The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 2: Hidden Iron Bracelet

Explain what?

The blood all over the ground actually has nothing to do with you? Or is the secret ritual formation just a fool's errand? I also have a book that may have grown legs and run away?

After looking through the knowledge about justice in my own memory, I found that there were no words at all like what I was thinking about, only some messy words like "Long Live the Kingdom of Albion, punish other countries, and the king is supreme." Faced with the vigilant batons raised by the gentlemen of Elba Field and the revolvers held firmly, Linn's lips murmured and his throat rolled. Under the light of the wind lamp, Lin's childish young face finally closed up helplessly. On the mouth.

When your thoughts are not completely clear, you may make mistakes if you say too much. For the sake of his own life, Lin En thought it was better to remain silent for now.

At least, you have to find out why the police officer kicked the door in the middle of the night. He couldn't just come to talk to a model citizen because he couldn't sleep.

Soon one of the men with reserved and shining eyes and a beautiful mustache under his nose came out. The police badge on his belt was more refined and shiny than other patrol officers, and it also had an extra silver star. Linn knew that this meant that this man who looked stronger and stronger was a detective above the patrol officers.

"Lynn Moriarty, you have been accused of practicing sorcery to murder someone. The deceased was..."

Mr. Detective read out the names of the four people, which seemed familiar.

If it doesn't sound familiar, those four unlucky guys who were still alive and kicking a few hours ago were the gang of pickpockets who went to steal [The Tantra of Abundance] with Lin En.

'ha? Are they dead? Was he killed by me using sorcery? ’

Fuck you! I haven't done that at all!

Although Linn knew that he was innocent, the detective who was reading out the charges obviously didn't think so, nor did the patrolmen who were strong enough to hold their batons to suppress those who might go crazy.

"In accordance with the security order of the Kingdom of Albion, I will arrest you and detain you for the next trial. Before the trial, you can apply to the police station for a righteous pastor to repent, so that your soul can be freed from filth and darkness. Return to the arms of the gods."

What kind of humanitarian care is this? No vicious blood-sucking creature like a lawyer is assigned here, only a magician is sent to provide hospice care before you are hanged to see you shaking off all your wrongdoings with tears and snot in your nose. no! I'd rather have a vampire like a lawyer! Linn felt that she needed to be rescued!

After reading out the arrest order and charges, the mustached police detective waved his hand neatly.

Immediately afterwards, two tall police officers pressed the young man's fragile body onto the bed. Linn, whose shoulders were almost crushed, screamed in pain before being put on shining silver handcuffs.

The Iron Bracelet, an achievement that had never appeared in Lin En's life before the time travel, appeared at the speed of light in less than an hour of time traveling. And he will also unlock new achievements in the package process such as entering the situation, charging with murder, and waiting for trial. If there is a cheat achievement system, Linn will definitely gain a lot.

However, it is a pity that this poor man has not found any trace of golden finger in his nervous brain until now.

And when he was almost pushed out of the rental room, the sights squeezing into Linn's field of vision made him temporarily forget that he was in a very bad and dangerous situation.

There is a huge bright moon hanging alone in the sky. The undulations of the mountains on the jade plate-like moon just form the shape of a moth. The urban buildings covered with moon gauze create a mysterious and light feeling of flying through flying buttresses and spires, while the steam emitted by the towering chimneys day and night delivers strong power to the city, and the radiance of the burning gas lamps and the twinkling stars Complement each other.

I don’t know who pushed Lynn.

He then staggered into this world, a crazy world where the mystery had not gone away, science was in the ascendant, and the gods still looked down on all living beings from high above.



No. 63 King's Avenue, Stim City Police Headquarters.

In addition to the titles given by the powerful and famous such as [Steam Shield], [Guardian], and [New Era Knight], this general public security hub also has the poor people using their imagination to add a more down-to-earth and... I am grateful for the names, such as: [the lair of the lackey], [the den of thugs], [the paradise of the rich, the grave of the poor].

After Lin En retrieved the comments about this place from his memory, he looked up at the pointed ribbed vaults and slender columns. There was uncontrollable confusion and panic on his little face.

Have you already become so famous for your ruthless style of extorting poor people?

A police officer next to him, who was escorting Linn all the way from his residence to the carriage and then to the station, couldn't help but feel pity for this handsome young man with a slender figure and tattered clothes who could not hide his nobility and good upbringing. He was caught by the General Bureau on the pretext of practicing sorcery, and the stolen goods were returned to others at the scene. Not to mention the son of a down-and-out businessman, even the heir of an upper-class noble could not escape trial. Not to mention, the public security in the urban area has been poor in recent days, and the superintendent has become angry.

Tsk tsk, this poor down-and-out young master is afraid he won’t be able to survive even one day~~

Who gave him bad luck?

‘Fuck! Why are you looking at me like this? ’

For the first time, Lin En understood that strong compassion can bring strong fear to others.

After walking along the wall for two or three turns, the police officers showed no intention of talking to each other the whole time. Linn was soon taken all the way to the underground prison of the police station. To be precise, it should be the detention center.

Oh my God! If the environment of a small rental apartment is a garbage dump, then this is definitely a farm and livestock pen!

The underground air with extremely poor ventilation conditions is mixed with sweat, excrement, and alcohol, creating a living space where toadstools thrive. The burning light from the torches inserted into the wall made the entire underground prison eerie. There seemed to be something filthy hidden in the darkness, squirming and shrinking in the flickering light of the fire. The only guard guarding the prison was drinking a small drink. Lin En was surprisingly calm at this time. His situation had gotten so bad that it couldn't get any worse, and there was nothing to be afraid of.

After being released from the handcuffs, Linn was pushed into a prison, where several figures shrank in the corner.

"Aren't you going to interrogate me?"

When the iron door was locked with a clang and the police officers were preparing to leave without looking back, Linn, who had been silent and thinking about ways to save himself, finally spoke.

Four people died in one night, even in a smelly ditch like Squirrel Street. It shouldn't be considered a small matter.

The two police officers stopped when they heard this, their eyebrows raised, and the corners of their mouths drew a sarcastic arc. Under the flickering firelight, the faces of the two men seemed full of malice.


"Little guy, you should think about what to say when you are beheaded."

"Idiot, he is not a nobleman. He cannot beheaded and has to be hanged. But I think he should be shot. After all, such cases are not public."

They laughed and left.

These bastards didn't want to interrogate him at all, they just wanted to use him as a scapegoat. Lin En was startled, and the rustling movement behind him made him turn his head subconsciously, only to see several unkempt prisoners approaching slowly with wolf-like gleams in their eyes.

Thinking of some vulgar rumors, the young Lin En's face turned pale and his anus tightened! Before he might be shot, he actually had to find a way to protect himself from Rip?

"Hey! Sir! If you are willing to wait and earn 10 soles, you shouldn't just sit there and drink!" Linn turned to the prison guard next to the torch and shouted loudly without hesitation.

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