"It's just that another lady in the Shen residence also found Lao Shen, and she let Lao Shen..."

Chen Shi did not expect that Wang Shi, who was given the sterilization drug, would still be able to get pregnant, and he hated it.

Because of Wang's friendship with Fuguo's wife, she wanted to start but couldn't leave a handle, so she would inevitably be tied.

But since she became pregnant, Wang shi has been cautious everywhere, and has been avoided by her several times.

Chen Shi could only make up his mind when Wang Shi gave birth. A woman had a child and walked through the gate of hell, and there were too many opportunities to do it without leaving traces.

She threatened Wen Po's grandson and asked her to kill Wang's body during the delivery.

"The old man was going to do it. I didn't want to see a woman suddenly appearing in the delivery room. The person put the sword on the old man's neck and asked the old man to deliver Wang's birth..."

At that time, Wang's lower body was already stained with blood, and she was still crying and begging her to save the child...

The old woman shuddered when she thought of the scene at that time, and was suddenly a little thankful that the woman showed up in time to stop her.

As for why the Chen family did not settle accounts with her in the autumn, the old woman guessed that it was because the Wang family gave birth to only a daughter, and she was completely hurt.

"Although the old man had the intention of harming others, he was forced to be helpless..."

Xuanyuan Ce was already impatient to hear it, but he was shocked when he heard it behind him: "Woman? What kind of woman? What does she look like?"

The old woman choked, wasn't she talking about the Wang family? Why did he jump on the woman again?

She murmured in her heart, but dared not show it.

"The woman stood behind the old man, and the old man didn't dare to look back."

With the sword all around his neck, how could he have the heart to see what the parents looked like?

After speaking, she was afraid that the other party would be dissatisfied with her answer, and the old woman added: "But the age should not be too old to hear the voice. The old man listened to Wang's call to her as a genius doctor."

Hearing the word "divine doctor", Xuanyuan Ce was almost certain that the woman was Ji Luo.

Ji Luo did know the Wang family, but these did not prove that Shen Yijia was his daughter.

Thinking of what he had been ignoring, Xuanyuan Ce asked, "Which day did Wang Shen give birth?"

The old woman thought for a moment before answering, "The thirteenth day of the second month of the second year of Chong'an."

If it was someone else, the old woman might have forgotten it long ago, but this child delivered for Shen Wang was different. It was the last child she delivered in her life.

Ji Luo was a daughter born on September 13 of the same year. There was a difference of three months. According to the host, Ji Luo left Lingyin Temple in October, when the child was gone.

After she left Lingyin Temple, she should have come to stay in this big summer capital, but the difference between children who are three months apart is so big that there is no possibility that Li Daitao will be frozen.

Xuanyuance said in his heart that he was not disappointed. In the past few times, he had almost regarded that girl as his daughter, but it turned out not to be?

But what explains her similarities with Ji Luo? And the man in black.

He still didn't give up and asked, "What birthmarks are there on the baby girl?"


"Xiang Gong?" When Shen Yijia opened her eyes, she found that the surroundings were dark, and her vision was still a little blurry when she just woke up, and she could only vaguely see a figure sitting beside the bed.

The man in the dark gave an "um" sound, the oil lamp was lit, and the room suddenly lit up.

Shen Yijia rubbed her eyes, she finally saw it clearly, she puffed out her cheeks and climbed into Song Jingchen's arms, softly calling out again: "Xiang Gong."

Song Jingchen made another "um", and stretched out his hand to press the forehead of the person in his arms: "Does your head still hurt? You go back and lie down first, and I'll pour you a glass of water."

Shen Yijia shook her head and nodded again, unwilling to get off him, and muttered, "You go with me."

Qian Youde was afraid that it wasn't fake wine, and Shen Yijia felt that her whole brain had been emptied.

She had also drank twice before, and this time was not at all the same.

Song Jingchen looked at the person clinging to him, but had no choice but to walk to the table with him, freeing one hand to pour water, and handed the teacup to her.

Shen Yijia shook her head: "I don't have the strength, you feed me."

Song Jingchen chuckled lightly, no matter how strong the hand around his neck could have strangled him to death, it was still weak.

He didn't break it either, and put the cup to her lips.

After a glass of water, Shen Yijia licked her lips: "More."

After drinking three glasses in a row, Shen Yijia's mind finally became clearer, and she asked, "When did you come back?"

Song Jingchen's mouth twitched: "Have you forgotten anything?"

Shen Yijia tilted her head and tried her best to recall, only then did she realize that her memory was only after getting on the carriage, and then it was completely fragmented.

Thinking of something, she was startled: "Did I do something humiliating?"

Song Jingchen thought about the scene when he got home and saw a drunk man looking for his husband everywhere, and no one could coax him well.

He opened his mouth, didn't know what to say for a while, and finally shook his head: "No, I'll be back in the afternoon, you're hungry, I'll cook something for you."

He said no, and Shen Yijia didn't think much about it, mainly because she was really hungry.

She didn't want to come down, so Song Jingchen could only carry the person to the kitchen, where Li's dishes were still hot in the pot.

Shen Yijia didn't want to eat, she just wanted to drink porridge, Song Jingchen washed rice and cooked porridge for her, her temper was very good.

Shen Yijia felt that she was just saying that she wanted the moon in the sky, and the beautiful lady would probably find a way to take it off for her, and there were two words all over her body.

Love your wife like a life.

Song Jingchen: Are these two words?

"What are you looking at me for? Don't eat?" Song Jingchen rubbed Shen Yijia's head in a funny way and asked.


"The matter in Cangtong Town has been resolved?" Shen Yijia took two bites and couldn't help but ask.

Song Jingchen shook his head, with a sneer on his face: "It's that person's birthday soon, let's check later."

Shen Yijia pouted: "Have you confirmed your identity?"

"Banxia and the two recognized three corpses, one of which was the big girl she mentioned earlier."

Although there are only three, it is enough to prove that his previous guess was correct.

Most of the women who came out of Xunyang City were probably cleaned up.

Shen Yijia felt a little nauseated, thinking that Song Jingchen cooked it or forced herself to eat two bowls.

The two did not continue the topic.

It is said that the deaths of those women were more or less implicated by them.

The picture albums in their hands and their arrival in Beijing are the reasons why the people behind them will attack those women.

But Song Jingchen doesn't care, Shen Yijia only cares about what Song Jingchen cares about.

After drinking the porridge, Song Jingchen took the bowl and washed it in the yard, and Shen Yijia followed closely.

The soft moonlight shone on the handsome jade-like face, his eyelashes were long and slender, his lips were slightly pursed, and he focused on the movements of his hands. Shen Yijia felt that he couldn't see enough.

"Xiang Gong, I also left you some delicious food."

She had kept some of the fruit she bought at Xuanyuance's place in the ice cellar before taking it out.

Song Jingchen took a bite: "I've already eaten it."

He said, put the bowl back in the cupboard, squatted down in front of Shen Yijia, and Shen Yijia lay down on his back.

"Ah? When? Why didn't I know?"

Shen Yijia felt that she slept, not only was it dark, but also missed a lot of things.

"You gave it to me this afternoon, did you forget?"

Before he came back, he looked for his husband, and as soon as he saw him, he would take him to the ice cellar, saying that he had left something delicious for him. Lychee and longan had been frozen in the ice cellar for so long, and he had to eat it.

He could only bite into nearly ten fruit-flavored ice cubes in front of Shangguan Yu and the whole family, and almost broke his teeth.

"Is there?" Shen Yijia tilted her head and thought for a while, but when she didn't remember, she shook her hand holding Song Jingchen's neck: "Then I also bought you a lot of gifts."

Song Jingchen's footsteps stopped, and his expression was a little cracked.

I really don't want to think about myself with the hosta all over the head, a few jade pendants hanging from the waist, and all kinds of cloth on his body.

He took a deep breath: "You will give it to me in the afternoon."

I felt that it was too perfunctory to say this when I received a gift, and said, "I like it very much."

Shen Yijia, who was still a little angry and drunk, grabbed the opportunity to present the treasure with her, but now she is finally happy.

Song Jingchen carried Shen Yijia back to the room and wanted to fetch water for her to take a bath. Shen Yijia hurriedly grabbed him and said with bright eyes, "Wait a minute and then go."

Song Jingchen was silent.

Shen Yijia bent down and groped under the bed for a long time, but couldn't find the sack she was hiding inside.

"No, I obviously put it here."

Mrs. Li and the others wouldn't enter her and Song Jingchen's room without permission, let alone touch the things inside. They couldn't be thieves, right?

"Are you looking for this?"

Song Jingchen's voice came from behind, Shen Yijia looked back, wasn't the one in his hand his precious sack?

She ran over: "how did you find it, I thought I was under the bed."

Song Jingchen: "You gave it to me this afternoon."

He also said that these were used to support him, and if he had to find another place to hide, he put them in the cabinet.

Shen Yijia: "..."

She suddenly wanted to see Qian Youde, no matter whether she brought it on herself or not, she would beat the person up first.

Mmmm, so many times I can touch the beauty Xianggong, and then the beauty Xianggong hugs her and turns around, saying that she is affectionate and unswerving, the plot of only loving you in this life is gone.

It's all written in the book!

Song Jingchen seemed to see what she was thinking, and suddenly walked over and wrapped her waist around her twice.

He turned expressionless.

Shen Yijia:  …

So what happened in the afternoon?

The next day, when the whole family looked at her seriously and snickered behind her back, Shen Yijia's doubts deepened.

At the same time, the resentment towards Qian Youde has also grown.

In the inn, Xuanyuan Ziming and Xuanyuan Ye sat down for breakfast, and shuddered inexplicably: "Why do you feel a little cold all of a sudden?"

Xuanyuan Ye cast a glance at him: "What are you doing wrong?"

"I said Xiaoye Ye, you've been a little more temperamental recently, do you want me to let Zhu Zi cook some herbal tea for you?"

Xuanyuan Ye paused, his face pulled down and he stopped talking.

When Chu Feng came, he immediately noticed that the atmosphere was not right. He saluted the two of them carefully, and said, "His Royal Highness, the lord is looking for you."

Xuanyuan Ziming was stunned: "Uncle is looking for me?"

Chu Feng: "Yes, the lord asked you to go to his room."

Xuanyuan Ziming glanced at Xuanyuan Ye, put down his chopsticks and stood up: "Is your health better?"

After having the first experience of asking for peace, Xuanyuance refused to let them go, and he usually didn't see anyone.

"My lord is all right."

"Do you want Xiaoye Ye to go see Uncle Huang together?" Xuanyuan Ziming asked.

Xuanyuan Ye was a little moved, but before she could speak, Chu Feng said, "My lord only called you alone."

Xuanyuan Ye tightened his hand holding the chopsticks and laughed at himself.

Xuanyuan Ziming touched his nose: "Let's go then."

"The princess." Bai Zhi was a little worried.

"To shut up."


Standing in front of the Song Mansion, Xuanyuan Ziming was a little cowardly. He never thought that the uncle had finally seen him once, and he just asked him if there was any mole on the back of Shen Yijia's neck.

How could he, a big man, stare at the neck of someone's little lady? Of course I don't know.

Then he was instructed to apologize for making that girl drunk yesterday, and I don't know how the uncle knew about it.

This is not the point, the point is that this is obviously the intention of the drunkard, not the wine.

He's not ready to be beaten yet!

But he did not dare to disobey the emperor's uncle's order.

Xuanyuan Ziming sighed for the third time.

The pillar could not stand anymore, and reminded: "Your Highness, can't we get in?"

Haven't the people who didn't see the neighbors have come out and looked at it several times?

"Go, knock on the door." Xuanyuan Ziming's face seemed dead.

I don't go to hell, who goes to hell.

Zhuzi rolled his eyes, stepped forward and knocked on the door of the Song family.

Every time it hits Xuanyuan Ziming's heart.

It was Lin Shao who came to open the door. Lin Shao had never seen Xuanyuan Ziming and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"My Highness is here to apologize to Madam Song." Zhuzi said.

The word "His Royal Highness" indicated the identity of the other party. Lin Shao looked at Xuanyuan Ziming, then looked at the large wooden box on the ground, and invited the person in.

Shen Yijia was sitting in the yard lettering when she heard the movement and raised her head.

As soon as she saw that it was Xuanyuan Ziming, her aura changed, she dropped the carving knife in her hand and swooped to Xuanyuan Ziming's side.

Grabbing the opponent's collar, he clenched his fist and was about to punch him.

Xuanyuan Ziming covered his face with his hands and exclaimed, "Don't slap your face."

Shen Yijia hit.


Shen Yijia added some strength.

After a cup of tea, the handsome and extraordinary Xuanyuan Ziming sat beside Shen Yijia with a pig's head on his head and let the pillars be filled with medicine.

The medicine was given by Shen Yijia.

In fact, when he went out, Xuanyuan Ziming specifically instructed Zhuzi to bring a good medicine for golden sore, but he didn't have time to take it out.

"Sister-in-law, I really didn't know you couldn't drink. You said that if I knew, I would definitely not let you drink that soup."

Shen Yijia concentrated on the lettering and did not speak.

"Hey, take it easy." Xuanyuan Ziming glared at Zhuzi and continued to explain: "I didn't intend to hide my identity on purpose, didn't I go out and protect myself?"

Shen Yijia still didn't speak.

Xuanyuan Ziming became anxious: "Didn't you also conceal your identity from the beginning? You even disguised yourself as a man."

Shen Yijia gave him a cool look.

Xuanyuan Ziming's neck shrank, obediently admitting his counsel.

Thinking of another mission he had come, he waved the pillar away, and walked behind Shen Yijia as if nothing had happened.

Shen Yijia lowered her head, her entire neck leaked out, and she could see it clearly at a glance, but normal people rarely paid attention to it.

"Really." Xuanyuan Ziming murmured.

Shen Yijia raised her head: "What?"

"There are... there are delicious food." Xuanyuan Ziming opened the big wooden box: "Look, these are all my apologies for you."

Shen Yijia:  …

Thanks to Nanyuan, Lanlan Q, Mo Xi flawless reward, refill

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