The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 5 Negotiation Skills

In the workplace, there are many things that can make colleagues unhappy, and interfering in other people's affairs for no reason is one of them. But if there is a reasonable excuse to intervene, then the other party's nagging because of this is a lack of understanding of the general situation and makes the boss feel ignorant.

Even if Detective Douglas didn't set out to be a police officer who flatters his superiors, he wouldn't choose to be a stupid police officer who follows the truth.

The disappearance of Mr. and Mrs. Moriarty.

Girls, look, look~~

Detective Douglas was so diligent and conscientious. When the case progressed, he went to poor young Lin En to tell him the situation of his heart-wrenching parents. What idiot would dare to say more? What blind guy dares to talk nonsense? Even the superintendent would praise Mr. Douglas for his diligence and responsibility.

The thought of the mustache on the face of toady Anthony might make him angry. Detective Douglas's mood quickly changed from gloomy to sunny today. Even if it is an underground prison where many scum are kept, as a gentleman, he will not do it. It was unbearable, and my steps were as brisk as a young and energetic young man.

When Douglas found Lynn in the polluted underground prison, the handsome young man was resting against the brick wall with his eyes closed. Never feeling at ease, Lin En, who was extremely sensitive to outside movements, slowly raised her eyelids. Under the faint light, her emerald green pupils were as clear as fine gemstones.

It was as if he was quietly enjoying a palace dance instead of staying in a dirty prison.

Douglas couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Compared with two months ago, Lynn Moriarty had obviously matured a lot and possessed the calm qualities that a gentleman should have. He was glad that after going through so many hardships, this well-educated child did not become passive and decadent, or even degenerate into some perverted plaything.

"Good day, Mr. Douglas, please forgive me for being rude."

Looking at the forty-year-old police detective with a solemn face, Linn stood up and apologized for the rudeness of his tattered shirt. He did not forget that Douglas was a police detective who paid attention to etiquette.

Politeness and a smile, whether in the 21st century or in the Victorian era, are an investment that costs almost nothing, and the profits that this investment can bring can often make capitalists turn to curly baboons with envy. Lynn's investment immediately paid off. Detective Douglas was so friendly that he took off his helmet and bowed to greet him gently.

"Good day, Mr. Lynn. You don't need to apologize. The quality of a true gentleman will not be tarnished by a damaged shirt, just like the lamp of justice and light will not be dusted by darkness." Douglas's words revealed his Faith, a righteous god who symbolizes justice and dispels darkness [Eternal Wind Lantern].

"You're right, that's why I need your help."

The remaining 5 sulers had been spent, and time could not be wasted. Seeing that the atmosphere was just right, Linn struck while the iron was hot and turned the topic to himself.

"I can see that you are sad, tell me. Under the witness of Deng, I will not let a young gentleman with good character suffer injustice." Douglas looked serious. He had already learned the ins and outs of Linn's matter from his subordinates. It's actually a bit difficult to make it work, but he's willing to help.

"Yes, thank you for your justice, it is like this..."

William, the prison guard who was hiding outside and eavesdropping, couldn't help but smacked his lips and sighed when he heard this. Lucky you, what a lucky little gentleman.

Who in Elba Field doesn't know that Detective Douglas has a kind nature and is not doing it for vanity? To uphold justice for the poor and orphans, and to do justice to the poor and needy, is the creed of the Lantern believers. Detective Douglas's prestige in the police station is much stronger than that of some mustached sycophant.

If only there were more people like Detective Douglas, the world would be a much better place.

Lynn began to tell the whole story of why he was thrown into prison and prepared to eat peanuts. The young man, who was slender but stood upright, spoke in a steady and heavy tone without any anger or excitement. He told Douglas from the perspective of a semi-spectator. The police detective described the details and speculations, and when talking about being thrown into an underground prison without being interrogated, there was only a hint of grievance in his voice.

Detective Douglas gradually frowned and sighed.

His brows furrowed because in the context described by Lin En, there was an obvious client and a book [The Tantra of Abundance] behind what he did. Lin En was the only street pickpocket who had come into contact with this client. Alive, if he died, the clue would be cut off immediately. But this also invisibly raised the importance of Linn. If he had initially mastered the extraordinary power, Douglas could directly suppress and kill him by mobilizing a team of patrolmen armed with new continuous-fire steam rifles.

But this mysterious client was obviously well-prepared and showed a strong ruthlessness throughout the whole process. He was probably not the kind of guy who unexpectedly gained extraordinary access. Lin En was lucky enough to survive, so he must be a thorn in the side of that extraordinary person.

If those lawless madmen who dare to blaspheme even the righteous gods launch a sneak attack and assassination, can I protect Lin En?

The sigh was due to Lynn's bad luck.

Obviously, the righteous god who weaves destiny has not paid attention to this poor little gentleman recently. He has encountered so many things in a short period of time. Let alone an underage child, even an adult may not be able to support him! All you have to do is help yourself!

Lynn could see the changes in Detective Douglas's expression, and the excitement in his heart only made his green pupils dilate a few points.

‘It’s not in vain that I trained expression management before dawn, thanks to Hyperamnesia, thanks to politeness, and thanks to Mr. Douglas. ’

"Well, I have to say, little sir, you did pose a problem for me... Even if I report it to them, your situation will probably be very difficult to deal with. It's not easy to completely clear yourself of the charges." Douglas closed his mouth Eyes shaking, Linn did something in this matter. The secret atmosphere activated by the book led to the death of four people.

If you want to escape guilt, unless...

Seeing that the emotional pressure was in place, Lin En calmly told some important information that he had just deliberately left out with a smile.

"Mr. Douglas, I noted down the client's height, accent, route of action in downtown, and the characteristics of his left hand. I also determined his occupation."

Douglas's unfinished words were cut off by the bargaining chip thrown by Lynn, and his originally depressed expression suddenly became excited!

These chips made Douglas' face glow slightly red with joy.

"Are you telling the truth?"

"I swear by the [Changming Wind Lantern]." Lin En said categorically. Taking an oath in the name of a righteous god is extremely credible in this world, although the righteous gods may not pay attention to such trivial matters.

"Ah... maybe I have to thank you for this, little gentleman."

At this moment, there were only two things in Douglas's mind, his achievements and the face of a sycophant. He felt as comfortable as drinking a glass of cold beer on a hot day. He couldn't help but sigh with emotion, and his eyes became softer and more appreciative when he looked at Lin En. .

It’s just a social skill that changes the narrative structure.

The effect of suppressing first and then exaggerating is definitely different from speaking plainly. Linn played a trick to make Mr. Douglas not feel that he was paying a favor for his troubles, but that he owed a favor!

"I said I need your help, and I can repay you." After successfully convincing Detective Douglas, Linn breathed a sigh of relief. He finally had the basis for meritorious service.

That's right, Linn not only wanted to escape from prison, he also wanted to clear himself of the charges. Having an officially recorded evil name in this world was an extremely terrifying thing.

The first update, the doll is diligently coding

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