The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 370 Searching for someone (two in one)

There is an alley in the south of the city, which is called Nuer Alley.

Because most of the people living in it are people who make a living by helping big families to make a living.

They are different from those who have children in their families. They usually only sign living contracts, do some rough work in big families, and usually do not live in the main house.

At this time, in the alley, in addition to the women squatting in front of their houses washing vegetables and rice, there were also many children playing and frolic.

"Ming An, why are you only coming back now, your mother..." A woman in a washed, whitish, coarse cloth shirt grabbed the boy, and when she saw the injury on the boy's face, she exclaimed: " Ouch, Ming An, did you get beaten up?"

"Auntie's house has medicinal wine, you wait, Auntie will get it for you..." The woman said and was about to turn around and enter the room.

Wang Mingan stopped her: "Thank you auntie, I'm fine, you just said what happened to my mother?"

"Hey, your mother took advantage of you to go to the academy, and ran to pick up the pulp washing, and she was carried back by someone."

Seeing Wang Mingan's anxious face, he was about to leave, and the woman hurriedly held him back: "I've already asked the doctor for your family to take a look, and the doctor said that he's hungry, and it's nothing serious.

She was already awake when I delivered the porridge just now, so she must be more worried when you go back like this? "

Wang Mingan was stunned for a moment. Before he came back, he had already sorted out his clothes. There was nothing he could do about the injury on his face, but he said that his mother would believe him if he fell. It was not the first time anyway...

The woman sighed and tugged at his sleeve: "Take off your coat, auntie will help you mend it and you will go back."

Wang Mingan looked along the place where she was pulling, only to find that there was a hole in the sleeve at some point.

He bowed gratefully to the woman.

After a while the woman took out the mended clothes.

Wang Mingan took it and put it on, pursed his lips and asked, "Thank you auntie. I'll give you how much the doctor spent."

The woman waved her hand and said indifferently, "Neighbors and neighbors, what are you talking about? Besides, the doctor didn't prescribe medicine. If you want a few copper coins, go home."

Wang Mingan didn't move.

The woman said helplessly: "Sure, then you can just give aunt ten pennies."

Afraid that he wouldn't believe it, the woman said again: "It's not a doctor from a major medical center, he asked for so much."

Only then did Wang Mingan count ten coins from the purse and hand them over, and gave the woman a deep bow: "My aunt's kindness has been written down."

Looking at Wang Ming'an's straight back, the woman shook her head and smiled: "This child."

Walking to the door of a dilapidated house in the innermost part of the alley, Wang Mingan stood there and took a deep breath before reaching out and pushing open the dilapidated wooden door.

Qiulu Academy, since Miss Ji left, Mrs. Qiu has been staring at the wall in the courtyard in a daze. When do people who usually read books whenever they have energy do this?

"Madam, what's the matter with you?" Mammy asked worriedly.

Mrs. Qiu came back to her senses, opened her mouth to say something, and suddenly felt an itch in her throat, she hurriedly covered her lips with a handkerchief.

Suddenly, there was a low cough in the yard.

Mammy looked worried and stepped forward to take care of her.

"Isn't it better today? Why did you cough again?" A slightly old voice sounded, even if you didn't look at the face of the person, just listening to the voice could tell you were full of worry.

Mrs. Qiu waved her hand to stop Mammy from continuing, looked up at the person who came, and said with a smile, "It's much better, don't you think I'm all right now?"

It used to be endless coughing, but today, I just coughed a few times.

Dean Lu obviously didn't believe it. He walked over and took Mrs. Qiu's hand to check the temperature. He frowned and said, "Why do you have to wear so little, you don't want your body?"

These words seemed to be blaming Mrs. Qiu, but his eyes turned to Mammy, and the blame was obvious.

Mrs. Qiu's body is weak, and even in the dog days, her body is cold. In the past, when others wore thin shirts, she wore quilted jackets, but today she changed into a light autumn shirt.

Mammy plopped down and knelt down: "Madam said that she wants to see Miss Ji today and wants to dress nicely."

Before Dean Lu could say anything, Mrs. Qiu gave him an angry look: "Don't blame Alan, I want to wear it like this. I wear it so thick all day. Do you want to suffocate me so that I can find a small one?"

"You said something like this to stab me again." Dean Lu sighed helplessly, and waved his hand to get Lan Ma to get up: "Go and get Madam a thicker shirt."

Mother Lan should have returned to the house, and took out a large cloak shortly after.

Dean Lu took it over and put it on Mrs. Qiu himself, and when Lan Ma retreated, he sat down on the chair beside her: "Have you seen Miss Ji?"

"Well, I see." Mrs. Qiu replied with a light expression.

Mrs. Qiu's poor health is actually the root cause of the disease since she was a child, but it was not so serious when she was young, and not many people knew about it.

As she got older, her condition became more and more serious, until she fainted and almost couldn't wake up. Dean Lu was afraid that she would really leave one day, so she simply resigned, just wanting to spend more time with her.

This is not much different from what is said from the outside world.

Naturally, with such a body, there is no way to have children, and Dean Lu is unwilling to add people to the room, so the two have never had children under their knees.

This has always been a pity for Mrs. Qiu. Dean Lu once proposed to pick one from the clan to raise, but she only said that this kind of thing depends on the eye, and then it was over.

Not wanting to have lunch today, when the husband and wife were chatting, she suddenly said that she wanted to recognize a righteous daughter, and Dean Lu guessed who she was referring to. He would never have an opinion on Mrs. Qiu's decision, so he naturally agreed.

"That girl Ji doesn't suit your eyes?" Dean Lu asked.

The two have been married for decades, and they are both old and married, how can they not understand each other?

Her attitude was wrong.

Mrs. Qiu frowned: "I just feel something is wrong."

She paused for a moment, with a hint of jokes: "You know, I'm the most accurate person."

At the beginning, she was the one who fell in love with Dean Lu, who was ten years older than her.

Her life is coming to an end, and it also proves that she is not wrong.

Dean Lu smiled wryly and shook his head. She had said this many times, but he always felt that he had not done enough.

"Then tell me, what's wrong? Let me analyze it for you?" He still hoped that she could achieve this wish before she left.

"I always felt that it wasn't her who saved me." Mrs. Qiu stroked her forehead: "I would be confused as if I saw a back, and I didn't look like a female student."

After a long time, she pointed her finger in one direction: "I watched her walk out from there."

Dean Lu looked in the direction she pointed, it was clearly a wall: "Could it be that you are wrong?"

"I'm just wondering..." Mrs. Qiu's voice was getting smaller and smaller.

Dean Lu looked over, she was already asleep on the rattan chair.

Dean Lu's eyes turned red in an instant, he closed his eyes in pain, his heart was full of grief, which he never dared to show in front of Mrs. Qiu.

A long sigh sounded in the small courtyard, he stood up and carried the person back to the room, carefully tucked the quilt for Mrs. Qiu.

Mrs. Qiu usually doesn't like to be served by too many people, and there is only one nanny and one maid by her side.

Thinking of her troubles, Dean Lu summoned the two of them and asked, "Did anyone else come here yesterday when Madam fainted?"

Mother Lan just went out to pick up Ji Yunxi, and when she came back, she saw that Mrs. Qiu had fainted there, and everyone who saw it along the way could testify.

At that time, the waitress was left to guard here.

Dean Lu looked at the waitress, and the waitress felt tight, and he hesitated: "Slave, this slave has been here all the time, and I haven't seen anyone here."

Dean Lu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said sternly, "Tell me the truth."

The waitress was so frightened that she knelt down with a plop: "Slave, the slave girl had a stomach upset at the time. She left for a while and came back. When she came back, my wife had already fainted, and I really didn't see anyone coming in."

"I've told you several times that there must be someone by your side, so how can you leave the lady alone?" Lan Ma said.

Fortunately, nothing happened to the lady, otherwise she would have been implicated to death.

Regardless of the waitress crying and defending, Dean Lu directly had the waitress take him down.

After thinking about it, he instructed Mother Lan again: "Go and ask the Xu Jianyuan, who came to the women's school yesterday."

Lan Momo went, and it took about a quarter of an hour to come back, not only followed by Xu Jianyuan, but also a maid.


Xu Jianyuan saluted.

Deer Deer nodded.

Without waiting for him to ask, Supervisor Xu said, "Except for the students of the women's school, only Mrs. Song came with two girls yesterday. I saw that she was bored in the etiquette hall, so I asked Bitao to take her out for a walk."

She looked at the waitress: "Tell me."


"Ahhh~" Shen Yijia rubbed her nose and planted the last grape seedling.

As for the vegetable seeds, Tie Dan and Lin Shao finished planting them before she came back.

Now several people are practicing in the yard.

As soon as she finished pouring the water, Mo Yuan came to call for dinner.

Dinner is served in the yard.

Shen Yijia looked in the direction of the door from time to time.

Li said with a smile: "Before Nanfeng came back and said that there are many things in the yamen, and Brother Chen will come back later, so that we don't have to wait for him to eat."

"Oh." Shen Yijia scratched her head.

"Does my sister-in-law miss my big brother?" Sister Huan jokingly asked.

Shen Yijia raised her hand and tapped her forehead: "How did you know?"

A few small smiles made a group, and even Li Shi was full of smiles.

Shen Yijia puffed out her cheeks and didn't understand what was funny.

Isn't it normal to think about your own husband, and it's not about others!

The family chatted in the yard after dinner.

When I was in the country, I didn't have much activity at night, so I was used to going to bed early, and I had to get up early to go to school tomorrow.

After sitting for a while, Mrs. Li took Sister Huan back to her room to rest.

Shen Yijia thought for a while, then simply moved the chair to the door and acted as a Wangfushi.

Song Jingchen said it was late, it was really late, seeing that it was going to be curfew before coming back.

There were two lanterns hanging at the entrance of the mansion, and under the dim light, from a distance, I could see the man sitting at the entrance with his hands on his chin and his head, like a chicken pecking at the rice.

Song Jingchen jumped out of the car without waiting for Nanfeng to stop the car, and walked over in three and two steps.

The sound of the reels of the carriage turning was so loud that it didn't wake anyone up. Song Jingchen felt a little guilty, and bent down and picked him up.

"Xiang Gong, you're back." Shen Yijia opened her eyes in a daze, saw Song Jingchen shrinking back into his arms again, and muttered, "The kitchen has reserved meals."

I slept too late last night, and today I sent off sister Huan to school and woke up early. During the day, she was tossing around and never resting. She was already too sleepy.

"I see, go to sleep, I'll eat in a while." Song Jingchen's voice was very soft.

Shen Yijia gave a vague "um" and went to sleep with peace of mind.

Royal Palace.

Ji Yunxi was sitting in front of the dressing table. At this time, she was not wearing a veil. What was reflected in the bronze mirror was a face that was enough to fascinate men in the world.

Her skin was as delicate and smooth as jade, her lips were not stippled, and her eyes were slightly raised.

With the flower tint between her eyebrows, it made her even more seductive.

It was Mo Yu who had seen it many times, and was stunned for a while.

"What are you still doing?" Ji Yunxi reminded with a frown.

Mo Yu hurriedly lowered his head and didn't dare to look any further, picked up a small porcelain bottle on the dresser.

She poured the powder from the porcelain bottle into the copper basin, and after the powder completely melted into the water, she picked up the handkerchief on the side and put it in to wet it.

Ji Yunxi glanced at the porcelain vase in disgust, then closed her eyes and asked, "Did you find out what I asked you to check before?"

Mo Yu wrung the veil dry, and held the warm veil between Ji Yunxi's brows, and said respectfully, "I found it, it seems that he is here to find someone."

"Looking for someone?" Ji Yunxi frowned.

"Well, he has been living in Lingyin Temple since he arrived in the capital of Great Xia. Some people heard the conversation between him and the host and mentioned words like 'seventeen years ago' and 'daughter'." Mo Yu took off the veil. .

I saw Ji Yunxi's eyebrows miraculously disappeared, which made her good color drop a bit.

There was no fluctuation in Mo Yu's eyes, and then she picked up the red pen on the side and dipped it in some special paints that she had prepared earlier, and re-drawn it on the center of her eyebrows.

Her movements were very skillful, as if she had repeated it countless times, and after a while, a flower that was the same as before appeared between Ji Yunxi's brows.

Like heaven.

Ji Yunxi sneered: "Isn't his daughter in the Xuanyuan palace, why did he come to look for it in Daxia..."

Speaking of this, she paused and looked at Mo Yu: "You mean seventeen years ago?"

Mo Yu nodded, obviously knowing what his young master had in mind.

Seventeen years ago, the previous Valley Master left Tianji Valley privately because of playfulness. Later, he threatened to leave the Valley for a man and gave up the identity of the Valley Master.

As a result, he was unkind, and when he returned to the valley, he was deprived of all his skills.

Because she violated clan rules first, she is still locked in a forbidden area until now.

The elders have always used her deeds to wake up the younger generation, so this matter is not a secret in the valley at all.

Because he was with Ji Yunxi, Mo Yu knew more than others.

That is the man who lost that person, it is Xuanyuan Ce.

Ji Yunxi looked at herself in the mirror, stretched out her hand and stroked the flower between her eyebrows: "That woman left the Valley seventeen years ago, and didn't go back until seven years ago. If there is a daughter between them..."

After speaking, she suddenly laughed and said faintly, "Mo Yu, there seems to be someone who is more righteous than me!"

Mo Yu lowered his eyes and said, "Even if such a person exists, she is only the daughter of a sinner. Perhaps she doesn't even know how to do divination. The most qualified person to be the owner of the valley is you, the young master."

"Really?" Ji Yunxi was very satisfied with her answer, but her eyes suddenly turned cold: "But those old guys don't think so. After all, they are very afraid of dying. If someone can keep them alive..."


I originally planned to have three shifts today, but I can't finish writing it, so I'll make it up tomorrow.

Shizi: I heard that you want someone else's husband?

Jiajia: I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense.

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