The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 378 Yes, I was stunned (two more)

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and the room was silent.

But Xuanyuan Ye tossed and turned on the bed and couldn't fall asleep.

From time to time, the voice with a smile and full of expectations rings in my ears-I have found my daughter.

How ironic, she was always there, waiting for him to look back.

She suddenly thought of the mother-in-law, the woman who was so gentle that she could speak softly.

If she knew about this, she would definitely be sadder than her.

And she is no longer the only blood of the father and the king, will the emperor's uncle and grandmother not ask for anything from her like before?

Speaking of which, what they care about most is their father, will they favor his other daughter more because of the father?

She seemed to have seen the gloating eyes of her cousins.

Xuanyuan Ye regretted not listening to his mother-in-law's words, so stubbornly came to Da Xia, and was a little fortunate, at least she had the first chance.

Although it was on the mountain, the temperature in July was still very high, but Xuanyuan Ye felt cold for no reason.

She curled herself up in the thin quilt. I don't know how long it took, and she returned to Xuanyuan Country like a dream.

Inside the palace of the King of Jing'an, guests are like clouds.

Not only did the upper echelons of Xuanyuan Kingdom come here, but even the emperor's uncle took the seat in person. With smiles on their faces, they all lined up to give her greetings and blessings.

But just when the emperor's uncle had someone read out the imperial decree to designate her as a princess, his father came in with a young girl.

As soon as the scene changed, the girl was held in the hands of the stars, while she and her mother-in-law were abandoned in a corner of the palace where no one cared.

The people she despised before came to ridicule and ridicule one by one.

Look, she's just a dove occupying a magpie's nest.

Why use the word dove occupying a magpie's nest? She is also the daughter of the king!

"I didn't..." Xuanyuan Ye suddenly sat up, widening his eyes and breathing in the fresh air.

The morning light was faint, and the weak light came in through the window paper, allowing her to see her environment clearly.

"The county master, are you awake... Can the slaves come in?"

Bai Zhi's voice came from outside the door.

Xuanyuan Ye only felt that her head was dizzy as if she had not rested overnight, and she hammered the dull and painful head.

It took a long time to realize where she was and what happened to Yehun before she fell asleep.

Xuanyuan Ye's eyes darkened: "Come in."

When she spoke, she realized that her voice was hoarse.

The door was pushed open with a squeak, and Bai Zhi came in with a basin of water. She put the basin aside, and walked to the bed as usual to serve Xuanyuan Ye's dressing first.

Noticing Xuanyuan Ye's pale face, she couldn't help but ask worriedly: "The princess didn't sleep well last night, why don't you sleep more?"

"No, what time is it now?" Xuanyuan Ye said lightly.

"Just after 90 hours." Seeing that she was in a bad mood, Bai Zhi didn't dare to say more.

Xuanyuan Ye frowned: "Go get some water first, I want to take a bath."

It is particularly uncomfortable for the middle clothes to be wet with cold sweat and stick to the body.

After bathing, Xuanyuan Ye asked Bai Zhi to put some makeup on her to hide the haggard face.

By the time it was cleaned up, it was already bright outside.

"Let's go, go and say hello to the king."

Bai Zhi opened her mouth and finally followed silently.

Ji Yunxi came to see Xuanyuance early in the morning.

She withdrew her hand: "It seems that the lord had a good rest last night. That's what I said, don't worry too much."

Xuanyuan Ce nodded: "I feel much better today. Thanks to the medicine you prescribed, this king has a good night's sleep."

He looked at Ji Yunxi's eyebrows, and said casually: "I have heard about Miss Ji's medical skills a few days ago, but I don't know who you are teaching?"

Ji Yunxi paused: "It's just that I have been around my mother since I was a child."

"Who is your mother?" Xuanyuance's voice was a little anxious.

Ji Yunxi looked over strangely.

Xuanyuan Ce lightly coughed and explained: "This king just thinks that someone who can teach you medical skills must be even more amazing. If you are known to be a taboo, maybe this king has heard of it."

Ji Yunxi nodded thoughtfully, and then said apologetically, "Sorry, my mother once told me not to tell anyone her name."

Chu Feng only followed Xuanyuance after he left Fengcheng. He didn't know what happened back then, but Xuanyuance didn't avoid him during the conversation with the host these few days, so he guessed something.

Xuanyuance's face put on a little disappointment, and it was fleeting: "It's this king who is abrupt."

Ji Yunxi smiled and didn't continue the topic, and then said goodbye and left after a few words.

Chu Feng got Xuanyuance's order to send the person outside the hospital.

As soon as he left the yard, he met Xuanyuan Ye who had come to invite An.

"The county master." Chu Feng saluted.

Xuanyuan Ye stopped his steps, and looked around Chu Feng and fell on a girl in white and wearing a veil.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, just by looking at those slightly raised eyes, he could see that he must have an outstanding appearance.

Xuanyuan Ye's hand in front of him tightened subconsciously, and the girl who had been incapable of seeing in the dream last night also became clear at this moment.

Chu Feng noticed her gaze, and thought that the person behind her might also be the prince's daughter, and the prince valued it.

He moved his steps without a trace to block Xuanyuan Ye's sight, and explained, "Miss Ji was sent by Emperor Daxia to see the king."

Xuanyuan Ye took Chu Feng's small action in his eyes, and inexplicably overlapped with the dream, which made her feel even more uncomfortable. She stabilized her mind and nodded: "I'm here to say hello to the king."

Chu Feng's face was a little embarrassed.

He has been by the prince's side for so many years, it is impossible not to know his attitude towards the princess and the mother and daughter, it is no different from strangers.

In the past, even if the prince returned to Fengcheng, these two would not come close to him, nor would there be any greetings, what's the matter today?

In his heart, Chu Feng did not dare to show it, and said in words: "My lord hasn't had breakfast yet, or else..."

Xuanyuan Ye interrupted him: "I'll leave after I invite An, and I won't waste too much time on the father."

Chu Feng: ...

Did he say it too euphemistically? But he couldn't directly say that the lord might not want to see her.

Seeing that there was something wrong with the atmosphere, Ji Yunxi said at the right time: "Master Chu will send it here, and Yunxi will go back by himself."

"Wait a minute." Xuanyuan Ye suddenly shouted to stop the person.

Ji Yunxi stood still and looked back at her, their eyes were facing each other, and the air smelled faintly of gunpowder.

Chu Feng secretly said that it would be worse.

Xuanyuan Ye was enraged when she saw it, and sneered: "You are just a doctor, why don't you polite when you see this county master? Is this the etiquette of your big summer?"

She was wrong, even if her father didn't like her, she was still the most honorable princess in Xuanyuan.

No one wants to destroy all of this, and no one can take her things away.

Mo Yu frowned in displeasure, and was about to move, but Ji Yunxi stopped him without a trace.

She looked at Xuanyuan Ye with a hint of playfulness in her eyes, and slowly bowed her body: "Yunxi has seen the county master."

Xuanyuan Ye clenched his fist, obviously the other party saluted according to her request, but she didn't feel happy at all.

"Why are you standing here? Are you waiting for me?" A condescending voice sounded.

Seeing the person coming, Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Xuanyuan Ziming didn't seem to feel anything wrong with the atmosphere at all. He walked up to Ji Yunxi and looked up and down: "Hey, it's you, why are you here?"

Chu Feng had to introduce the person again.

Xuanyuan Ziming suddenly realized, and asked, "Is my uncle alright?"

Ji Yunxi shook his head: "Your Highness is fine."

"I'll just say it. Uncle Huang has always been in good health, so how could he just say it?" Xuanyuan Ziming said as a matter of course, and waved his hand: "If you have nothing else to do, just go first."

Ji Yunxi bowed and turned to leave.

Xuanyuan Ye stomped towards Xuanyuan Ziming in dissatisfaction, but because this was the gate of the courtyard where Xuanyuan Ce lived, he did not dare to rage.

"What? I was fascinated by my beauty early in the morning? I'm so sorry, I'm your cousin, we are destined to be impossible." Xuanyuan Ziming touched his chin in distress: "Long It is also a sin to be too good-looking, and it seems that I am beyond forgiveness."

Xuanyuan Ye was so shocked by what he said that went against Chang Lun, he didn't even call his cousin, blushed and scolded: "Xuanyuan Ziming, can you still have a face?"

With an expression I understand, Xuanyuan Ziming looked at Chu Feng: "I'm here to greet Uncle Huang."

It's so noisy in the yard that you can definitely hear it inside, and the prince's silence all the time is tantamount to acquiescence.

Chu Feng thought that he understood Xuanyuan Ce's meaning, so he didn't say anything this time, and respectfully invited the two in.

Xuanyuan Ye's eyes darkened.

Back in the wing, Mo Yu said with a cold face: "Young master, you are just a county master, why do you..."

Ji Yunxi didn't care: "Did you see it? She looked at me like I stole her beloved toy."

"Xuanyuance really treats you as that woman..." Mo Yu didn't say anything after that, but both of them understood.

Ji Yunxi stroked Hua Dian, who was touching his brows, and smiled mockingly: "Otherwise, why do you think he keeps losing his composure in front of me?

From the looks of it, there might be something else hidden in what happened back then, which is really interesting. "

With the identity of Xuanyuance's daughter, Xuanyuanguo doesn't seem to be so troublesome.

Mo Yu always felt that Xuanyuan Ce was not such a fool to fool, but seeing how his young master seemed to be winning, his confidence in her finally outweighed the uneasiness.

Xu Shi was in a good mood, Xuanyuan Ce did not blame Chu Feng for inviting people into the yard without permission, and did not refuse when Xuanyuan Ziming offered to accompany him for dinner.

Xuanyuan Ye was a little dazed, she grew so big, this was the first time sitting at the same table with her father and Wang.

But she couldn't be happy, because she knew why the father would allow her to sit here.


When she fell asleep last night, Shen Yijia always felt that she forgot something and didn't say anything. Even when she fell asleep, she didn't feel very well. She woke up when Song Jingchen moved in the morning.

Song Jingchen stretched out his hand and patted her back rhythmically, and said softly, "It's still early, you continue to sleep."

These words and the action of the tap were like magic, almost coaxing Shen Yijia into a deep sleep again.

She raised her eyelids, clasped Song Jingchen's hand, and muttered that Banxia saw Da Ya and that Ji Yunxi might be from Tianji Valley.

Song Jingchen frowned, and he felt disobedient when Eunuch Li talked about that girl Ji.

The emperor was ill, and the old prince's mansion happened to have such a genius doctor.

He didn't believe that there was such a coincidence in the world, but he didn't think it would be someone from Tianji Valley.

He remembered the rumor that the people in Tianji Valley only assisted those who had emperors and generals.

Naturally, he would not think that the emperor was that kind of person. It was only possible that someone took the man to the emperor's side through the hand of the old prince.

Song Jingchen put away his thoughts and looked at Shen Yijia's eyebrows, the potion lost its efficacy, and Huadian also reappeared there.

He stretched out his hand and stroked it gently: "I'll check what Banxia said. As for Ji Yunxi, it's best if you don't meet him. If you do, you don't need to pay attention."

He paused, then said, "Don't let her see the flower tin on your forehead."

Speaking of this Shen Yijia wanted to laugh, she came up with a little energy and talked about the eyebrows of the female students.

Song Jingchen:  …

He felt that this girl was a little stupid, but her luck was not very good, as if God was on her side.

The noble ladies in the capital have followed suit and painted the other side of the flower, which may seem like a trivial matter, but it can confuse people's eyes.

If one day this girl's eyebrows are accidentally seen, she will only be regarded as a member to follow, rather than directly linking her to Tianji Valley.

Seeing that Shen Yijia became more and more energetic, he said helplessly: "Okay, go to sleep, you won't be able to fall asleep in a while."

It turns out that he underestimated Shen Yijia too much, and the person who was excited just a moment ago turned to see that he was already snoring.

Song Jingchen put a kiss on her brow amusingly.

After thinking about it, I was still a little uneasy, so Nanfeng asked Mo Yuan to tell me carefully before going out.

This sleep, I slept directly until the sky was bright, and it was long past the time for class in the academy.

Shen Yijia asked Mo Yuan to give her the potion again and hurried to the front yard, only to see the Li family at home.

Li explained: "I saw that you slept soundly, so I didn't let them wake you up."

Knowing what Shen Yijia wanted to ask, she said again: "I asked Lin Shao and Tie Dan to send the three of them off to see Brother Hao, otherwise those two children would always think they couldn't help, and they could just go out for a walk."

Usually, Lin Shao and Tie Dan would rush to do whatever she did, and they also did the cleaning in and out of the yard every day.

Li Shi was careful, and naturally saw the anxiety of the two people in his eyes.

Shen Yijia drank a bowl of porridge with pickles, added another bowl to drink slowly, touched her chin and said, "Then let them both deliver it, and when they come back, I'll let them make some for me. thing."

According to what Beauty Xianggong said, the bookstore is not in a hurry for the time being, but she has to engrave some characters first. There are a lot of Lin Shao and Tie Dan who can help.

After breakfast, Shen Yijia told Mrs. Li and took Mo Yuan out the door. She had to prepare what she needed first.

This matter cannot be disclosed at present, so she does not plan to ask someone to engrave for the time being.

The two carriages at home were not there. They went there on foot. When they reached Chang'an Avenue, Shen Yijia was stunned.

Of the ten girls she saw, seven of them had flowers on their brows.

I don't know what they thought, and they didn't even change the look of the flowers, but she saw several colors.

The folk customs of this dynasty are more open than those of the previous dynasty, and there is no rule that women must wear a veil when they go out. Except for those noble ladies, many people actually don't wear them anymore.

But, today is different, there are veils and flower tins everywhere.

Shen Yijia had never seen the scene of the former dynasty, or else she would have to wonder if she slept in the former dynasty again.

She was not the only one who was stunned, but also Ji Yunxi and Xuanyuance who came down from Lingyin Temple.

It must have been the wrong way for them to go down the mountain!


Hint: Xuanyuance told the host earlier whether Ji Luo might be in their hands, so he wanted to...

Shizi: My daughter-in-law is a fool to be a fool.

Bottle: Dear daughter, you must be blessed.

Thank you Yunxuan for the reward, refill.

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