The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 3 For chastity and survival

10 soli can be said to be a considerable bribe in this era. In this rich [Steam City], even a skilled lead-making female worker's weekly salary is only between 7 and 8 soli.

To be more intuitive, if the low-quality gin that the prison guard is drinking is replaced by 10 soles, he can drink 12 large wooden cups. This kind of generous consumption is considered to be the middle class of the Kingdom of Albion. Classes will also feel very painful. Industrious and thrifty people may not have such extravagant consumption during the festivals of the year.

These 10 soles were Linn's last private money before his creditors kicked him out of the house. It was also the capital for him to start a small business or emergency life-saving money when he decided to do something in the future. He kept it firmly hidden in his boots.

But money is meaningless if it is not used at critical moments.

Whether it was to avoid being blindfolded and dragged to the shooting range to spend the rest of the time in a few days, or for the sake of her own chastity at this moment, Linn threw out the 10-soul bait without hesitation.

I have to say that no matter which world we are in, money is a gadget that everyone can’t put down.

The prison guard, who was originally watching the show and waiting to see the new prisoners being invited to play a wrestling game, immediately stood up animatedly with his baton when he heard the cute word 10 sulers. 10 sulers! This is 10 soli! Sure enough, guys with thin skin and tender flesh will have a lot of money when they come in, which is much better than these poor ghosts who die here!

"Hey! Hey! Back off, back off! You lazy, poor bastards, don't scare my little gentleman."

The drunken-nosed prison guard was banging on the iron bars of the prison with his baton. As an underground prison manager, his aura was no joke. It was a physique tempered by beating rebellious rebels or low-income earners for many years. A swing of the black and hard baton will definitely make the prisoners feel fear from the bottom of their hearts.

It's like an evil spirit meets the flame of a righteous god.

Lin En couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. The sight behind him that made his anus tighten was quickly converged, and those guys who were trying to rap the young master of thin skin and tender flesh shrank into the corner again.

No matter what, I am safe, for the time being.

"Hey, young master?" He smiled flatteringly at Lin En, and the prison guard rubbed his hands together as if he was waiting for instructions on how to earn 10 soles. This reasonable method of making money by the prison guard was fully allowed.

In addition, Lin En's appearance is really good. Her short platinum hair looks like silk threads covering her scalp, her plain and pale face has a bit of bookish nobility, and her calm temperament in times of crisis is very much like those high-ranking congressmen. The prison guard who had been dealing with poor people was very willing to listen to what the blond and blue-eyed Linn had to say, no matter if it was for the sake of being called "sir" by the young master.

"The 5 sulers asked me to sleep in a separate and clean place, and the other 5 sulers asked you to help me bring a message to a police officer in the station."

Lin En could only make a desperate move at this time.

"No problem. Of course a young gentleman like you can't condescend to live with these slackers." Without feeling anything inappropriate, the prison guard nodded directly and agreed to Linn's request.

'ha! The bet was won! ’

If he was really imprisoned for some sorcery, then it would obviously be imprudent to throw himself in such a prison. The words of the two police officers before they left and the behavior of the prison guards proved that his guess was correct. Since they were the scapegoats who were going to be blamed, it at least proved that there was still room for change in what was in his head.

Lin En was released from the farm animal pen by the prison guards. His tattered shirt was very miserable, and goosebumps appeared all over his body after going from high tension to relaxation. Fortunately, the climate in [Steam City] in June has nothing to do with cold, so Linn doesn't have to worry about keeping out the cold.

The new cell is a single room, upgraded from a farm animal pen to a garbage dump or a small rental room.

Linn took out the shining silver suler from the sole of his boot and threw five pieces in total to the prison guard who followed the rules. The prison guard with a smile on his face took the 5 sulers and without wiping them, he clenched his fist and stuffed it into his pocket.

"You should have an officer named Douglas in your department."

When the Moriarty Sugar Chamber went bankrupt and Lynn's parents disappeared, it was Detective Douglas who was in charge of the investigation. This police officer still had some conscience, and he was not too strict with the helpless Lynn Moriarty. Harsh, allowing him to take away some clothes and books from home.

Otherwise, those red-eyed creditors could transport Lin En to the slave ship. Strictly speaking, Lin En's tender skin and tender meat are quite in line with the tastes of the upper class, and men and women are not taboo about that kind.

"Help me tell him that Lynn Moriarty needs his help and can provide it to him in return."

In order to save himself, Linn's thoughts were running at an unprecedented speed. This kind of fast and sharp thinking felt unexpectedly good.

"Second Detective Douglas, no problem. I know where his office is. The trustworthy William will definitely bring the message to you, young gentleman. At that time, you can just give me the remaining 5 soles." Considerable, not in a hurry, and Lynn's polite and educated attitude prevented William from being overly greedy or even malicious.

Immediately, the trustworthy prison guard exited the prison.

The heavily closed wooden door of the prison provided Linn with a certain false sense of security, and it was only at this time that his tense body dared to relax.

Ever since he traveled back in time, he had been highly nervous and experienced all kinds of exciting things that were absolutely impossible to experience before. At this moment, a tide of tiredness quickly surged into Linn's heart. A pair of emerald green eyes closed gently. However, the next moment Linn sat up in shock while dying of illness. He was frightened to wake up by beheading, gallows and shooting, and he quickly patted his face.

"How can you sleep at this time, Lynn. In order to survive, think about it, think about it quickly, and figure everything out before Officer Douglas comes."

If you don’t understand, you can eat peanuts from the shooting range.

In the groggy darkness, Lin En's eyes, which had raised their spirits, shone with a rational luster, as if beautiful jade stones were exuding a warm color that was tempting to watch and play with. Soon, Linn's eyes became brighter and brighter. He might really be able to reverse the current bad situation.



No. 175 Squirrel Street, a small rental room, which is where Lin En rents a room.

A squinty-eyed man wearing silk gloves was half-kneeling on the floor, using a glass test tube to carefully collect the luminous dust in the corners of the floor. At the door, a tall woman wearing a half-cloak revealed half of her round and white chin, pursed her lips and said nothing.

"Captain, the collection is complete." Mr. Narrow Eyes stood up and shook the test tube.

"Well, let's go."

As the woman walked, the cloak pulled out the outline of the machinery underneath, and the subtle sound of brass collisions was particularly obvious.

"There is a very strong [Spring] residue at the scene, which is a little bit serious... The gentlemen at Elba Field have caught the culprit? Doesn't it seem like we don't need to intervene?" Mr. Narrow Eyes smiled cheerfully, and there was no trace of it at all. He was someone who had just walked out of several bloody and horrific scenes.

"Waiting for news on the 63rd." As she walked, a sharp cold light came from the gap in the woman's cloak.

Please collect, recommend, and invest w

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