The Sickly Scion’s Petite Wife Is Sweet And Cool

Chapter 380 The scumbag acts as a demon (two in one)

Shen Yijia refused to admit it, and Mrs. Qiu didn't force her any further, and asked her something else.

As long as it has nothing to do with medical treatment, Shen Yijia answered them one by one, and the whole image of a good baby seems to have never thought of killing someone before.

Until Mother Lan came over to remind her that it was time to go back and drink the medicine, Mrs. Qiu stopped talking before she could finish it.

And let people go to the carriage to bring the gifts in.

Xu Shi had known who was in their family before she came, and she prepared a complete set of gifts.

The one for Mrs. Li is a set of exquisite and unassuming face, and the little ones in the family are a piece of high-quality mutton fat warm jade. When Lan Ma introduced it, she said that they all took it to Lingyin Temple to drive it. light.

Five identical jade pendants, at first glance, are cut from the same piece of jade.

Even Song Jingchen didn't fall behind, it was a pair of calligraphy treasures kept by Dean Lu.

For Shen Yijia, he removed the precious set of four treasures of the study and copybooks that he had prepared before, and added another face.

These rituals are not trivial, and even Mrs. Li, who has seen good things, has to be surprised. What kind of a big favor is Jiajie helping others to be worthy of the other party?

Mrs. Qiu didn't explain, and told Shen Yijia to go to the academy to talk to her when she was free, and then said goodbye and left.

She has indeed been a little tired since she came out for most of the day.

This is also because her body is much better now. If she was in her previous state, she would not be able to support it for so long.

Thinking that Dean Lu asked for the prescription given by Ji Yunxi and found that it was only a prescription for nourishing qi and nourishing blood, Mrs. Qiu was even more grateful to Shen Yijia.

Although the prescription was rare, it would never have the same effect on her body as it is now.

This is also the reason why she delayed to come to the door until today, and she didn't want to obliterate Ji Yunxi's credit based on her own intuition. It turned out that she didn't think too much.

"Madam, why didn't you mention that Madam Song was a righteous daughter?"

On the carriage, Mother Lan sat on one side and rubbed her eyebrows for Mrs. Qiu. Seeing that she had a good impression of Shen Yijia, she couldn't help but ask.

Mrs. Qiu smiled: "Am I afraid of scaring that girl?"

As she said that, she thought of the defensive look on Shen Yijia's face when she saw her, and said melancholy: "Your master has been away from the officialdom for so many years, but now he is just a stinky teacher, and I don't know if others look down on her."

The corner of Lan Ma's mouth twitched, she could see that Madam Song really caught Madam Qiu's eyes, otherwise she would not even be willing to harm the dean.

I don't know how Mrs. Song got such good luck. Although the dean has no official position, she is the target that even a few princes want to win over.

His students do not say that they are extremely high-ranking officials, but they are all over the entire Xia Dynasty, ranging from local county magistrates to important officials in the court.

It is not an exaggeration to say that peach and plum are all over the world.

On the other hand, Mrs. Li also asked Shen Yijia what happened to her and Mrs. Qiu.

In fact, she seldom asked about Shen Yijia's private affairs, but Mrs. Qiu had an unusual position in Beijing, and she was worried that Shen Yijia was being used.

Shen Yijia scratched her head, and said what happened on the day she sent Sister Huan and Lin Miaomiao to sign up: "I just wanted to ask for directions, but I happened to see her faint.

I thought she was still sitting in the yard in such a big sun, wouldn't it be heatstroke? So I gave her some water, but I was afraid of being misunderstood by me, so I ran away after feeding her. "

She didn't say what kind of water it was, so it wasn't a lie, right?

Li Shi's mouth twitched, and he was speechless for a while.

After thinking about it, she still said: "Next time, you can't be so reckless. There's nothing wrong with it. We can't tell if Mrs. Ruo Qiu has something good or bad."

"Mother, I understand." Shen Yijia shrank her neck and listened obediently.

Although the kind of thing that Li was worried about could not happen, but this time it was always her fault. Fortunately, Mrs. Qiu didn't see her using the spiritual liquid, otherwise it would not end well.

Good luck this time, next time, next time? She can't be so lucky every time.

Seeing her like this, Mrs. Li couldn't bear to say it again, and only urged her to go to dinner.

An unexpected thing happened today in the DPRK. Shen Pingxiu was involved, and the book of impeachment for his disorderly conduct was handed over to the emperor's imperial case like a snowflake.

What a disheveled swagger, just as the emperor's birthday is approaching, and the envoys of other countries are still there, this is directly throwing the faces of Daxia officials out of the country.

One by one, the censors were spitting, and Shen Pingxiu, who was also at a loss, did not go to court today, otherwise he would be punished by so many people, and he had to find a piece of tofu to kill him and apologize.

The emperor was also very angry, and he sent someone to the Shen residence to pass on his oral order, fined him a year's salary, and asked Shen Pingxiu to suspend his work and reflect at home.

This is still because he is the father of Princess Jing, and he can be considered a relative if he turns a corner. If it is someone else, he will directly slap that person's official position.

Even so, he still felt displeased, and scolded King Jing for trivial matters.

Until the next court, King Jing's entire face was still black.

The same black-faced person as him is Chen Shangshu, his son-in-law's nursery room, his daughter is shameless, how can he be better? Everyone knew that Shen Pingxiu was picked up by him.

Everyone looked at the two of them with sympathy. They obviously did nothing, but they were embarrassed because of an unreliable relative. Are they wronged?

In addition to these two people in the DPRK who are directly related to Shen Pingxiu, there is another person who also married Shen Pingxiu's daughter, that is Song Jingchen.

It's just that he still looks like he has nothing to do with him. Thinking about it, it's also him. Isn't he the one who swaggered through the market with the disheveled Shen Pingxiu?

When Jingzhao Mansion received the report, he was clearly present. If he had the intention, Song Jingchen could have suppressed it at that time, and he would not have made a fuss.

If it is just to keep the outer room, the emperor will punish him for a few months' salary at most.

Now that things have gotten so out of hand, it's hard not to suspect that he didn't do it on purpose.

It is said to be suspended, and when will it be suspended to see the emperor's mood? In case the emperor directly forgets this person, then Shen Pingxiu's official, can be regarded as the end.

"Master Song, what's in it for you?" Shangguanpu stopped Song Jingchen as soon as he left the palace gate, and other officials avoided him.

Song Jingchen frowned and said with a puzzled face, "King Jing means that the lower officials shouldn't bring people back?"

Immediately, he said with a disapproving expression: "Although raising the outer room is not a glorious thing, it can't cost people's lives because of it. Anyway, it is also the father-in-law of the lower official."

Shangguanpu:  …

We haven't seen each other for two years, why did Song Jingchen learn to act stupid? Did he mean this?

Thinking that his years of planning were almost ruined by this man, Shangguanpu sneered: "We are still brothers now, this king advises Lord Song to see the situation clearly, the Song family has no iron coupons, I believe Lord Song You don't want what happened two years ago to repeat itself, do you?"

In Shangguanpu's opinion, a Shen Pingxiu is not worthy of Song Jingchen's shot, and the person he wants to deal with is himself.

It never occurred to me that Song Jingchen was simply going for Shen Pingxiu.

Song Jingchen lowered his eyes and cupped his hands: "Thank you, Your Highness, for your suggestion, and I will take note of it."

His attitude made Shangguanpu feel that he had hit the cotton with his fist, and his heart was even more depressed. He fixedly looked at Song Jingchen for a long time, then snorted coldly and left.

Song Jingchen frowned and looked at Shangguanpu's back, thoughtfully.

Shen House.

Shen Pingxiu, who had just sent the eunuch to pass the word, knelt in front of him with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and his eyes rolled over and he fainted.

Chen shi only looked at him with bitter eyes.

She didn't speak, and no one dared to move, until Shen Wenbo reminded her, she gritted her teeth and ordered the servant to carry the person back to the room, but she didn't ask anyone to go to the doctor.

Shen Wenbo couldn't stand it any longer, so he had to order his entourage to find a doctor.

Because this kind of thing happened at home, he took leave today and didn't go to the Hanlin Academy on duty.

Now I'm a little fortunate, otherwise Shen Wenbo wouldn't dare to imagine how his colleagues would look at him, but he couldn't escape the first day of the new year but not the fifteenth day.

Thinking of the mother and son who were imprisoned in the firewood house by the Chen family, his eyes sank.

He looks more like Chen's, but he is feminine, but now he looks like a cool feeling rising from the soles of his feet.

In the flower hall, Mrs. Chen waved the servants back, holding the handkerchief tightly and tightly: "Wenbo, what do you want to do about this?"

Shen Wenbo didn't answer, and instead asked, "Mother, what are you going to do with the mother and son?"

His voice was cold, and it was obvious that one of them was a younger brother with the same bloodline as him, but from what he said, it was no different from a cat or a dog.

Speaking of the mother and son, Chen's mind suddenly came to the little bastard who looked exactly like Shen Pingxiu. She gritted her teeth and said angrily, "Of course they want them to die."

"No." Shen Wenbo said.

"What?" Chen didn't expect her only son to refute her. She jumped up from the chair and screamed in disbelief, "Do you even want to stop the mother? You don't think it's your father. Your son can't bear it, that's a wild breed, not your brother."

"Mother." Shen Wenbo stroked his forehead with a headache, poured a cup of tea and handed it over himself, comforting him, "Listen to your son first."

Chen shi took a deep breath and sat back.

"Mother, to solve this matter, we have to start from the root. This pair of mother and son is the root..."

The mother and son discussed in the flower hall for half an hour, and a little girl hurried in.

"Madam, Young Master, Master, he woke up. He said he knew who did it, and was making a fuss to find someone to settle the account."

"He still has a face to make trouble. If he didn't do such a scandalous thing as the nursery room, who would take advantage of this?" Chen shi scolded coldly.

Usually, no matter who she is to, she always wears a gentle mask, and this is the first time she has been so gaffe. It can be seen that Shen Ping's cultivation of the outer room is not a small stimulus to her.

Compared to the Chen family, Shen Wenbo was much calmer.

Today Shen Pingxiu just woke up and someone came to the palace, and he hadn't had time to understand the beginning and end of the matter.

He stood up and persuaded: "Mother, as I said, go and comfort the woman first, and I'll go see Dad."


"It's that rebel girl, it must be her, she's here to avenge her mother."

As soon as Shen Wenbo stepped into the main room of the main courtyard, a porcelain bowl smashed in front of him with a bang.

He frowned, glanced at the servants in the room in dissatisfaction, and said coldly: "Clean up this place and bring up the bowl of medicine again."


When the people backed down, he walked over to the bed and sat down, and said indifferently, "Father, what are you doing?"

Shen Pingxiu propped up his body and grabbed Shen Wenbo's hand: "Wenbo, it's her, it's that rebellious girl who did it. You go and bring her, I have to beat her to death today."

Shen Wenbo frowned and pulled out his hand without a trace: "Are you saying that the second sister kidnapped you out of the city and beat you up like this?"

"She's not your sister, she's the devil who came to collect debts." Shen Pingxiu roared.

He accidentally pulled the wound due to the too much movement, and the pain caused his face to twist for a while.

A gleam of light flashed in Shen Wenbo's eyes, and he confirmed again: "Dad, you can see that it's clear, is it her hand?"

Shen Pingxiu paused, and soon became assertive again: "Who else could she be, do you know where I was tied?

Wang's grave! That rebel girl asked me to kowtow to Wang's grave. "

He didn't say that the other party also asked about the cause of Wang's death. He accidentally murdered for his wife's dowry. Even if it was his own son, he couldn't say it. If it wasn't to save his life at the time, he would have rotted in his stomach for the rest of his life.

Shen Wenbo glanced at Shen Pingxiu's forehead, naturally he didn't miss his reaction just now.

But it doesn't matter if you see clearly or not, there is no one else in this world except her who will stand up for Wang.

And that Wai Shizi is already six or seven years old, and his father will only keep the Wai Shi for longer. Why did nothing happen before, but it happened when the dead girl returned to Beijing?

If Shen Yijia knew what he was thinking, she would definitely refute, who asked God to help her? She has to fight whether there is an outer room or not.

The more Shen Pingxiu thought about it, the more anger he felt in his heart, and he urged, "Go and call that rebel girl home now."

After speaking, he was afraid that Shen Yijia would not come, so he squinted his eyes and continued: "I just said that I was seriously injured. As a child, she didn't go home to take a look. Does she want to be unfilial?"

Daxia ruled the world with filial piety. If he disobeyed his filial piety, his parents could sue the officials, but the consequence would be that he would also be accused of lax discipline.

There is a saying that family scandals cannot be made public. Generally, people will close the door to solve it by themselves, and very few people will make trouble in the government yamen.

Shen Pingxiu naturally didn't plan to report to the official, but just wanted to use this to threaten Shen Yijia to come back.

Because she was already married, she was given her husband's surname, and they all said that she would marry her husband. If she was charged with unfilial piety, Song Jingchen would be the first to be implicated.

"Sister, do you think this is the case?" Tie Dan showed Shen Yijia the small piece of wood he polished.

The small pieces of wood were sawed off from the wood that Shen Yijia had engraved, and then they were polished and flattened by Lin Shao and Tie Dan to form individual characters.

Shen Yijia raised her head from the wooden board, rubbed her slightly sour eyes, and took a look at the word: "I'll polish it here again. Each piece of wood must be the same size and height, just according to the standard I first ground."

"Okay." Tie Dan scratched his head and looked at Lin Shao, who had been polished a lot, with a bit of envy.

He was used to being rough since he was a child, and doing such meticulous work was always inferior to Lin Shao.

Thank you Xiao Jiu'er for the reward.

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