The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 4 Prisoners’ Rights

I don't know if it is the hidden benefit that comes with time travel. Lin En can clearly feel that his thinking has become faster and more accurate. He has a sense of clarity and clarity, as if there is a feeling that all the cotton in his brain has been wiped out. It felt so comfortable to pull it out. For the mental arithmetic challenge of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of hundreds of digits, it is a good verification that this is not an illusion.

A healthy body cannot help Lynn physically resist bullets, but a sharp and energetic brain can provide him with powerful help when he is trapped in prison.

This brain surprised Linn more than that.

Lin En was enjoying the luxury single room package he bought for 5 soles, but had no intention of enjoying the half-handmade, half-natural and original-flavored bed. When he thought about it for the sake of his life, he was surprised to find that his memory seemed to be weak. It's almost scary.

Everything that has happened recently, every detail of it can be recalled clearly, without any neglect or blurring like that of normal people. The overly detailed picture was replayed in front of my eyes like a video tape. There was almost no difference between the smell, sound, emotion, body sensation brought by that picture and the real reproduction.

It is exactly the same as the human condition called hyperamnesia before time travel.

Thanks to Hyperamnesia, I can recall many useful things!

Sitting on the corner of the bed with her hands and knees curled up, her slightly opened emerald green eyes flickering with thought from time to time, Linn muttered to himself in a low voice out of habit.

"The first meeting was at Brother Philip's stolen goods sale place at No. 1 Squirrel Street... The client wore a black robe, hiding his body features, and his voice was that of a mature man... We agreed to accept the job and confirmed the location of the job."

In the picture, when the mysterious client is walking, he just misses the wall sign in the alley. The height of the wall sign is 1.75 meters. It wasn't raining at that time, and the dust in the alley was flying, but it didn't leave the dirty stains on the other party's body that are common on the residents of the lower city. Moreover, the client also casually mentioned that illiterate pickpockets are suitable for this job.

With a naturally classy tone, one might think that these street thieves do not realize the value of their stolen goods.

Indeed, the "Tantrum of Abundance", which is too tough to wipe one's butt, looks really bad.

"The second meeting was at No. 18 Portobello Road. There was an antique market on this street... The client still wore a black robe, but this time when he paid the deposit, he showed his left hand and wore a silver ring on his index finger. There are traces of calluses and scorch... The floor in Zhongcheng District is relatively clean, leaving mud marks... The mud marks under his feet are the unique mud from the Fish Market River..."

What happened next was that enthusiastic citizens came into the house to help the owner move for free. The content of the move was to make valuable and easy-to-carry items disappear. At that time, Lin En's job was to look out. If there were patrols, he had to attract their attention and take cover. That night's work went surprisingly smoothly, and I didn't even see those figures in windbreakers and high hats under the gas street lights.

It seems that [The Tantra of Abundance] did not grow legs and ran away on its own.

Lin En shook his head hard and shook out of his mind the curious image of several big white-legged beasts running around under a book.

This continent's understanding of mystery is semi-open. The government neither admits nor denies it. The church is also strangely casual and harmonious when preaching. No matter what, at least within the legal framework of the Kingdom of Albion, Linn was more confident that he could convince Detective Douglas to help.

'It's all about survival. Even if you are shot, you may not be able to go back...'

There was no trace of fatigue at all. He raised his head just enough to look at the moon outside the small window of the prison. A gauze-like light fell on his delicate and restless face, and then his little head slowly and heavily lowered. Lin En did not At no time did I miss my small rental house so much that I had not finished eating the instant noodles.

Raise your head to look at the bright moon, lower your head to think about your hometown.

It wasn't until this moment that Lin En and Li Bai had a real emotional resonance.



Lynn Moriarty, the son of a businessman, is a very poor little guy. The kindly Mr. Douglas's impression of him was that of a helpless little quail. The sluggish economy has created such a group of poor people who are bankrupt, and this prosperous [Steam City] is no exception.

Douglas looked at the poor man and he would help him in a small way, such as buying some food, finding a way to transfer the filial piety items back, or using his words to perform his functions. He did not feel that he would degrade himself by doing this, nor did he expect to get anything in return from these poor people.

In this okay world, that's all he can do.

Detective Douglas Douglas, who was playing with a pen with a round belly and a serious and intimidating face, was not in a good mood. The reason for his bad mood came from the flattery skills of a certain colleague with a mustache. He was so easy to get rid of the blame, but Douglas was scolded by the superintendent.

Someone has to pay for the recent deterioration in public security, and that person must not be the superintendent.

'Bah, cunning Anthony, a shameless villain, when he sees the superintendent, he can't wait to rush over and kneel down to lick his boots. Humph, the father of the superintendent and the grandfather of the superintendent, I don’t know how easy it is to shout in private. I became a police detective by opening my mouth and licking. In the end, the work still falls on us. ’

When you are working hard, if a job that does not belong to you ends up being slapped on your head because of the flattery of your colleagues, and there are no benefits such as overtime pay, anyone will feel aggrieved and annoyed.

The Superintendent cannot be scolded, so he is naturally rude to sycophants at the same level as himself. It is a pity that Mr. Douglas is limited by time, education, cultivation and other reasons. Zu Anhua cannot practice well, and greeting the sycophants and the sycophants in his heart cannot make him happy.

Mr. Douglas came to work this morning in an unmistakable mood.

What made him even more unhappy was that William, who came out of the underground prison with a smell of sweat on his body, this guy who lay on the poor poor man's body and sucked blood, dared to come to his office.

"Officer Douglas, someone below asked me to bring you a message." William bowed his head as the imperial army asked me to bring you a message.

In the workplace food chain of Elba Field, the underground prison guards are at the bottom, and in layman's terms, they have little to gain.

This also resulted in their blood-sucking appearance being particularly vicious and bad at times, and they were despised by others who adhered to gentlemanly demeanor and aristocratic rules.

"Who is it?" Although Douglas hated this guy, he didn't want to make himself appear mean and bitter because of this.

"A young man with tender skin and tender flesh, his name is Lynn Moriarty. He said he needs your help and can help you. I don't know the rest."

"Oh? So it's him. Why was he imprisoned?"

"This... Officer Anthony's people threw him in without interrogation." The trustworthy William glanced around cautiously, whispered and immediately slipped away.

Anthony's people? No arraignment?

Detective Douglas' thick fingers that were playing with the pen suddenly stopped, and a smile flashed across his serious features. It seemed that he could go and have a chat with little Lynn to talk about the progress of the investigation into his parents' disappearance. By the way, try what those greedy lawyers say about respecting the basic rights of prisoners.

‘Haha, this world is getting weirder and weirder. Do prisoners still have rights? ’

Second update, please support w

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