The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 1 Open the door

"I must not have woken up..."

When he regained consciousness, he was already standing in a... Sorry, please forgive me. As a young man who grew up under the red flag of the 21st century, it was really difficult to accurately describe the space he was in. This made Lin En, who was thinking hard, even a little bit He couldn't help but look ferocious.

Scrap recycling bin? Home for the homeless? Slaughterhouse? Some medieval wizard's testing ground?

Or be more direct!

This is a garbage dump that even a beggar would despise!

"I must not have woken up." Linn struggled to breathe and read back with an even more shocked emotion.

Like a stupid goose staring blankly at the stacked books on the gray stone floor that are causing the obsessive-compulsive disorder, the poor white candles that have been knocked over and crushed, and the large and shocking stains of bright red blood. And even the bloodstains couldn't be completely covered up, a circle of complicated and mysterious characters drawn on the ground with irregularities and no one knew what kind of paint was used. Is there still a little bit of glowing dust in the corner of this pigsty room?

Damn it! What are these things?

Do I know these things?

Just when Linn's downed brain was working hard like a rusty brass steam engine, the memory box that had stopped working suddenly opened. The hangover-like feeling of being filled made Linn stagger and almost kneel here. Among the piles of rubbish, waves of strong rusty smell filled the nostrils.

‘The secret ritual on the floor is a ritual recorded in a [Mullan language] book called [The Tantra of Fertility], which is said to bring a different kind of health... Damn [The Tantra of Fertility]! Damn [Miao Lanyu]! What the hell is that? Where are the books? Where is the book! If the book disappears, if the transaction fails, the employer will pursue you, the gang will increase taxes, and if you have no money, you will be kicked out! There will be no food to eat! Will starve to death! … Calm down, calm down, Lynn, calm down, there are no taxes, I am not unable to eat, I am not starving to death, I am still alive, living well...'

The two memories are like paint poured into a glass of clear water. They are so harmonious that they create a new arrangement from the original unit. Lin En's teeth were chattering uncontrollably as he was trembling. Fear seemed to be engraved in his bone marrow and sending waves of chill towards his skull.

‘My name is Linn, I am a minor in the Kingdom of Albion. I have received home education and have no faith. My father and mother disappeared after the Chamber of Commerce went bankrupt. My creditors kicked me out of my home...'

After Lin En regained consciousness, she finally found some good news and traveled through time by herself.

ha? I have traveled through time!

The paint on his hands, the ominous blood stains on the ground, and the mysterious mysterious symbols further told Linn that not only had he traveled through time, but he had also won a big prize. Without enough time to think about the prize, he quickly lowered his head and checked his body.

Although the torso of the underdeveloped boy was stained with a large area of ​​sticky, semi-scabbed blood, and the well-made shirt was in tatters on the abdomen, there were indeed no obvious wounds. His healthy and fair skin was proudly displayed for two months under the bright moonlight. Before, he had no worries about food and clothing, and was pampered by a wealthy businessman.

So where did this blood come from.

Or maybe the wound has healed...

"I must not have woken up!" Linn gradually lost control of her emotions and her blood pressure slowly increased.

Don't you want to understand the true meaning of life? No dump trucks roaring by! There is no thunder from heaven! There is no danger! I was lying at home watching the news on Wutongtai, and in the blink of an eye, I came to this poor guy with the same pronunciation of his name in another world. The gift of time travel was hit on his head without any application.

After Linn finished touching himself, he sat slumped on the pile of garbage. Well, he refused to admit that everything in this small rented room could be called furniture from the perspective of the 21st century.

He had to figure out what happened to make the scene so weird. His chaotic brain was jumping back and forth between congestion and ischemia like a roller coaster.

Living on the streets...Joining a gang...Stealing books...[Miaolan]...Translating and reading...Being curious...Complete the ritual...

The last thing I remember is that I was holding the [Tantrum of Abundance] and was so excited that I looked at the ritual circle on the ground, and then it disappeared, and everything came to an abrupt end there.

‘Wait a minute, where is that book? ’

Have you ever eaten pork and seen pigs running? Lin En, whose one hobby in life is chewing Internet articles, immediately realized that something was wrong with the state of this unlucky ghost before he was transported. It seemed that he was controlled by the "Tantrum of Abundance", and he was excited. He was so fanatical that he wanted to complete the secret ceremony. The history of ancient books written in the ancient language of "Mulan" is at least 1K years from now. The surface of the "Fruit Tantra" is made of papyrus that has been gnawed by moths. It is used to wipe people's butts. The kind that feels too tough.

It automatically upgraded Linn's cognitive level from garbage to garbage that killed him.

He glanced at the square bricks on the ground made of books that he had brought from home before. The dark red spray of blood and the faint moonlight formed an inexplicable and permeable scene. It seemed that something was gently cooling him down from behind, which made his hair stand on end. The mind is crawling along the skeletal fascia.

After carefully scanning the narrow room, Lin En did not find the [Abundance Tantra].

Question, will the book grow legs and run away on its own?

Maybe it was really possible. Of course, Linn didn't know the specific answer, but the book was indeed missing. Touching his chest, he could clearly feel the strong beating of his heart, and he was still alive.

For a moment, he really didn’t know what to do. Linn felt that he should clean up the slaughtering scene first, otherwise the stingy and timid landlord Mr. Boris would definitely scream and faint with his throat the next day. He was not the one. The gentlemen at Elba Field always carry smelling salts with them.

'The bucket and mop in the bathroom can be used to clean up the scene...'


The sudden knock on the door made Linn, who was not fully in the mood, subconsciously get up and walk towards the door. Then he looked at the murder scene on his body and on the ground, and felt that it would be wisest to find an excuse to send away the person who knocked on the door in the middle of the night. s Choice.

"Elba Field Patrol, open the door."

Elba Field, Stim City Security Agency, they directly omitted the excuse for Lynn. Without waiting for Lin En to answer, the door that had been ajar was pushed open with a creak, and several tall policemen in uniforms carrying lanterns poured into the small room, looking at this evil sign. The whole scene looked at each other.

Lin En, who was sitting on the bed, flashed through words such as privacy, human rights, innocence, lawyers, and minor protection laws in her mind. Finally, she habitually reached out and tugged at the half-torn shirt she was wearing. It was extremely weak. He opened and closed his lips so pale that he defended himself.

"Gentlemen, I can explain..."

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