The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 358 What kind of style (two in one)

She was thinking about finding a house, and it was too hot to fall asleep, so Shen Yijia woke up early.

Not wanting Song Jingchen to wake up earlier than her, Shen Yijia suspected that he had not slept all night.

The breakfast was placed in the house where Mrs. Li lived, and Song Jingchen went out to buy it.

More than a dozen large meat buns and pickled vegetable buns, and the inn cooks a pot of white porridge.

Li picked up a steamed bun and took a small bite, then paused: "Did you buy it from Mao'er Hutong?"

Song Jingchen gave a light hum, and picked a meat bun for Shen Yijia: "I think Jiajia should like it."

"It's still the same taste." Mrs. Li asked Shen Yijia to taste it quickly. Mao'er Hutong was in the south of the city, not too far from here.

Shen Yijia looked at Mrs. Li and then at Song Jingchen, picked up the steamed bun and took a big bite, the soup inside ran down her hand.

But she couldn't care about that, her eyes lit up, and she said vaguely: "It's delicious!"

The meat was fresh and juicy, not woody at all.

Song Jingchen's mouth twitched slightly, remembering that it was the first time he ate it...

Seeing her like this, the little ones laughed bluntly, and without saying hello, they reached out to get it.

With Shen Yijia's lessons learned, they can eat more carefully.

Brother Hao and Sister Huan acted in the same way as never before, as if they had practiced countless times. First, they took a small bite on the bun, then broke the bun after the soup inside, and ate the meat in small bites. The buns are stretched out to the front...

Sitting across from them was Mrs. Li, and the three of them were stunned at the same time.

Li shivered and stretched out his hand, and the next hand took it faster than hers.

Song Jingchen put the steamed buns in his bowl, and glanced at the two of them with disgust: "I will eat the steamed buns by myself in the future."

Brother Hao and Sister Huan looked at each other and hurriedly went to Song Jingchen to get the steamed buns back from the bowl.

This little episode just passed, no one cared about it, Shen Yijia probably guessed something, but didn't ask more.

After breakfast, he packed up and went to Fang Ya to ask about the house. Shen Yijia still had 2,000 taels on him, and Mrs. Li took out more than 50 taels that she had saved.

Yaoji and Mo Yuan were guarding a few children in the inn, and they didn't want the three of them to leave the inn.

Eunuch Deng came, and he smiled and said, "Young Master Song, why did you change the inn, so that our family is easy to find."

Shen Yijia rolled her eyes, this person is really persistent, she sneered: "Why, is Eunuch Deng here to pay back the money?"

Eunuch Deng choked, glanced at the person he brought, and coughed dryly: "It's because Your Majesty thought that you had no place to live, so he specially rewarded the house."

"So you don't plan to pay me back?" Are you afraid that others will know? Shen Yijia was not as good as he wanted.

Eunuch Deng claimed to be the person by Emperor Chong'an's side, and usually wanted to save face. Her chest heaved with anger, and he waved the people behind him to retreat.

Leaning in front of Shen Yijia, he said with a bitter face: "Auntie, can you save some face for our family, our family has money today, can I pay you back in a while?"

"Okay." Shen Yijia accepted it when she saw it.

Song Jingchen gave her a funny look and asked, "Your Majesty rewarded the house?"

Eunuch Deng was about to raise his chin subconsciously, but Shen Yijia slammed it back and immediately shrank back, with a wrinkled smile on his face: "Yes, it's on Liu'er Street, it's the house where the former Minister of the Household Books Hong lived."

"Which Master Hong? Hong Jianzhang?" Shen Yijia frowned.

Isn't this the dog official who came forward to testify against Shangguan Han, and then went to Anyang County and was killed by the beauty Xianggong?

Eunuch Deng also remembered the grievances between the two families. He nodded with a smirk, and said, "It just happened to be empty there, it's not..."

"Let's go then." Song Jingchen interrupted him.

Shen Yijia felt a little unlucky, and puffed out her cheeks with a reluctant expression.

Song Jingchen saw what she was thinking, and whispered: "If you don't want money, you can't stop it."

Shen Yijia was taken aback, it seemed to make sense!

There is no need to look for a house anymore. Brother Hao and the others don't need to wait here. They just checked out the house and the group hired a car to go to Liuer Street.

Liuer Street is also known as Censor Street, because most of the imperial censors in the court lived in this area.

It is divided into front alleys and back alleys. The front and rear houses are back to back, and the gates are opened in two different directions.

In this capital, if you want to know how big an official is, you can basically guess the location of their mansion by looking at it.

For example, the former Fuguo Gongfu was on Xuanwu Street, while the royal family and nobles were on Suzaku Street, which was closer to the palace.

In short, the closer you are to the palace, the higher your status.

Liuer Street belongs to the kind that is not far away.

Shangshu is the second grade, and normally it can be moved in.

But because Hong Jianzhang was only a Hanlin at the beginning, he was not from the capital.

Even if he climbed up with the help of the Yue family, the foundation was there, even if he had money in his hand, he would not dare to move it.

The house inside is so expensive, and the salaries of officials are transparent, especially since he is still in such a sensitive position in the Ministry of Households, his actions do not mean to tell others that he is greedy for ink.

I don't know how many people stared at him. If he didn't want to be investigated, he could only hide in Liuer Street.

I was hoping that one day, Emperor Chong'an would be happy to reward him with a house in the back, but unfortunately he didn't wait for that day until he died.

However, he is not someone who will wrong himself. When he first bought it, he was a second-class man.

Later, he took the position of the Minister of the Ministry of Household, and he bought the Yijin mansion that was leaning on his back, and opened the middle wall and changed it into a Sanjin mansion.

If he buys a house, his salary is completely enough, and no one will talk about it.

The house is bigger than Shen Yijia imagined.

Entering the door is a large yard, a row of inverted rooms on the right, a kitchen, and a well beside the kitchen.

There is a study on the left, a wing room, and a gray stone road in the center points directly to the main hall.

Entering the inner courtyard through the hanging flower gate from the left, there are hand-picked verandas on three sides, rows of bamboos are planted outside the corridors, and the courtyard is rocky.

Doors opened on the east and west sides, each leading to a small courtyard, in the middle is the main courtyard, each with its own kitchenette and well.

A pomegranate tree was planted in the east courtyard, and it was covered with reddish fruits.

A laurel tree was planted on the west side of the courtyard.

There is a small garden in the third entrance, and there is a row of back rooms at the back. There is a well in front of the house, which should be used for washing clothes and drying clothes next to it.

The original door became the back door

With so many rooms, they could have one room per person, not to mention whose home was here before, Shen Yijia was simply too pleasantly surprised.

Most importantly, no money!

Eunuch Deng dutifully took the people around, paid back the money owed to Shen Yijia, a total of 511 taels, and left.

The house had been unoccupied for too long, and it was a little messy when he ransacked the house. He felt that if he stayed, he would be ordered by someone to clean up the house.

Even if he just instructed the people he brought to work, he would not be happy, nor would he give money!

Shen Yijia was in a good mood, and she really didn't think about it for the time being.

The garden has been left unattended for too long and overgrown with weeds. She was going to turn it over to grow vegetables. The second yard moved those rockeries to Brother Hao and a few others to practice martial arts.

As soon as her idea came out, the whole family agreed.

Looking at the smiling faces, Song Jingchen lamented that Emperor Chong'an finally did something that a man did!

Emperor Chong'an, who originally wanted to respond to Song Jingchen, probably didn't expect him to be so philistine now, because he saved that little money for renting a house, he even thought he was a human being!

The house is very big and good, but it is really troublesome to clean up. The furniture inside is very complete, and a lot of dust has fallen. Shen Yijia has to ask Yaoji to call the five Banxia people over to clean up together.

It only took a day to clean up the house they were going to live in.

Even lunch and dinner were bought from outside to deal with it.

After cleaning up, the mattresses and quilts were still on the carriage. They had to buy ready-made ones first. There was a market not far from Liuer Street.

Just use it for a few days, Shen Yijia only looks for one thing, that is to buy the cheapest one!

There are not so many rules at home, similar to Xiagou Village. They live in Dongxiaoyuan. Li said that pomegranate means more children and more happiness.

Because of the oolong affair with Song Jingchen's nosebleed in Xiagou Village, she had no idea that the two of them had not yet married.

Brother Hao's three boys live in the West Courtyard, while Mrs. Li, Sister Huan and Lin Miaomiao live in the main courtyard.

Yaoji and the others can live in the upside-down room in the front yard, while Mo Yuan lives in the back room.

The summer in the capital is much hotter than that in Xiagou Village. Shen Yijia secretly ran to take a cold shower, and just returned to the house, she was sweating again.

So when Song Jingchen finished bathing and entered the inner room, what he saw was a naked Shen Yijia wearing only a bellyband and... obscene pants.

Oh, and it's not like trousers, because Shen Yijia found a pair of scissors out of nowhere and cut off the two trouser legs, leaking all the thighs down.

She just lay there on her back, with Erlang's legs crossed, holding a palm fan in her hand, fanning the wind continuously.

Song Jingchen froze in place, the already hot day, he felt even hotter.

"Xiang Gong." Seeing him, Shen Yijia threw her fan and waved at him.

Song Jingchen pursed his lips, and his eyes wandered over.

Shen Yijia's eyes were bright, and she took out a pair of shorts from under the pillow as if offering a treasure, and spread it out to Song Jingchen.

Song Jingchen's eyelids jumped: "Isn't this mine?"

"Yeah." Shen Yijia looked so smart, and tucked his shorts into him: "Go and change, it will be cool to wear like this."

She kicked her legs as she spoke, and glanced at Song Jingchen's shorts with disgust.

Song Jingchen's forehead throbbed, this... what a formality!

Suddenly thinking of something, he gritted his teeth and asked, "You cut your trousers like this, how are you going to wear them tomorrow?"

Shen Yijia tilted her head and said indifferently, "Aren't there still trousers and skirts?"

If it wasn't for the fear of Song Jingchen getting hairy, she actually wanted to wear a skirt.

However, he didn't know that Song Jingchen was already blown away, and he was afraid that he would really rectify the Fa on the spot if he watched it further.

Disregarding the fact that trousers are a woman's personal belongings, she ran to the outside to rummage for a while.

The ones that were changed at the inn yesterday had not been washed, and they were replaced today. Apart from what she was wearing, he remembered that Shen Yijia should have a clean set of clothes.

Shen Yijia followed behind him and watched him rummaging through his clothes. He blinked and ran back to the inner room, and ran out again after a while: "Are you looking for this?"

She still had a pair of trousers that had been cut, but it wasn't Song Jingchen's, but her own.

She thought about cutting it once, so she cut off all three trousers.

Song Jingchen, who was also at a loss, took the clothes to take a bath, otherwise he wouldn't be able to keep the clothes on him.

Song Jingchen looked at it, and the corner of his mouth twitched, this girl either didn't do it, or absolutely did it!

Looking down at her naked body again, Song Jingchen closed his eyes a few times, took a deep breath, grabbed the trousers from Shen Yijia's hand and threw them on the table with his teeth, and picked him up by the waist: "You asked for it yourself."

Shen Yijia was shocked: "What?"


Shen Yijia was so tired that she fell asleep, and Song Jingchen helped her clean up with a guilty conscience, and then brought her underclothes to put on.

Pants are nice, but only for bedtime!

In order to prevent this girl from going out tomorrow wearing such obscene pants, he went to the bathroom to take the clothes that Shen Yijia had just changed and went to the yard.

The weather is so hot, and now I don't have to wash it and dry it in the morning...

Shen Yijia woke up late the next day, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Song Jingchen sitting on the side and fanning her.

The scenes from last night were replayed in her mind like a flashback. He coughed lightly and asked, "Awake?"

Shen Yijia hummed and muttered:

Song Jingchen touched his nose and said after a while, "I bought buns, I got up to wash up and eat breakfast."

Shen Yijia asked, "Is it from that house?"

Song Jingchen: "Well."

Shen Yijia's eyes lit up, she got up, noticed that she was wearing trousers, pouted, and didn't dare to have any opinion.

In fact, since her spiritual fluid has risen to three levels, her body recovery ability is different from ordinary people.

But she just likes Song Jingchen to take care of her, she doesn't even do breakfast, let Song Jingchen feed her.

Incredibly hypocritical.

The two of them had just eaten breakfast, when Lin Shao's voice sounded outside: "Brother Song, the person who came to our house before is here."

It used to refer to people who were in Xiagou Village, who had been to their home and are now in the capital...

In Shen Yijia's mind, the man with a warm smile on his face appeared at all times.

She didn't guess Xiao Ruoshui because Lin Shao and the others knew her and would not call her that person.

Song Jingchen obviously guessed it, and rubbed her head: "If you're still tired, take a break."

"No." Shen Yijia shook her head: "I'll help my mother and them clean up the yard together."

Just now she heard the movement outside the small yard.

Prince: What a system!

Satisfied Prince: Pants are good

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