The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 100 Hero saves beauty

This was a premeditated terrorist attack.

Brutal shooting, chaotic scene, approaching self-destructors. Simple, straightforward, with almost nothing superfluous, this crude method has a clear goal, which is to destroy certain targets on the podium.

The attacks often occur one after another.

This is why Lin En, even after knowing that the powerful Beyonder took action to suppress, did not stay to watch the show, but still dragged the Countess away from the scene.

You never know what will happen at the next moment of the attack. In that extremely dangerous environment, you, a half Sequence 9 with no fighting ability, and an ordinary person like Amiste, don't run away and wait for a meal. ah?

The only thing that comforted Linn was the countess's calmness.

Instead of shouting and taking out smelling salts like other aristocratic ladies, this plump and mature beauty followed Linn calmly. The young gentleman looked at her several times during the journey, and felt in his heart that she was indeed someone who had seen strong winds and waves, and could still maintain rationality in such a dangerous environment.

He dragged Amiste away for nearly three or four minutes in one breath.

Linn found an empty room in the vaguely noisy unmanned exhibition area. After entering with the Countess, he immediately closed the door.


There were only two people breathing heavily in the empty exhibition room. Amiste's face was blushing, she was sweating heavily, and her small tongue could be seen licking carefully in her slightly open lips. Linn couldn't help but take another look at the swan-white neck of the countess. The peach and cantaloupe-like taste of the spring-mature beauty after exercise was exuding, attracting people to come forward and kiss her.

"I..." Linn was about to speak, saying that he was going to go back and take a look.

"Please stay with me."

Amiste interrupted him immediately. She also guessed that Linn didn't want to sit in this room and hide, but wanted to go out and look for opportunities.

In this situation, the Countess was pleading, and her beautiful eyes looked pitiful. Lin En also extinguished his somewhat superior impulses. This mission was attended by ministers, and there were also some invited Extraordinaries. If even they can't control the situation, it will really be in vain to go back on their own.

It's better to hide first and wait until the situation is under control before going out.

Of course, he would also lose the first information about the scene. After thinking about it, Lin En gave the beautiful countess a reassuring smile.

"Abandoning you is not a gentleman's choice. After all, you call me a knight, right?"

A sweet word of love was stuffed in first. Since I didn't have any calming sugar water here, I could only use another sweet method to comfort the frightened Amiste.

Apparently this reassurance is very effective.


After the countess received Lin En's promise, she patted her chest with lingering fear. The young gentleman who saw the rippling flesh under the conservative dress quickly looked away. The memory palace has already memorized the seductive figure of the countess when she was running. It was difficult for Lin to forget it.

"Amiste, please sit down first. It may take some time to get the results." Linn looked around the large room and there was another exit that needed to be closed.

"Okay~~ everyone listens to you."

The voice seemed to be mixed with honey, and the countess' eyes flashed, revealing a different attitude of a little woman than before. Heroes saving beauties has always been the simplest and most effective strategy, and Linn's attack seemed to have hit her sensitive heart again.

Lin En went to close the other door. The beautiful mature woman held her hand and sat down gracefully. Her eyes always stayed on the busy figure of the young gentleman.

As soon as she turned around, Lin En saw the beautiful countess sitting under the soft midday sun.

so gorgeous.

Under the sunlight filter, she is a little less glamorous and enchanting than before, and her gaze is more of an undisguised beauty. Lin En suddenly felt a little regretful, why she didn't have a camera in her hand, and she couldn't draw. She could only watch this moment of Amiste, this unparalleled rose in the City of Steam, forever in her memory.

"Those people just now, do you have any idea?" Linn noticed that there was a glass piano in the room. The sound of this instrument was very beautiful.

"It must be a lunatic from the [Gem Club]."

As an intelligence source, Amiste could certainly identify the attackers.

Linn couldn't help but squint his eyes.

This [Gem Club] really has a fate with him. This has happened two or three times in a row. What puzzles Linn even more is that everyone's understanding of the [Gem Club] is basically superficial, that is, they are a group of lunatics. But Linn just saw clearly from the slogans and the determined expressions of those people that they were at least an organization with common beliefs.

They can even operate under the nose of the [Suppression Bureau].

It is enough to show that it is not simple.

Lin En soon thought of the bloody scene. After calming down, the symptoms of super memory brought him intense fear.

Even though he had not seen it with his own eyes, the scene of a person being exploded by a flesh-and-blood bomb and the tragic scene of a headshot all shocked Linn, who had never seen a scene of bloody killing and destruction. It was only then that Linn noticed that his hands were shaking slightly.

His heart is filled with fear. After the bloody bravery, facing death will cause him to become timid.

"I'm a coward."

Lin En couldn't help closing his eyes and sighing. It turned out that he was not completely ready to fight. This is not okay, this world has never been peaceful.

"No, you are my brave knight." The countess shook her head and retorted. She absolutely did not agree with Linn's statement that he considered himself a coward.

She saw with her own eyes how the young gentleman decisively chose to warn everyone under difficult circumstances. Being able to use superior force to kill may not necessarily be truly brave, but being able to stand up and make choices in critical moments and be prepared to take responsibility must be a person who is far more brave and fearless than ordinary people!

To know and be fearless is to be brave!

"Your only cowardice is because of me." Amiste looked at Linn with bright eyes, not forgetting to protect her when looking for a safe place.

The tender affection was conveyed along the line of sight, and Linn pursed his lips. What he did just now was out of instinct. It seemed that he had gradually accepted the presence of the countess invisibly. Although there was always a sense of unreality, he was indeed enjoying the flirting.

Lin En suddenly burst into laughter. Sometimes he was too sensitive, and sometimes he was too slow.

An unspeakable tacit understanding spread between the young gentleman and the countess.

At this moment, the panic outside and the occasional explosions could not affect the tranquility and tenderness of the two people in this room. Under the midday sun, everything looked so beautiful and tender.

Thanks to the leader of the dead, the knife in the crimson lips, Klaas Fen, Mo Lingyin, Cheng Chengcheng less looking at the phone, Chen Ximeng's monthly pass. Thanks to book friend 160428183711597 for the reward.

Because tomorrow is the doll’s birthday, I want to take a day off tomorrow, so readers don’t have to wait for updates tomorrow~~

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