The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 369 Mrs. Qiu gave a gift of thanks (two more, three thousand words chapter)

" dare to hit me, do you know that I...ah..."

"You are all... ah... dead... ah..."

It's good that he didn't remind. With this reminder, the alley where he was the only one crying suddenly became lively.


"Don't slap in the face...ah..."

"I don't dare... ah..."


Shen Yijia "played" with them for a while, and looked at the six people lying on the ground with bruised noses and bruised faces...

Oh, one of them didn't hit her!

She clapped her hands with satisfaction, squatted down in front of a few people, and stretched out her hand: "Where's the money?"

The five looked at each other, and Shen Yijia's eyes became horrified, tremblingly took out the purse on her body and put it in her hand.

Shen Yijia flipped the five purses in her hands, there were still quite a few!

She poured out all the money and put it into her purse, adding up to about a hundred taels of silver.

Shen Yijia had to sigh that people in the capital are rich, and everyone has all the belongings of many people in their bodies. She likes it!

She threw the money bag back to a few people, thought about it, and said, "Next time you want to play, come here and wait for me, but remember to bring some more money."

The five students' heads were buzzing.

Why is this scene so familiar?

By the way, they have always treated others like this, and they have also said this, but they only want money by the way, and they mainly enjoy the fun of bullying people.

Shen Yijia didn't know what they were thinking, and was about to get up and leave.

A dirty hand stretched out in front of her, and in that hand was a tattered but clean purse.

Shen Yijia was stunned for a moment, and followed the owner of the hand to see that it was a young man with a broken mouth and a dirty face, who looked about the same age as Lin Shao.

There was stubbornness in the boy's eyes.

Shen Yijia wanted to say that I don't want you, but seeing the unwilling eyes of the other people, she still reached out and took the money bag.

After getting up and walking around a few people, she paused again, turned around and grinned at them: "I'll wait for you here next time."

Just now, they asked them to come here to wait for her, and now they are all adjusted.

Does this mean that the devil will come here often in the future?

Several people originally wanted to wait for her to leave before venting their anger on the people they bullied.

Hearing this, his pupils shrank, endured the pain on his body, hugged his head, and ran away.

After a while, only one of the six people lay there.

Shen Yijia "tsk", it seems that this way of making money is not going to work.

She cast a glance at the remaining student, took out the old purse and opened it, and there were only a dozen copper coins in it.

poorer than her.

Shen Yijia was stunned, Brother Hao still had at least a tael of silver from her.

Painfully, she took out a piece of broken silver that was about two taels from her purse and stuffed it into the purse. She threw the purse back, and said lightly, "The medical expenses that those people paid you."

Hmph, it's not that she has a bad heart.

The teenager stared blankly at the direction Shen Yijia was leaving, and didn't look back until she disappeared at the end of the alley.

He picked up his purse with red eyes, took out the piece of silver and wanted to throw it away, then paused when he thought of something, closed his eyes and put the silver back...

Now Shen Yijia doesn't know that the boy she rescued has some connection with her. If she knew, she would only sigh that fate is a wonderful thing.

Because of this delay, there were not a few carriages left at the entrance of the women's school, so she saw Sister Huan and Lin Miaomiao standing aside at a glance.

The two of them also saw her, and they rushed over as soon as their eyes lit up: "Sister-in-law, we thought you forgot when we got off school."

"How could it be?" Shen Yijia slapped the two of them on the head and explained, "It's just that something was delayed."

"There are too many carriages here. I asked Mo Yuan to park at the boys' school. Let's walk over."

The two naturally had no opinion.

At this moment, a carriage with bells hanging on its body came towards them.

Shen Yijia frowned and walked aside while protecting the two little girls.

The carriage stopped at the entrance of the girls' school, and Mo Yu took out the pedals and put them away.

"Young Master, it's here." She reminded the people in the car aloud.

The curtain of the car was lifted by a plain hand, and Ji Yunxi, who was wearing a veil, stepped on the pedals and got out of the car.

She frowned and looked back at Shen Yijia's back.

Several waitresses came up to greet you: "Miss Ji, you are here, our wife is waiting for you inside."

Ji Yunxi retracted his gaze and followed a few people into the academy.

Shen Yijia noticed that Sister Huan kept looking behind her while walking, and asked curiously, "What are you looking at?"

Sister Huan scratched her head embarrassedly: "I heard from them in the academy that Mrs. Qiu almost went yesterday and was rescued by a girl surnamed Ji."

"Today, as soon as Mrs. Qiu woke up, she asked Miss Ji to come to the academy, as if she wanted to thank her in person." Lin Miaomiao answered.

They didn't know it before, but after spending a day in the academy, they quickly knew how high Mrs. Qiu's status was.

Not to mention her talent, but to say that the current queen mother is her handkerchief, which is evident.

Although the empress dowager has invited herself to live in the imperial mausoleum since the late emperor left, and has not returned to the capital of Chang'an for a long time, she is not still the empress dowager.

Besides, Mrs. Qiu's thanks, can it be as simple as a simple thank you? This is a life saver!

"I saw the few carriages that were parked there just now. They were all waiting there on purpose, just to see how holy this girl Ji is." Sister Huan said, her eyes flashing with curiosity.

Shen Yijia looked at it and found it funny: "Why, you two also want to watch it? Then why don't you go back and go home after reading it?"

Sister Huan paused and said dog-legged: "I don't want to, anyway, that person is definitely not as good-looking as sister-in-law, I'm not curious at all."

Lin Miaomiao also hurriedly nodded in agreement.

There are only five big characters written on their faces, sister-in-law is the best!

Shen Yijia hummed, finally letting go of the two little sycophants, but she was happy.

Well, Beauty Xianggong is the most handsome, so she must be the first to look good.

On the academy's side, Mrs. Qiu specially asked the waitress to dress her up to show her respect for her benefactor.

Although she is over fifty years old, it is not difficult to see that she was a beauty when she was young.

"Madam, Miss Ji is here." A waitress hurried in and said.

Mrs. Qiu was originally leaning on the soft collapse, she heard the words and sat up: "Come in quickly."

After a while, the waitress led a young girl in.

Yesterday, when Ji Yunxi treated Mrs. Qiu, she was still in a coma. I was afraid that Emperor Chong'an would search for her, so she left Zhang Fangzi after the needle was inserted.

After waking up today, Mrs. Qiu clearly noticed that her body was much more refreshed, and she no longer had the feeling of fainting from time to time before.

And the perennial sickbed made it difficult for her to even get out of bed and walk a few steps, but today was different. She walked around the yard twice without feeling tired.

I also heard that Miss Ji was entrusted by someone yesterday, and it was only the result of her diagnosis and treatment.

For Mrs. Qiu, every time she fainted, she might never be able to wake up again. It was a gain to live an extra day, and she never thought that she would have a better day.

Naturally, she wanted to meet the savior. In fact, this was the first time Mrs. Qiu had met Ji Yunxi.

"The little girl Ji Yunxi has seen his wife." Ji Yunxi stood still and was blessed.

She is confident, and she is also a smart person. For example, in Daxia, she would never take the lofty attitude that she did in Tianji Valley.

But she won't bow down, at least she will never fall with due respect.

The corner of Mrs. Qiu's originally smiling mouth paused, and she was in a trance.

"Madam, this is Miss Ji." The mama who was standing beside her reminded in a low voice.

Mrs. Qiu reacted, looked at Ji Yunxi apologetically, and beckoned her to sit beside her.

Ji Yunxi didn't seem to notice her gaffe, and walked over to sit down with a smile.

Mrs. Qiu admired her sloppy appearance, took her hand and said lovingly, "I heard them all, thanks to you yesterday, otherwise my old bones wouldn't be able to wake up."

"Yunxi is only entrusted by others. Besides, Mrs. Jiren has her own celestial appearance. Even without Yunxi, she will surely live a hundred years."

Speaking of this Ji Yunxi, it was strange in her heart. It was rumored that Mrs. Qiu was seriously ill, but the pulse she showed yesterday did not look like a terminally ill person.

At most, the body is weaker, and it is as serious as the rumors say.

She came with a secret medicine yesterday, but because Mrs. Qiu's body couldn't use it, she didn't use it at all.

She even suspected that Mrs. Qiu was feigning illness before, but now it is clear that these people's reactions are not.

It seemed that it was really because of her that Mrs. Qiu got better.

Moreover, she is not a long-lived person looking at Madam Qiu's face, but she can't see through some parts.

Thinking of this, she shook her head and suppressed that ridiculous idea. It is not easy to change her life against the sky. With Song Jingchen as a variable, it is already rare, and it is impossible for Mrs. Qiu to have such an adventure.

But since these people want to put the credit on her head, she naturally won't push it out stupidly.

Saving Mrs. Qiu is equivalent to making Dean Lu owe a favor.

Behind Dean Lu are thousands of students.

She said it modestly, but didn't mean to deny it.

The smile on Mrs. Qiu's face faded a bit, but unfortunately no one could see it except for the aunt who knew her well.

"You don't have to say these words to comfort me, I know my own body best." Mrs. Qiu patted her hand.

He turned to look at the mammy beside him: "The queen mother gave me a set of ruby ​​heads, you can get it."

The things that the Queen Mother gave were naturally valuable, and they were given from Mrs. Qiu. This gift was of great significance in every aspect.

Ji Yunxi was overjoyed, but she didn't show it on her face, she was busy.

Mrs. Qiu reassured: "It should be."

Mammy found out that Mrs. Qiu's expression was wrong before, and now it's even more strange to hear her order.

Ji Yunxi was invited by Mrs. Qiu. Knowing that she was coming, the gift was naturally prepared early.

It was Mrs. Qiu who went to the warehouse and took it out in person, a set of four treasures of the study that she had treasured for a long time and a pair of her favorite copybooks.

She was not willing to give that set of four treasures of the study even to Dean Lu.

Now that she was asked to take advantage of her, the mammy was puzzled but did not dare to say anything.

With a strange look on his face, he turned around and went out.


Bottle: Jiajia, someone wants to give you the four treasures of the study and copybooks.

Jiajia (fierce): The author, come out and let's chat, I have received so many gifts, none of them are silver, you did it on purpose!

Bottle: Hee hee, did the prince not give money?

Jiajia (gritting his teeth) (clenching his fists): My husband's is originally mine, and the left hand is given to the right. Is it interesting?

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