There was a small box in the big wooden box, and Shen Yijia lowered her head with little interest and continued to work.

Xuanyuan Ziming had been with Shen Yijia for a while, and he knew what she liked better than others.

Nothing but money!

He hurriedly took out the small box and opened it: "Look, you can't buy anything with this money."

A box full of golden leaves gleamed in the sun.

Shen Yijia suddenly felt that Xuanyuan Ziming was not so annoying anymore.

Xuanyuan Ziming didn't stay long, he had to go back to report the news to Xuanyuan Ce, and since it wasn't Xunyang City where Emperor Tiangao was far away, he didn't stay much longer.

Shen Yijia sent him out in a good mood and watched the carriage leave.

When he turned back to the house, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw the back of a woman who left in a hurry.

Shen Yijia didn't take it to heart.

Here, Xuanyuan Ce also confirmed from Xuanyuan Ziming's mouth that there is indeed a mole on the back of Shen Yijia's neck.

Shen Yijia's frown and smile flashed through his mind, and he looked like Ji Luo's face, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.

"Uncle Huang, is she your daughter?" Xuanyuan Ziming asked.

When he saw Ji Yunxi, he thought he was wrong.

Xuanyuan Ce regained his senses and squinted at him: "It seems that you know a lot of things."

Xuanyuan Ziming touched his nose with a guilty conscience: "Come on, it's a coincidence."

"Who else knows about this besides you?" Xuanyuan Ce asked.

Xuanyuan Ziming shook his head again and again: "No, I didn't even say anything about the imperial grandmother."

The queen mother was not happy with Ji Luo. She felt that without Ji Luo, Xuanyuance would not be able to stay in the palace well. She traveled abroad all the year round, which made her pretend to be sick whenever she wanted to see her son.

She blamed all the faults on Ji Luo, and every time she mentioned Xuanyuan Ce, she had to say a few words that it was because of that woman.

The name Ji Luo is a taboo-like existence, and no one dares to mention it, except the Queen Mother.

The reason why Xuanyuan Ziming first knew about the existence of such a person was also from the Queen Mother.

Because of curiosity, he went to check, and naturally he knew a little more. Later, he accidentally saw the portrait from Xuanyuance...

After that, he came to Daxia and met Shen Yijia.

Xuanyuance didn't say that Shen Yijia was not his daughter, and threw the person out.

Standing at the gate of the courtyard, Xuanyuan Ziming looked resentful: "It must be the father and daughter. I will throw them away when I run out."

"His Royal Highness, that King Xian is here again, and he also brought the newly-appointed Yong'an County Lord and Princess Linghui, saying that he was going to hunt outside the city, shall we go?"

That girl Ji was named Yong'an County Lord, although it happened yesterday, but it has long been spread, and I don't know how many people are envious.

But when she thinks about who she has saved, she takes it for granted.

The emperor, the old princess, Mrs. Qiu, who is not the most important person in this summer.

Thinking of Ji Yunxi, Xuanyuan Ziming curled the corner of his lips: "Go, why not go."

After walking a few steps, he said again: "Go and ask Xiaoye if you want to go, if you don't want to go, forget it."

The dead girl is obviously not in the state these days, so he should forgive her for a while.

"The county master is ready, just waiting for you."

Xuanyuan Ziming took a step and said strangely: "Little Ye Ye is so active today?"

When things go wrong, there must be demons!

Tsk, it looks like it's impossible to hunt with all your heart.

I have to say that Xuanyuan Ziming still knows Xuanyuan Ye very well.

In addition to them, there were also envoys from Wu Guolai, a group of mighty people.

There were so many people present, Xuanyuan Ye could only see Ji Yunxi, and he directly attacked them.

When you go out of the city, you have to race horses with her, and when you go hunting, you have to hunt more game with her than anyone else.

However, her skills were not as good as others, Xuanyuan Ziming's face turned black when he saw it, and Xuanyuan Ye represented not only herself.

There is another village next to the royal hunting ground. Because it is a little far from the capital, they did not go back at night, but rested in the village.

"Can you stop?" Xuanyuan Ziming pulled Xuanyuan Ye aside.

Xuanyuan Ye's mood was also extremely bad, she said with a cold face: "What have I done?"

Xuanyuan Ziming was annoyed by her attitude, and sneered: "Then what benefit Ji Yunxi has given you? Let you stick out your face again and again to be beaten by others!"

Xuanyuan Ye: "You..."

"Don't be me, I'm me, it's better to have some brains before doing anything. This is not the Xuanyuan Kingdom. My father and grandmother will take care of you." Xuanyuan Ziming warned.

This girl is completely spoiled, she doesn't know how high the sky is.

After all, Xuanyuan Ziming didn't care about Xuanyuan Ye's face that was flushed with anger, he turned around and went back to his yard.

Xuanyuan Ye gritted his teeth and looked at the back of Xuanyuan Ziming's departure, and said coldly: "Yehun, I want her life!"


Shen Yijia engraved a day's words at home, plus the previous engraving, finally completed the first chapter "Xue Er" of "The Analects", a total of 493 characters.

She handed over all the next things to Tie Dan and Lin Shao, and An Anxin looked at the book she picked up.

Mo Yuan's menstrual period was a bit fierce this time. She lay down all day yesterday, and she couldn't get out of bed today.

If she hadn't seen the menstrual belt she replaced, Shen Yijia would have wondered if she was seriously injured.

"Sister-in-law, I know who owns the booklet in your hand." Brother Hao roared as soon as he came back from school.

Shen Yijia paused: "Whose?"

"Wang Ming'an! It's my tablemate Wang Ming'an. I said why the handwriting on it is so familiar. I've read his strategy before." Brother Hao said excitedly.

"Wang Ming'an?" Shen Yijia frowned, why is this name so familiar.

Where did you hear it?

It was definitely not after she wore it, it was in the memory of the original owner!

"Sister-in-law, what are you thinking?" Brother Hao asked.

Shen Yijia really couldn't remember, she shook her head: "Then is Wang Mingan being bullied all the time?"

"Yes." Speaking of this brother Hao, he still looked indignant: "Wang Mingan has good knowledge and is often praised by the master, but his background is not good. Those people often ridicule him. I think they are jealous."

Saying that he was not born is already reluctant. I don't know where it came from, saying that the money Wang Mingan paid to Shuxiu was the dirty money his mother earned by washing the clothes for the women in the kiln.

A person whose status is low enough to be in the mud is better than himself, and it is no wonder that those high-ranking sons are willing to do so.

Brother Hao has seen him sitting alone in the corner eating dry wowotou several times, but that person is still very stubborn, and every time he invites him to eat with him, he refuses.

To be precise, although Brother Hao was at the same table as him, they could count on one hand what they said, and every time Brother Hao was talking, Wang Mingan ignored him at all.

"But the bullies seem to have restrained a lot recently. By the way, they are the ones I told you before."

How did Brother Hao know that he was beaten twice by Shen Yijia in a row, and all those people had a shadow.

As long as the idea of ​​bullying people comes up, Shen Yijia's fist will come to mind.

As if the white and tender little fist was staring at him all the time, it was too evil, how dare to mess around.

Shen Yijia touched his chin: "He wrote this book very well. Aren't I going to open a bookstore? You can ask me tomorrow if you can sell it to me."

What he wrote was not the same as a romantic genius raising a man high.

The book in her hand is the story of a wealthy daughter who is a down-to-earth scholar and has a good heart.

This is completely a copy of Wang Shi and Shen Pingxiu!

Although he didn't win the champion, he came back for revenge, didn't he?

This is too much for Shen Yijia's appetite. Unfortunately, after the top prize in the exam, the son was gone when he stood in front of the scumbag and was about to slap in the face.

Brother Hao patted his chest: "Sure, I'll ask you tomorrow."

My heart is beating drums, will Wang Mingan pay attention to him?

Song Jingchen came back very early today, and the emperor's birthday was coming soon. In order to avoid it, all cases that saw blood would be tried after the birthday, and the Dali Temple was relieved all of a sudden.

Shen Yijia was very happy about this.

She bought a bunch of cloth yesterday, and Mrs. Li was going to make some new clothes for everyone in the family.

Especially a few small ones, who are very tall, and after a period of time, the clothes they made before are all short.

After dinner, Mrs. Li sat in the main room and asked a few people to line up in front of her to re-measure.

Shen Yijia and Song Jingchen sat in the yard enjoying the cool air, and from time to time they could hear laughter from the main room.

Song Jingchen squeezed Shen Yijia's hand.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yijia tilted her head to look at him.

"Thank you." Song Jingchen said.

Without Shen Yijia, his legs would not be good, and their family would not be like this.

Although the revenge has not yet been avenged, he can see hope in his eyes.

This hope is brought by this silly girl.

Shen Yijia blinked and grinned: "Thank you for seeing the others, just give me a kiss."

Her eyes were sparkling, like they were full of stars, and he was the only one in them.

Song Jingchen only felt that his heart was full of things.

Shen Yijia's small face leaned in front of him, and it was written all over her face, "Hurry up and kiss me."

Song Jingchen chuckled softly, took the person into his arms, and placed a kiss on Shen Yijia's forehead.

"I didn't see anything!" Sister Huan's voice suddenly came from behind, followed by the sound of footsteps running away.

Looks like someone else has figured it out.

"Don't go, I just saw my eldest brother kissing my eldest sister-in-law."

Sister Huan's voice was low, and she couldn't bear the two of them to hear well and hear clearly.

Song Jingchen: I haven't given them another homework for a long time.

Shen Yijia: Don't you mean you didn't see it?

Shen Yijia couldn't be embarrassed, she raised her face: "Let's continue."

Under the moonlight, Song Jingchen's earlobes turned slightly red.

It's okay to close the door in the room, and it's always embarrassing to be seen by your sister when you do this kind of thing outside.

He coughed lightly, helped Shen Yijia out of his arms and sat down, changed the subject and said, "Princess Jing's child is gone."

"Ah? Shen Ruyun?" Shen Yijia was stunned for a moment, forgetting even her anger, and asked subconsciously, "How did you know?"

Is it really good to pay so much attention to other people's wives?

Song Jingchen was silent, thinking she would ask why she didn't.

"When the court was going away today, the servant of King Jing's mansion was waiting for King Jing at the gate of the palace. I heard a mouth when I passed by."

If he hadn't thought that Shen Yijia would be interested, he wouldn't have said it.

King Jing originally wanted to announce it on the emperor's birthday, but unfortunately Shen Ruyun died, and she was yelled at by the servant girl in the court that day.

King Jing had no choice but to have someone report to the palace that day. Normally, there would be rewards in the palace at this time, but because of the stupid things the Shen family did, the emperor didn't say anything.

Only Concubine Liu Gui gave Shen Ruyun a face.

"Oh, why not?" Shen Yijia asked.

Song Jingchen was really afraid that she wouldn't ask, knowing that in order to be able to answer, he specially asked Nanfeng to ask.

He touched his nose: "It seems to be related to the emperor's eldest grandson."

After all, it happened in the backyard of the palace, so Nanfeng could only hear about it.

I only know that the eldest grandson went to greet Princess Jing this morning, and for some reason it annoyed her.

The eldest grandson refused to accept her punishment and wanted to run away.

After all, he was the eldest grandson of the emperor, and the servants did not dare to be rough with him. Princess Jing was so angry that she chased after him.

Shen Yijiamo: "I think my stupidity is inherited from the Shen family."

So in the future, I can't blame her for pulling, if I want to blame it, the Shen family's genes are not good.

Shen Yijia can still face it very calmly for her own brain is not good.

But she only accepts what she says about herself.

If anyone dares to say...

Song Jingchen rubbed her cheeks: "You are much smarter than them."

Shen Yijia nodded in agreement: "I think so too."

Song Jingchen laughed, his laughter was pleasant, and his shoulders were shaking slightly from the back.

Shen Yijia saw that he was smiling happily, and followed suit, revealing a few big white teeth.

One, two, three, four, five, five small heads quietly poked out from the cover.

Sister Huan: "Big brother and sister-in-law have such a good relationship. In the future, I will also find someone like big brother."

Brother Hao: "If I can marry a sister-in-law like this, I will definitely have a good relationship with her!"

Tie Dan: "My mother said she wanted me to marry a gentle one!"

Sister Huan rolled her eyes: "Then you marry Miaomiao, Miaomiao is gentle."

Lin Miaomiao blushed and ran away.

Lin Shao glared at Tie Dan and warned, "Don't hit my sister's ideas."

Iron Egg: What did he say about him?

"You guys, are you too busy? Come to my study in a while and pick up a test question and go back to do it." Song Jingchen's cool voice sounded beside them.

A few people jumped in fright: "Big, big brother..."

"Come in in a quarter of an hour."

After Song Jingchen said that, he dragged Shen Yijia to the study.

Shen Yijia turned around and smiled smugly at a few people, and let you peek at me and the beautiful blind date.

Sister Huan: ...

"Your Highness." On the roof of the official residence next door to the Song Mansion, Chu Feng couldn't help but remind Xuanyuan Ce, who was staring at the courtyard without blinking.

Xuanyuan Ce regained his senses and said helplessly, "I still think she looks like..."

He didn't say what it was, but Chu Feng understood.

I don't know what kind of trick Madam Song gave her prince. Obviously, all kinds of evidence have proved that she is not the prince's daughter, but the prince just doesn't give up.

But Chu Feng also knew that Xuanyuan Ce had been looking for him for so many years, and this had already become his obsession.

He thought for a while and said, "My subordinates found out that Wang Shen still has a maidservant alive. Would you like to meet the prince?"

Thank you Mo Xi Wuxia, Yuxi, Qi, Miao Xi for your reward, refill

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