The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 379 Mrs. Qiu came to the door

Ji Yunxi's good mood in the morning disappeared completely when he saw the people wearing veils coming and going on the street.

If it wasn't for her sanity, she would almost have poisoned all those ignorant people to death.

They... how dare they!

In Tianji Valley, the other side flower is a family flower, and only the owner of the valley is qualified to wear it.

In other words, the other side flower is the symbol of the owner of the Tianji Valley, just like the things with the five-clawed golden dragon pattern in the world, only the emperor is qualified to use.

On the other hand, the actions of these people are like reminding her that the flower tin between her eyebrows is just fake.

"Young Master." Mo Yu looked at the woman passing in front of him with murderous aura in his eyes.

Ji Yunxi closed his eyes and spit out a word coldly: "Go."

She was afraid that if she watched it further, she would be angry and murdered.

Just wait, it's not yet time, wait for that person to sit on a high position, wait for their Tianji Valley to return to the glory of the past, then...

The carriage suddenly accelerated, causing a commotion in the downtown area.

"What's wrong with them?" Chu Feng muttered in confusion, Xuanyuance opened the curtain and glanced, the corner of his mouth twitched, the old bald donkey is really unreliable, if you only rely on this flower to find people, then these Is it all his daughter?


He looked at the carriage that was getting farther and farther away, his expression dark and unclear.

Those eyes were so similar, they were carved out of the same mold as the man who had come to look for Ji Luo.

In fact, if Ji Yunxi didn't wear a veil, he might not have reminded him of that person at a glance, after all, more than ten years had passed.

But she brought it along, and when Xuanyuan Ce saw the man, the man happened to be covering his face, making it difficult for him not to connect the two.

Ji Luo, will they be taken away by them?

She once told him that she didn't want to go back...

The blood in the body was surging, Xuanyuan Ce frowned and suppressed the discomfort, just as he was about to lower the curtain, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a lake blue figure.

That person seemed to be born with some kind of aura, which people could see at a glance in the crowd.

However, just after thinking like this, before Xuanyuance could instruct Chu Feng to drive the carriage over, the man scurried into the crowd and disappeared.

Xuanyuan Ce: ...

The slap came too fast.

Shen Yijia, who was born with a halo, crossed Chang'an Avenue and ran around most of the capital with Mo Yuan. Finally, she bought all the things she needed, wood, carving knives, saws...

When the two of them returned home, it was past noon, and they saw a carriage parked in front of their house from a distance. It was not the family carriage, and the emblem Shen Yijia on it had never been seen.

After they have been in Beijing for so long, Shangguan Yu and Xiao Ruoshui have come to the house.

Shen Yijia was curious about who else would come to the door. As soon as she walked into the yard, she saw Mrs. Li walking out of the living room with a few people.

Shen Yijia's brows twitched when she saw the woman who was being supported and walked in the front, and she would raise the burden in her hand to cover her face in a conditioned reflex, but before she could hide, she was discovered by the sharp-eyed iron egg.

"Sister, you are back."

It's fun to hear the sound.

Shen Yijia:  …

The pit sister is not as pitiful as you are.

Li also said, "Jia sister is back."

It was impossible to hide, Shen Yijia put down the burden and pulled out a smile: "Mother."

After shouting, he immediately made a surprised look: "Is this a guest at home?"

Li Shi gave her a strange look. Would this be a bit exaggerated?

She introduced with a light cough: "This is Mrs. Qiu from Qiulu Academy."

Shen Yijia tried her best to ignore Mrs. Qiu's scrutiny eyes, and greeted with a smile: "Hello, Mrs. Qiu."

In my heart, I don't understand why this person came to the house. Didn't that matter have nothing to do with her?

Really, she even saved people.

So why did she feel guilty just now?

Oh, because regardless of whether she saves people or not, it's a fact that she climbed over the walls of other people's courtyards privately...

But no one saw it? If it wasn't for the confirmation that there was no one around, she would definitely not use the spiritual fluid.

Mrs. Li didn't know the little Jiujiu in her heart. Seeing that Mrs. Qiu was only staring at Shen Yijia, she didn't open her mouth. She could only explain: "Mrs. Qiu said you did her a favor last time, and came to thank you today."

Shen Yijia's heart skipped a beat. Now, she doesn't need to worry about whether this person came to Xing Shi to ask her guilt.

She pretended to be puzzled: "Help? What help? No, did Mrs. Qiu recognize the wrong person?"

Without waiting for Mrs. Li to speak this time, Mrs. Qiu smiled and said, "Is it convenient for me to say a few words to you alone?"

The grape seedlings hadn't grown up yet. In order to provide shade, Shen Yijia found some sun-dried thatch and spread it on the wooden shelf. The whole shed looked incompatible with this mansion, and at a glance, it was obvious that it was built behind.

Seeing that Mrs. Qiu went straight to the thatched frame, Shen Yijia was even more certain that the so-called help she was referring to was that matter.

Mrs. Qiu backed away and supported her mother Lan and the waitress. Seeing that Shen Yijia was standing still, she reassured: "Don't be afraid, sit down."

Shen Yijia: She's not afraid, she's just thinking about the possible consequences if this person asks about the spiritual fluid, if she kills her.

She didn't move.

Mrs. Qiu didn't know what she was thinking at all, and she still smiled gently: "If you don't want others to know that you are skilled in medicine, the old man will help you keep it a secret."

She has lived most of her life and knows that everyone has a last resort.

The person that Dean Lu sent to investigate, and what he just heard from Mrs. Li, had never heard of Shen Yijia's medical skills, so Mrs. Qiu thought she was hiding it from everyone.

"Huh?" Shen Yijia blinked, medical skills? If you see her using spiritual liquid, shouldn't you say it's a sorcery or an immortal art?

Mrs. Qiu was amused by her cute appearance, she covered her lips with a handkerchief and coughed a few times before saying: "The other day I vaguely heard someone calling me, but unfortunately this body is not up to the mark, and he passed out before he could see the person clearly. "

"Oh. Not me." Shen Yijia said seriously.

Since she didn't see it clearly, she decided to beat her to death instead of admitting it. What if she was allowed to continue treating her?

But she can't do anything except use spiritual liquid!

Mrs. Qiu was stunned. It was the first time she saw this girl, but she understood her meaning inexplicably, and her face was written: I just don't recognize it, what can you do to me.

She wanted to laugh but was afraid that it would cause a more serious cough, so she could only bear it hard and said with a smile, "I didn't see it clearly at first, but I happened to wake up when she left, and the girl was wearing the same lake blue as you. The dresses are the same."

Shen Yijia: "Haha, that's quite a coincidence."

Mrs. Qiu is silent, is this a good deed without leaving a name? Contrast with the girl Ji who pretends to take credit.

The more Mrs. Qiu looked at Shen Yijia, the more she liked her, and her eyes became more gentle and loving.

Shen Yijia didn't know what she was thinking, otherwise she would have to sigh: This is really a beautiful misunderstanding.


Originally, I asked for leave, but I felt so sorry that I kept chasing the article and the little cutie who commented on me every day, so I still rushed out a chapter.

Thank you Yunxuan, Wanjie, No Dreams, No Friends Q, Mo Xi flawless reward, refill.

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