The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 129 Weapons

Just doing paperwork, unless someone has almost set foot in the headquarters and is about to be included, it is difficult to really come into contact with the things that only the official team members of [Lamp Holder] will come into contact with.

And this is what Bill took Linn to see today.

Not on the 404, but in an industrial area.

The afterglow of [Burning Sun] is unwilling to bloom from the horizon, and the glow of [Weaving Moth] has begun to cover the earth with a layer of silver gauze, as if the metal of [Steam City] is a huge giant with metal as its skeleton and steam as its blood. The beast has also cooled down, and at this time most people are resting at home after get off work.

In the spacious factory that had stopped operating, two figures were walking around. Their coats and top hats showed their status as gentlemen.

"According to the [Enlightenment Sage]'s description of the unity of all things, even extraordinary people cannot completely cut off interaction with everything around them. The [Line] phase even shows that everything is actually connected, but these connections Often, we don’t notice it.”

Bill's voice echoed among the cooling and stopped machines, as if everything around him resonated with his words.

This was not Lynn's delusion.

In this place, the [furnace] phase is particularly strong, and Bean is a Sequence 9 [Forger] based on the two phases of [furnace] and [blade], so he is naturally at home in such an environment.

"And the interaction between extraordinary people and the outside world can affect themselves invisibly. Whether it is spiritual stability, digestion of magic potions, or strengthening themselves, the environment is extremely important. After all, matter and spirituality cannot disappear out of thin air. It cannot be created out of thin air. Our foundation is material and spiritual." Bill stopped in front of a machine tool and reached out to touch the thick, cold iron ingot, as gently as he was touching his lover's skin.

"So, is this the bureau's property?" Lin En was not too surprised. It seemed that the [Suppression Bureau] had its own property. He had already guessed such a thing.

Although I have not looked at the logistics list, it is obvious that the logistics at the headquarters includes industry. After all, direct funding is not as good as giving to chickens that can only lay eggs.

"Yes, this is an industry exclusively owned by the [Lamp Holder]. It once supported a considerable amount of guns and ammunition to the front line. It was not until a week ago that it stopped production. Thank you to the goddess of peace Ziegler for bringing us peace."

Mr. Squint's tone here was obviously sarcastic.

Good guy, [Lamp Holder] turns out to be Stim's arms dealer. No wonder the equipment here looks familiar to me. The lathes, drilling machines, boring machines, milling machines, and planing and inserting machines all add up. Not to mention bullets and guns, even naval guns can be made as long as the materials are sufficient and the technicians are in place.

Bill must have had other deeper meanings in bringing him here.

Lin En's green eyes blinked, waiting for his next explanation about more extraordinary people.

"Besides making money, the biggest purpose of this factory is actually to familiarize the [furnace] extraordinary people in the bureau with the corresponding work, and to build weapons."

A hammer was picked up, and Bill flexibly threw it around his body. This move was similar to a circus trick, which proved that he had been holding the hammer for a long time.

Bill's words were simple, but his expression meant a lot.

The young gentleman began to think subconsciously.

What is familiarity with corresponding work?

Obviously, Extraordinaries are not workers, nor are they exploited workers on the assembly line, so they must be doing this to benefit themselves when entering the factory, and this benefit should be directly reflected in Extraordinary relations.

Combined with what Bill had just said to himself about spiritual stability and the like, Lynn suddenly understood. Finally, he understood why he said that Extraordinaries and the environment are closely connected, because this is a relationship of interdependence and mutual promotion, which is also difficult for wild Extraordinaries to match.

"Your mind is very sharp, which is a talent that many people can't ask for."

Bill looked at Linn who was thoughtful and couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction.

"Wait, you just said to build weapons?"

The little gentleman suddenly raised his head. Only then did he realize that he was also a member of the [Lamp Holder], which meant that according to the habits of the Lantern Holder, he would also receive a tailor-made weapon when he became an official team member.

However, this kind of weapon was always made by himself.

For example, Evene's half-body exoskeleton, Aqil's exaggerated compound longbow, and Bill's steam rifle. These things are not products of the military. What are the products of the military? It is a high-quality and low-priced assembly line product that can be mass-produced. And theirs is definitely not an assembly line product.

"Yes, this is our old tradition. Follow me..."

Bill patted him on the shoulder and walked deeper into the factory.

"You can't tell me to learn to blacksmith!"

Farming, cooking, and blacksmithing, the information Lin En received today made him quite dumbfounded. He felt that all the extraordinary professions he encountered had a bit of a rustic vibe. Of course, he doesn't look down on rustics. Some things look earthy, but it is the earth that contains wisdom.

"Of course, we can't ask you to spend several months learning to blacksmith."

It is really a waste of talent to let Lin go to blacksmithing.

Little gentlemen should use their brains rather than their muscles. But the tradition is here, so Yevni and Bill thought of a way in advance, that is, let someone build this weapon on his behalf.

Just right...

Under the hint of a certain beauty dressed in men's clothing, when the [Suppression Bureau] was distributing materials, it happened to give the [Lamp Holder] an extra copy of the [Spring] phase material, and it happened to be assigned by the Minister to the third team for use. It just so happened that Linn was about to be promoted to become an Extraordinary person recently.

In this way, under this series of coincidences, this material was allocated to Lin En.

Lin En didn't know the key to this, and no one told him, but this kind of thing often has better effects the sooner it is known.

"So the team leader and I will take turns building it for you. Have you thought about what kind of weapon you want? Of course I don't recommend you to use a firearm. After all, you already have a gun." Bill said very tactfully. Lynn was currently Holding a revolver is already quite scary, but what if you change it to a powerful mysterious weapon?

It’s really a teammate with a black gun, and I’m afraid it’s too late to save him.

"I'm still thinking about it."

Lin En was a little ashamed. He had never had time to practice marksmanship, and he had somewhat overlooked that a formal member of the [Suppression Bureau] was actually a high-risk profession. Not to mention good marksmanship, at least you can't shoot your teammates, otherwise no one will dare to face the enemy with you. Lin En has a rather strange tendency.

"Then you have to hurry up."

Bill took Linn into the deepest part of the factory. In addition to common lathe tools, there was also a shooting range for testing weapons. Mr. Squinted Eyes took out a mediocre dead branch from a locked heavy box, but in an instant Linn smelled the rich "spring" sign on it.

"It has excellent stretchability and toughness, and can be manipulated by your sexual aspect."


Lin En suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and a very elegant and deadly weapon appeared in his mind.

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