After Shen Yijia vomited, she only felt that her whole body and even the nerves that had been tense were loosened, and then the overwhelming hunger hit.

The last time I was so hungry was when I just walked through it.

"Guru!" Her stomach roared at the right time.

Song Jingchen didn't laugh at her, but felt distressed. He saw how uncomfortable Shen Yijia was in the past half month.

He said softly: "You're hungry, mother and the others are going ashore soon. You wait here for a while, and I'll buy you something to eat."

Maybe she lost too much face in one day, Shen Yijia felt that her face was thicker, and she didn't feel ashamed when Song Jingchen found out.

She hugged Song Jingchen's waist a little aggrieved, and rubbed her little head against his chest: "I want to eat ten big meat buns."

"Okay." Song Jingchen rubbed her head.

Two people hugging each other in public, this is a very out of the world, but the people around them only think that the young couple is really a good match.

Look at the people around you, what should you do if you are a little disgusted.

The two sides despised each other for a while, and both noticed each other's eyes.

You despise me, I despise you, forget it, make do with it.

Except for those who are purely watching the excitement and eating dog food.

The men and horses sent by all parties to guard here exchanged glances with their companions, and quietly left to report.


A surprised voice sounded behind her, Shen Yijia looked back, and it took a while to remember who the three people were in front of her.

The three of them were all dressed as men, and when they saw Shen Yijia, the excitement on the faces of the three was beyond words, they glanced at each other and knelt down.

"Panxia." "Ginkgo." Shannai. "

"Meet Miss."

Shen Yijia was stunned for a moment, just thinking about it, she recognized it, but she didn't remember who was who.

When they kneeled, they re-introduced their names.

"Get up, why are you here?" Shen Yijia was still not used to the way they would kneel at every turn.

"We heard that His Majesty called Uncle back to Beijing, and we knew that the young lady would definitely come." Banxia explained, "But we don't know when the young lady will arrive, so we were here for half a month."

After not seeing each other for four months, the three of them have obviously changed a lot, and they feel a lot more confident when they look at them.

Shen Yijia nodded and said nothing, mainly because she didn't have the energy to speak now.

At this time, Li's boat also docked.

"Sister Jia, are you alright?"

They also saw the scene on the shore just now, and when they saw the man put the sword on Shen Yijia's neck, they really startled Li Shi.

"Mother, it's alright." Shen Yijia was relieved, and asked Brother Hao again if it was still uncomfortable.

The dizziness of a few people is mostly influenced by Shen Yijia, who is already alive and kicking.

Song Jingchen came back after buying the food, took a bun and handed it to Shen Yijia: "You are too hungry, it's not easy to eat too much, so eat a pad first."

In fact, he bought a lot, and gave one to Brother Hao and a few others, and there are two left.

The Li family wouldn't stand on the side of the road to eat, Song Jingchen knew this.

Just as he was about to hand the rest to Yaoji, a hand stretched out abruptly.

Several people were stunned and looked at the owner of the hand.

"Well, our family is hungry too." Eunuch Deng was a little aggrieved.

He spent so much money renting the boat, and the food on the boat was unpalatable.

Due to the poor sound insulation on board, and he had to endure Shen Yijia's vomiting every day, it was no wonder that he could eat it. The only thing that made him happy was that he finally arrived in Beijing.

Shen Yijia took a bite of the big meat bun: "Xianggong, how much do you buy this bun? Well, the skin is thin and the meat is thick, so it shouldn't be cheap, right?"

Implied means not to be too obvious.

Deng Gonggong twitched his mouth, and without Song Jingchen speaking, he said directly: "Our family can buy two of your buns for a tael of silver."

After all, regardless of whether Shen Yijia answered or not, he directly reached out and grabbed it.

Shen Yijia: Really good.

"Where's the silver?" She reached out.

Eunuch Deng had never been so embarrassed before. The problem was that he wanted to get angry but he didn't know where the anger came from. The two rescued him twice, and he also wanted to eat the steamed buns.

He said angrily, "Add it to the IOU."

I don't even think about who put him in a sack, who was only wearing a middle coat, and carried him onto the boat.

Where did he get the money from? Even now, he is wearing clothes borrowed from Yaoji.

It was humiliating to write an IOU for the first time because it was only the first time.

Get used to it.

No, after he owed Baozi money, he shamelessly owed money for a hired car.

Pinellia and the others also hired a carriage, and when they went back, they only needed to hire an extra one.

Xu is because this is a wharf and there are many merchants coming and going, Shen Yijia asked about double the cost of getting off the bus, a whole coin or two.

She was so distressed that she added another dozen taels to the IOU with charcoal.

Eunuch Deng looked at what she added, rolled his eyes in anger and almost pouted.

But he can't agree, he fully believes that this group of people will leave him without hesitation after bringing him here safely.

The group got on the carriage and left the pier, but the white-haired man just now was still standing there, his eyes fixed on the direction they left.

"Your Highness?" the attendant reminded.

Xuanyuan Ce withdrew his gaze lightly, turned and walked towards a carriage not far away.

July is the hottest time of the year, but there is no heat in the carriage, because there is an ice mirror in the carriage.

There are two holes on the top of the ice mirror, and a steady stream of cold air comes out from there, and there are even some seasonal melons and fruits frozen in it.

Just as Xuanyuan Ce was about to get into the car, he smelled an unpleasant odor on the tip of his nose.

Only then did he realize that he had been standing under the scorching sun for nearly a quarter of an hour wearing this dirty clothes.

He frowned, took off his robe and threw it to his entourage, and commanded in a low voice, "Take it and burn it."

The entourage breathed a sigh of relief. If the lord didn't take off his clothes, he would begin to wonder if the person in front of him was the replacement.

The carriage started to drive, also heading towards the capital.

Inside the carriage, Xuanyuan Ce played with the piece of silver in his hand.

On the birthday of Emperor Chong'an, all countries will send envoys to congratulate him.

He is away all year round, and even the capital Fengcheng of Xuanyuan country rarely returns, not to mention the trivial matter of being an envoy to attend the birthday banquet of the monarch of another country.

However, in February he received a letter from his good nephew, Xuanyuan Ziming.

Not only did he go back to Fengcheng to take over this errand, he even set off a month earlier than the envoy team.

I deliberately went around the capital of Xunyang City in Daxia, and I just arrived today.

There is still more than half a month before Emperor Chong'an's birthday, and counting the days, it will take five or six days for the envoy team to arrive.

Banxia sat on the seat and briefly explained their situation in Beijing to Shen Yijia.

The five of them entered the capital with the five hundred taels of silver that Shen Yijia gave them.

Don't ask, don't know, I'm startled when I ask.

Five hundred taels was a huge sum of money that they never dared to imagine before, but when they came to the capital, they realized that they were too superficial.

The monthly rent of those shops is usually hundreds to thousands of taels. The so-called huge money in their hands can barely rent a small shop for a few months, and there is a deposit.

Several people thought that their young lady grew up in the capital, and it is impossible not to know the situation here.

Knowing that it is still arranged like this, there is only one possibility, and I want to test them!

Thinking of this, the five people who were beaten to the point of doubting their lives regained their composure as if they had been beaten by chicken blood.

It was also because they were lucky that they just found out that a family was going back to their hometown.

The family had a small shop, because the location was a bit remote, and the shop was a bit big. It was because the business was too bad that they thought of going back to their hometown to do business.

The five people took turns to bargain, and finally spent 400 taels to buy the shop, and the remaining 100 taels was their remaining start-up funds.

The shop used to buy food, but the five people are all mediocre in this area. If they continue to sell and make money, it is estimated that it will be worse than the original family.

There is always a way out!

Qingdai, one of the five, used to sell wine for a living at home. She helped her since she was a child, and she also learned this craft.

So they decided to turn the shop into a wine shop. The business was not very good at first, but the five of them focused on it and made several fruit wines.

This business is slowly getting started.

There is a small yard behind the shop, where a few people built a shed to make wine, and at night they lay the floor in the shop.

Of course, Pinellia didn't talk about the hardships, but only talked about the fact that they opened a wine shop, and promised that although they haven't made their money back yet, they will soon.

Shen Yijia said that she did not know the situation in Beijing at all.

As for what test? not at all.

Back then, she only spent more than 100 taels for the shop in Qingping Town, and she thought that the 500 taels she gave was enough.

She didn't react after listening to it, but Banxia thought that they didn't meet Shen Yijia's expectations.

Secretly determined to do better.

On the other hand, Mr. Li was stunned and looked at Song Jingchen.

The latter looked calm.

Of course, the people who stay by this girl's side can't be too useless.

To enter the city, you need to register for a road guide. There is a long queue in front, and the carriage can only stop and wait.

Shen Yijia felt that the car was stuffy, so she lifted the curtains to breathe.

The tall city gate jumped into view, and the atmosphere in the car suddenly became depressed.

It was summer when I left, and it was summer when I came back. It was only two years later, but it seemed like a lifetime.

Shen Yijia cautiously looked back at the expressions of Li Shi and Song Jingchen, and felt a little stuffy in her heart, not because of the heat.

By the time they entered the city, it was already Shen Shi.

It is definitely too late to find a house today, and everyone is too tired.

Decided to find an inn to stay.

However, Banxia said that they had already booked the inn. If they were not afraid that Shen Yijia would have other arrangements, they were all ready to rent the house with the money in their hands.

In the case of the inn, only a deposit was paid, and even if you lived there, the loss was not too big.

Several people wanted to do their best, and the inn they settled on was also one of the best guest houses in the capital, right on Chang'an Avenue.

Normally, if they came back with the team, one person would enter the palace and report to Emperor Chong'an.

Let's see how Emperor Chong'an arranges it, but unfortunately they are not there, so Song Jingchen should forget about it and bring people into the inn with peace of mind.

Eunuch Deng stood outside and followed in, either not following or not.

While hesitating, Shen Yijia shook the IOU in front of him, and Eunuch Deng jumped back into the carriage to urge the driver to leave quickly.

He was going to find Emperor Chong'an to cry poor, and it was not easy to cry!

Song Jingchen cast a deep look at the direction he left, and said in a low voice, "Are you afraid?"

Shen Yijia hooked his finger and grinned at him: "Of course not afraid, didn't we agree?"


Banxia: Miss is testing us.

Shen Yijia: I don't, don't talk nonsense, it's your uncle.

The previous time line was wrong and has been changed. The time of departure was the end of May, and it was a month and a half on the road. Now it is July and a half.

Thank you Feng Feiwutian for the reward

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