remembered being under a big locust tree.

Fortunately, Lin Shao was familiar with the mountains and found them after walking with them for an hour.

Tie Dan did not ask others to help, and dug up the earthbag by himself, and wrapped the bones of the widow Wang with the cloth he brought and put them in the coffin.

By the time they got home, it was noon.

Shen Yijia asked Lin Shao to take Shen Dali and Heizi to eat at home first, and she stayed at Tie Dan's house to accompany him.

Tie Dan knelt in the mourning hall for a long time without making a sound.

Shen Yijia frowned and said, "Cry if you want to."

I never saw him cry except on the mountain, Shen Yijia was afraid that he would be suffocated.

Tie Dan did not speak, and took out a golden hairpin from his arms.

The golden hairpin looked very important. Shen Yijia thought that he went to the jewelry shop in town yesterday, and he should have bought this.

Tie Dan held it in his hand and looked at it for a long time, then said, "I said before that I wanted to buy it for her, but she always said that she would save the money for me to marry a daughter-in-law. If you let her know that I am such a loser, I will make her happy. I spent all the money I saved for my daughter-in-law, so I don’t know if she will jump up and scold me.”

Shen Yijia felt sour in her heart, she didn't know how to comfort her, she pursed her lips and said, "Aunt Wang is the one who is most worried about you, you..."

"I hope she gets up and scolds me." Tie Dan's eyes turned red after he said that.

He wiped a handful of tears with his sleeves, stood up and walked to the coffin to push the lid of the coffin, but he did not push it a few times.

Shen Yijia went up to help.

Tie Dan put the golden hairpin in, and suddenly said, "Sister, I want to go to the capital with you."

Shen Yijia had a meal.

Before she could speak, Tie Dan said again: "I know those people are not real enemies, and I also know that my brother-in-law will not let the people behind, but I want to see for myself."

Even if he went and couldn't do anything, he wanted to see it with his own eyes.

Shen Yijia stared at him for a while, then reached out and patted him on the head: "Although you call me sister, don't forget that you are still my first younger brother.

How can there be a younger brother who doesn't follow the boss, even if you don't say that I will tie you up, I will tie you and go with me. "

This is the truth. She didn't plan to leave Tie Dan alone in Xiagou Village from the beginning, not to mention that Widow Wang was implicated by their family.

Even if not, Tie Dan is the person she covers.

Tie Dan covered his head and took a few steps back, looking at Shen Yijia with a blushing face.

This iron egg seems to have changed back to the time when nothing happened.

Shen Yijia breathed a sigh of relief.

After noon, many villagers who received the news spontaneously came to help, and the coffin was buried before the deadline.

Right next to Tie Dan's father, Tie Dan said don't look at his mother calling him a dead ghost, but their relationship is very good.

Otherwise, his mother would never remarry.


After everyone has finished the banquet in the evening, this matter is over.

Li asked Tie Dan to move in with him, but this time Tie Dan did not refuse.

In the evening, Song Jingchen still came back very late, because Shen Yijia was so tired that she lay on the table and fell asleep because of the day's affairs.

Song Jingchen sighed with inexplicable relief, otherwise he was really worried about what kind of stick this girl was looking for.

He picked up Shen Yijia and put it on the bed.

Shen Yijia opened her eyes in a daze, said vaguely what happened during the day, and then fell asleep.

Song Jingchen didn't say anything.

In fact, the capital is more dangerous than Xiagou Village. If it wasn't for Li's disagreement, he even wanted to send people to Xunyang.

Early in the morning the next day, the father-in-law who passed the edict came to Xiagou Village.

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