Banxia didn't know how many people there were, so he only booked three rooms, and Yaoji went to ask for two more rooms for him and Mo Yuan to live in.

Shen Yijia asked the Banxia three to go back first, and then look for them when they settled down.

They went back to their rooms to wash up before going downstairs to the lobby for dinner.

No matter how big or small, they are all very handsome.

Others in the lobby looked at them from time to time, as if a glance would make them more appetizing.

This kind of thing happened all the way to Beijing, everyone has long been used to it, and they can't change their face and calm down in the face of other people's scrutiny.

However, there is still a difference here, that is, someone recognized Song Jingchen.

Recognizing him will naturally remind you of what happened two years ago.

One by one, they discussed the original matter with their companions in a low voice.

But they didn't know that their words were passed to the ears of Shen Yijia and the others at the table.

Hearing the death of their father and grandfather from other people's mouths, Brother Hao and Sister Huan held their hands together, buried their heads and burst into tears.

"Eat well." Song Jingchen said lightly.

Mr. Li took a chopstick for each of the two, and said, "Eat."

She also had a look of indifference, and the woman in Xiagou Village who would gossip with others was completely different.

To be precise, from the moment he stepped into the city gate, the Li family has been like this.

Her hatred did not dissipate because of the passage of time, but it was temporarily sealed by herself so as not to affect Brother Hao and Sister Huan.

Shen Yijia looked at Song Jingchen, then at Li Shi, her hand holding the chopsticks tightened.

She puffed out her cheeks angrily, knowing that she wouldn't come down to eat.

Song Jingchen saw what she was thinking, and put a piece of meat in her bowl: "Sooner or later, we will face it."

It's ridiculous, grandfather has done so much, but what makes these people the most memorable is not which city he defended and which battle he won.

But how he died!

As long as their Song family appeared in the capital, what happened two years ago would be brought up for discussion.

Shen Yijia pursed her lips, picked up the piece of meat and chewed it fiercely.

The taste of the meat changed, it was not tasty at all, very sour.

Shen Yijia's eyes were red with soreness.

Everyone lost their appetites at the dinner table, but Song Jingchen and Mrs. Li insisted that everyone finish eating.

If you run away because others are talking about such a few words, how will you live in the capital in the future?

You can't hide at home every day without going out, so it's better to stay in Xiagou Village.

Just as everyone was discussing enthusiastically, a carriage stopped at the entrance of the guest house, and the carriage stopped at the entrance for about time for a cup of tea.

The curtain of the car was lifted by a hand that had always been articulated.

Xuanyuan Ce, who had already changed his clothes, got out of the carriage.

As soon as he walked into the inn, his tied white hair instantly attracted the attention of everyone in the lobby.

The discussion stopped abruptly.

Xuanyuan Ce frowned in displeasure.

The entourage who followed him silently bowed his head and told you to stay in the inn.

The reason why Xuanyuance couldn't live in the inn was very simple. Once he moved in, he showed his identity as a messenger.

These things should wait for the brigade to come and let them deal with it.

There was no sound all around, Shen Yijia raised her head strangely, and her eyes happened to meet Xuanyuan Ce.

She felt that she had already lost money, and she was already even with this person. In addition, she was in a bad mood, and she didn't say hello, so she lowered her head and continued to pull the rice.

I didn't know it!

Xuanyuan Ce noticed that her eyes were red, and he felt a little distressed if he couldn't tell. He coldly said, "Chu Feng."

Chu Feng immediately walked to the shopkeeper, muttered something, and then took out a token to show him.

The shopkeeper was shocked for a moment, then glanced at Xuanyuan Ce cautiously, then wiped a sweat and stood up and said loudly, "I'm sorry everyone, our inn has been taken over by this noble person."

As soon as he said these words, the voices of dissatisfaction in the lobby rang out one after another.

"How can this be, we paid for it."

"That's right, you Yingkeju do this business, who would dare to come to you in the future?"

"No wonder you can't compare to Yuelailou, I think you will close down sooner or later..."

The shopkeeper stopped the cursing of these people, hated it in his heart, but even smiled on his face: "Don't worry, don't worry, listen to me, the honorable person said that you will pay three times the consumption in our store."

As soon as these words came out, the lobby was silent for a moment. To be honest, those who can come here to spend are not bad for this amount of money.

But everyone is not stupid, and just now was excited.

Now calm down and think.

It's not that this happened before, but they were all rejected by Yingkeju.

Not this time, what does it mean? This shows that this person can't even offend the guest house with the backstage, let alone them?

Although they were not happy in their hearts, they went upstairs to pack their things one by one, went to the shopkeeper to receive compensation and left.

Taking this money to open a room in Yuelai Building, they can still have some leftovers. Except for the trouble, they are not at a loss.

There was only Shen Yijia's table left in the entire inn, and just a few people finished eating.

Song Jingchen ordered: "Go and pack up."

Several people stood up and prepared to go back to their rooms.

Xuanyuance glanced at Chu Feng, who was counting the money to the shopkeeper and did not receive any hints from him.

Xuanyuan Ce frowned, and finally opened his mouth: "You don't have to go."

After a few people's steps, Song Jingchen's eyes darkened, but he didn't wait for him to speak.

Shen Yijia was unhappy at first: "We're leaving."

Xuanyuan Ce: ...

"Why?" Shouldn't you be happy if you don't drive them away? Why do you look so angry?

Shen Yijia rolled her eyes, why? Of course for triple compensation.

One room was five hundred cents, and their five rooms were two thousand five hundred cents. She looked at the food she just ordered for about a tael of silver.

If it is tripled, it will cost three or five dollars, and if you go out for a walk, you will come back with twelve or five dollars, and a fool will not earn it.

With such a high consumption in the capital, she never forgot to make money to raise beautiful women.

Shen Yijia was stunned, how did she become so good at math?

But I think so in my heart, but I can't say it out of my mouth. What if this person says that he won't pay?

"This inn is actually owned by you, that's what belongs to you. We don't have the habit of taking advantage of others, thank you for your invitation!"

Song Jingchen was so amused by her words that the stagnation in his heart dissipated, and Chao Xuanyuance, who he agreed with, bowed his hands.

The group was busy going upstairs to pack things, and the steps were very fast, making the stairs rattling.

They all understand Shen Yijia's thoughts, and of course they can't hold back.

Xuanyuan Ce stood there for a long time, is this little girl so upright?

Chu Feng glanced at his prince strangely, and continued to reconcile with the shopkeeper.

A little too much, a little messy, and it will be bad for a while!

In less than a cup of tea, a few people went downstairs, and their salutes were not much, only a few sets of their own clothes.

Xuanyuan Ce frowned: "What if I only pack the other rooms where the few of you live?"

Shen Yijia was shocked: "That's even more inappropriate, there is a saying called a gentleman's words..."

"It's hard to chase after a horse." Song Jingchen helped her add at the right time.

"Yes, that's it. If you say it yourself, it doesn't count, then aren't you a villain? So we have to go."

Xuanyuan Ce: Oh, I'll become a villain like this, so it's for his own good!

In the end, the person who just said that he didn't want to take advantage of him ran to the counter and asked the shopkeeper for compensation.

They hadn't paid for the meal, which was not considered consumption, and then he saw the little girl handing a piece of silver to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper's unknown reason accepted it.

Just listen to the little girl: "Five high-class rooms plus a meal, calculate the compensation."

It's a pity for Shen Yijia, they should have wanted a room by themselves if they knew that there was such a good thing.

But she also thought about it, people still have to be content.

Shen Yijia happily took the silver and took the people away.

Song Jingchen turned around and took them to a cheap inn to stay.

Xuanyuan Ce, who was left with a messy face, stood there for a long time but couldn't recover.

Why did he pack the entire inn so extravagantly?

He didn't know that his good nephew had been tricked even more by the people he thought were upright. At first, it was a single person, and then a husband and wife mixed together.

Almost didn't even go home.

"My lord, it's all done."

Chu Feng's voice called Xuanyuance back to God.

He glanced coldly at Chu Feng, who was inexplicable.

Besides, on Eunuch Deng's side, he didn't even have time to change his clothes when he returned to the palace, so he cried before Emperor Chong'an.

From how he was assassinated and rescued by Song Jingchen, he talked about the difficulties and dangers all the way to Beijing.

Of course, he did not forget to sue Shen Yijia.

Talking about how she cheated his money, Shen Yijia was described as a philistine woman who was open to money, with brute force but no brains.

He really thinks so!

I thought that Emperor Chong'an would have a black face if he didn't get angry, but he didn't want him to listen to the music instead.

Instead of asking him about being hunted down, he asked how Shen Yijia cheated on his money and Song Jingchen's attitude.

Eunuch Deng couldn't stop choking in one breath, so he could only say: "...The old slave saw that Young Master Song was dazed by the beauty, and he listened to what his wife said.

In the past half month of walking by water, just because his wife was seasick and uncomfortable, Song Gongzi kept guarding him every step of the way, not even eating. "

After he finished speaking, he banged his head a few times and cried, "Your Majesty, this old slave thought I would never see you again!"

"Okay." Emperor Chong'an glanced at him in a good mood: "Aren't you an old man thinking about my private library?"

He said to Eunuch Li: "Go to Zhen and get one thousand taels of silver for him."

"Yes." Eunuch Li went out with a smile, and when he passed Eunuch Deng, he gave him a contemptuous look.

Eunuch Deng: I was so excited when I first came in, why didn't I notice the enemy? Sure enough, she was pissed off by that dead girl.

"I remember that the original house surnamed Hong is still empty. If you go there tomorrow, you will say that I gave him a reward. Let him rest for two days before entering the palace to see me."

Eunuch Deng should say yes, so he heard Emperor Chong'an say again: "By the way, I will also pay back the money you owe others, so I don't have to be ashamed of me."

Deng Gonggong smirked and walked out.

Emperor Chong'an turned the jade wrench in his hand and murmured, "Being a human being, anger, delusion, and greed, it's not scary to have to account for one."

"Your Majesty, Miss Ji has brought the medicinal pills." The voice of the inner servant came from outside the door.


At night, Xuanyuan Ce was lying on the collapse, holding a piece of broken silver in his hand, his thoughts had already flown away.

"Isn't it a pity to die like this?"

"Beauty, it's you, Jianghu rescue, borrow your carriage to hide."

"Hey, beauty, we are really destined, that I lost my purse, can you lend me some money?"

"Beauty, why are you so stingy.

Didn't I just accidentally watch you take a bath, as for chasing and killing me for so many days?

The big deal, I let you look back? None of us suffer! "

"Beauty, you look so good when you smile."


"Xuanyuance, do you really want to marry this woman?"

"Xuanyuance, let me ask you one last time, do you really want to enter that bridal chamber?"

"Xuanyuance, you will regret it, you will definitely regret it!"

Originally it was 4,000 words, but the monthly pass plus one is 6,000 words. I divided it into two and sent them together!

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