The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 101 Discourteous

Glass harp, also known as harmonious harp.

This delicate and delicate instrument is also produced through friction, but the sound it produces is very different from traditional instruments because of the material. A musical instrument master once said bluntly after experiencing the glass piano: "This is the sound of heaven!"

Dip your finger in water and rub the edge of the glass plate, and the set tone will slowly turn with the pedal.


Although the noble work of art was on the side, neither the young gentleman nor the countess were interested in studying and playing with it.

Waiting is the most painful thing, and the movement outside has not stopped. Explosions, gunshots, and shouts came and went one after another, and Linn could hear them clearly even through the thick wall. On two occasions, the sound that seemed to be pursuit even penetrated into the corridor that was only separated by a wall.

The sound of the gunshot made Linn couldn't help but pull Amiste to squat down.

Lest in the extremely unlikely event that a bullet that passes through the wall blows off his or the countess's skull. With the standard load of Albion rifle ammunition, hiding behind a wall would be life-threatening.

Some of the physical parameters of this world seem a little different from those of Earth.

As far as Lin En knew, all types of firearms were uniformly enlarged in caliber and reduced in range and rate of fire in order to adapt to the environment. Lynn once curiously asked Bill this question. Mr. Squint's answer was that in order to adapt to the atmospheric pressure, the initial speed was reduced and the caliber was increased.

Because of this relatively helpless reason, the steel armor of soldiers across the continent has not been completely eliminated, and the scenes of passionate gunfire at close range are extremely bloody and terrifying.

"I don't think I'll ever forget this afternoon."

Probably for the first time in her life, she was freed from the heavy and elegant etiquette. The countess squatted on the floor with her favorite young gentleman, always staring at him.

Amiste's eyes were exceptionally beautiful.

Under the reflection of the midday sun, the layers are as clear as crystal, and the clear lens conveys gentle affection.

"Me too." Lin En could feel that the relationship between him and her was a step further than the unstable ambiguity before, and it was a sense of solidity that they had experienced together. Two smart people always worry about gains and losses when talking about relationships, and they are two people with very different statuses, but this step is very solid.

Under the passionate light of [Burning Yang], certain emotions are fermenting redoubled.

Lin En looked at Amy's beautiful and charming face so close at hand, and both of them could feel the burning sensation of the other's breath hitting their cheeks.

The already close distance is slowly getting closer.

Everything is just right, the scene is perfect.

Just when Lin En's lips were about to touch the plump lips that countless men in the [Steam City] dreamed of, the fingers as slender as white jade of the Black Holy Grail suddenly inserted in. Dressed in black gauze mourning clothes, she puffed out her face and seemed very unhappy. , staring at Lin En with red eyes accusingly.


Suddenly there was a rapid knock on the door, and it was the military police who began to check the room.

"Sorry, I'm rude." Linn stood up in embarrassment. He just got a little carried away, and his always strong self-control didn't work so well when facing the countess.

It was like, Amiste was irredeemably suited to him, in every way.

"Lynn, to me, this is your real rudeness." Although the words were a bit harsh, the Countess obviously did not really blame Linn for shrinking from the battle.

This gorgeous rose quickly arranged her clothes.

Recovering her special noble charm, Amiste said goodbye to Linn with a charming look, then walked past him towards the door. The gendarme knocking on the door meant that the outside was under control, and the ambiguous and intoxicating noon in the room between the two of them should be over. She is still the famous and unattainable countess.

Feeling a little disappointed, Linn reached out and rubbed the mouth of the glass piano.

The slightly sharp and harsh syllables suddenly sounded in the room, but the lingering sound did not dissipate for a long time, but lurked in the corner.



When Yevni, with some traces of smoke on her body, saw Lin En and Amist coming back together, the expression of the leader of the third team [Lamp Holder] changed completely.

She stared at the Countess as she would a child abductor.

At this, the bad woman Amiste just chuckled silently, and then deliberately hugged Linn's arm and rubbed it affectionately. He just called his attendants, saying that the attack made him uneasy and that he had to go back to his private manor to rest. There was no need for the [Lamp Holder] to send him away. In addition, he also specially praised Lin En in front of Efeni.

What a gentleman, he knows how to take care of others, he has a strong hand when standing in front of a lady...

The more Yevni listened to the heroic expression, the stiffer her face became. Her tall figure was as straight as a knight who had received a challenge, and her sword was ready to be unsheathed at any time.

Linn didn't dare to say a word.

This smart bad woman must be really angry and deliberately teasing Yevni. When the teasing was over, the countess left with a smirk. Before she left, she gave Lin En a seductive look like you deserved it. Lin En couldn't help gritting her teeth because of this little temper. She had known that he had made her feel safe in the room just now.

"What are you standing for? Go to work." Eveni stepped on the floor like she was stamping her feet. The slender legs are very attractive when you step on your feet.

"Captain, I promise to work hard." Lin En quickly followed her.

"That's pretty much it."

Yevni nodded with satisfaction, but soon the ears of this sassy female knight turned a little red. Her behavior just now was too immature. In addition, the countess said so many ambiguous words, it seemed that she was a bit jealous.

It's all that bad woman's fault!

The female knight began to set the countess as a target in her heart, and stabbed her with the sharp sword.

Lin En didn't know why Eveni was angry and then happy, and then from happy to angry. He didn't dare to say or ask, because he was just a weak and pitiful clerk.

Clerks have to do clerical work.

At this moment, the venue used for the speech was in a mess. This kind of mess is not only reflected in the various decorations. There are too many hideous and suspicious human tissues left at the scene. Judging from the various exploding radioactive blood stains, it is not difficult to imagine where the blood stains of broken flesh and even stuck to the ceiling came from. coming.

Scattered bullet casings, glaring bullet holes, and many wounded groaning in pain.

This peace conference was undoubtedly a serious blow.

Willy's death was so sudden that there was no time for any speech or argument, and he was just shot in the head. The Medical Doctors Association is simply vomiting blood, and nearly half of its work has been directly cheated.

Lin En saw everything with his eyes. He didn't feel gloating at all, he just felt very sad. People of this era would never have imagined that the beginning of peace would actually begin under the shadow of massacre.

Thanks to pottiog, Sanshengwu, Krasfen, Luo Wuhui, Baiyujingying, Kunpengzi, Pearl of Wisdom in Hand, Ashes of Likong, Ni Lin’s monthly ticket, thanks to Kenzaki Ryuuga, Sanshengwu, Fengliu Banishen, Thank you very much for your support.

ps: Because in terms of recommendations, although it is my birthday, I am a little embarrassed to interrupt the update, so I will update it today. Eat and save the article rua~~

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