The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 128 Sugar-coated bullets

[Flower Maker], [Spring], and [Blazing] dual-phase foundation, Amiste masters the potion formulas of Sequence 9 and Sequence 8, and there is a lot of room for improvement in her career. Of course, the most important thing is that Lin En discovered that he has the ability to heal and so on. Not only can he survive, but he can also help his colleagues survive together.

Lin En's combat thinking is actually quite simple.

Preserve your own vitality and reduce the opponent's vitality. As long as I don't die, you will have to keep bleeding. When you are weak and have no chance of winning, I will kill you directly without leaving any chance of comeback.

Of course that's the ideal situation.

"[Flower Maker] is quite suitable for you." After hearing Linn's choice, the countess couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Of the three professions, for those who are new to extraordinary professions, most people may choose [Ranger] because it directly symbolizes power. Even if you are in the middle rank, if you can reach the top, it will be a position of power that is out of reach for most people in this world.

Except for the official government and the church, most of the leaders of ordinary extraordinary organizations are only mid-ranking ones.

"I thought you would say that it would be a pity to miss [Gourmet]." Lin En answered her casually. After all, it seems that [Gourmet] is indeed better than [Flower Maker], but he can't bring his colleagues with him. .

[Lamp Holder] is very kind to himself.

Colleagues were also very considerate, neither making things difficult nor deliberately concealing information. They gave them everything they needed when going on a mission. Lin En made his final choice based on this.

The sexy and sultry countess is already preparing to finalize the deal with the young gentleman. No matter what Linn chooses, she will naturally support him. Anyway, Linn will definitely continue to trade, and her capital is strong enough to crush him. In addition, verbal exchanges and affectionate flirting with Lynn can also nourish the heart that has been empty for many years.

"Someone should have told you about some of the transaction matters, right?"

"Well, Team Leader Yevni mentioned it to me." Linn nodded.

Although magic potion formulas are inevitable to spread, as the cornerstone of an organization, you are allowed to use them for transactions only if both parties to the transaction know the contents. If they dare to leak it, they will wait for trial if they are caught.

Also because Amiste is the logistics secretary of the [Suppression Bureau], this kind of transaction is internally digested, so the superiors are very happy for Linn to take credit for the transaction and approve it. As for what the countess would go to the [Suppression Bureau] to exchange for equal merit, that was her own preference.

As for whether there will be manipulation in the formula of the transaction?

Lin En thought for a moment, and she would definitely be cautious when making deals with outsiders, but with a beautiful mature woman who did not conceal her love for him, and her identity, she would not do things that would harm others and not benefit herself.

Moreover, the [Lamp Holder] is not without means of identification.

The magic potion formula was sealed in an envelope sealed with lacquer seals. When the countess handed it to the young gentleman, she deliberately retracted her hand and allowed Linn to get very close to her step by step. When her field of vision was almost completely occupied by the snow-white towering, She was the one who naturally put the envelope in the deep ravine with a wicked smile.

Lin En suddenly became serious, dealing with it carefully as if facing a formidable enemy.

This bad woman really knows how to play!

He got the potion formula and took his leave immediately.

"Don't leave in a hurry. Do you only come here to do business? If that's really the case, wouldn't you be too merciless to a poor woman like me?"

Apparently the countess had not finished giving Linn the sugar-coated bombs. She gently pulled Linn and sat down close to him. The young gentleman obviously could not and could not refuse. Then he clapped his hands and shouted to the head maid who had been waiting outside the door.

"Merdis, go and call all my maids here... Yes, that's right, they all are coming, including you... Also, the tea is ready, go push it over."

"Yes, Count."

The rustic maid outside the door was excited and responded quickly. She adjusted her glasses nervously, and then quickly showed the seriousness and ability that a maid of an earl should have.

This day was undoubtedly a happy and painful day for Linn.

In the close company of the countess, he enjoyed the decadent and decadent life of the ruling class. All kinds of exquisite pastries and tea were brought to him with the delicate hands of the maids. He only needed to open his mouth to enjoy these terrible sugar-coated bombs, and at the same time, he enjoyed the delicious food. The plump and wonderful feeling of Yu Manhuai is also wonderful.

Lin criticized all of this severely!

After criticizing her, Lin En left the manor in a bit of embarrassment amid the laughter of the charming lady and a bunch of maids.

"The knife on the head of the word "sex" is a bone-scraping steel knife, which is the best way to kill one's will. My predecessors really didn't lie to me."

After sitting in the carriage and looking back at the countess' private estate, the young gentleman's mind was filled with the luxurious and indulgent scene just now. He admitted that he was a little intoxicated and almost did whatever he wanted at the time, but in the end he relied on his will to prevent himself from being so indulgent that he lost control and fell.

You can indulge your passions, but you cannot become addicted.

This is Linn's bottom line when facing Amiste, and it is also the secret for him to be able to communicate with the countess on an equal footing. Otherwise, the young gentleman will really have no room to fight back when facing her.

Turning his head to look at the wonder of the burning clouds in the sky, the brilliance of [Burning Sun] was as strong as ever. The little gentleman raised his head and couldn't help but murmured.

"Today is another day where I almost got run over."



"Have you got the magic potion formula?"

At No. 404 Blue Street, Bill was immersed in the investigation of the follow-up to the peace conference. Hearing what Lynn said, he couldn't help but marvel at its efficiency.

Well, Mr. Narrow Eyes was more lamenting His Excellency Amiste's love for the little gentleman.

This transaction went so smoothly.

"But... why is there lipstick on your face?" Bill said in a long tone, and Bill suddenly stared at Linn with some doubts.

"What?" Linn subconsciously raised his hand to wipe his face. He clearly remembered that neither the countess nor the maids kissed him, at most they only touched each other.

Soon, Lynn realized that Bill was teasing him!

Mr. Narrow Eyes' smile was almost unbearable. He just teased Lin En impromptu. Unexpectedly, Lin En's reaction was inexplicably funny.

"Mr. Bill, I would like to make a solemn protest to you. Your behavior will cause you to lose the sincere and noble friendship of a colleague. Please apologize to me immediately to make up for the harm you have done to a gentleman." Lynn He spoke in an official tone angrily, saying that if Yevni were here, she would have to be reprimanded.

Fortunately, at this time, Eveni had already left work and left.

"I'm sorry, my dear Mr. Lin. To express my apology, let me lead you to understand the preparation of potions and the configuration of the official team members of [Lamp Holder]." Bill pushed the document in his hand aside. Then he stood up and motioned for Linn to follow him.

It's time to tell the soon-to-be Extraordinary Lynn something.

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