The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 177 Close to the truth

It is easy for people to have habitual prejudices in their eyes. They first judge a person based on his appearance, then label him and then judge his abilities based on his likes and dislikes. This is implicitly arrogant and stupid. Lynn doesn't like this kind of thing, but he can't help others liking it and keeps using it.

Old Man Iron Hook is a gang member and has been in gangs all his life. Naturally, he believes in gang culture and values, that is, whoever has the biggest fist can eat more.

This happens to be very unfriendly to Mr. Lin En.

In order to avoid deception and embarrassment caused by contempt during the conversation, Lin En decisively chose to show his extremely strong side, reminding the other party that it was definitely not just good luck that he was here.

This approach is very effective.

Tie Gou was extremely serious when facing Lin En.

"Are all the sites in Xiacheng District under your control?" Lin En gave up when he saw fit. There was no need to force people to break up with each other. With Sophia as a buffer, they could save a lot of trouble.

"Our territory is from the Rusty Cage to the Golden Street, and the rest is divided equally between the Sea Snake and the Blood Wolf. The lower city area is filthy and cannot be tolerated by the nobles, so we help manage it." The iron hook said to the parrot. Putting it on the bird stand, his answer hinted that there was someone behind every gang in the lower city.

Lynn had already thought of this.

It should be said that there is not someone behind the gang. From Lin En's understanding of those noble gentlemen, it should be said that only those who are qualified to stand firm in the lower city can be used as dogs for the people above. Instead of the people above, take the initiative to find desperate poor people to bribe them, maintain stability, and use both kindness and power. This is the art of controlling people. The reason why nobles like to hide behind the scenes and play palace politics.

The little gentleman sniffed the fresh smell of the green space in the yard.

The smell of plants mixed with the slightly fishy smell of soil made him, the flower maker, very happy both physically and mentally.

"You three, have there been a lot of people who shouldn't have appeared in your territory recently? Can you still control your territory?"

Lin En tilted his head slightly, and the gaze from the corner of his eyes inadvertently brought a bit of pressure, as if he was questioning someone in authority. Tie Gou, the gang leader, felt more and more that Linn's mind and appearance were not consistent at all. Under the pressure, he subconsciously shrugged with one shoulder.

"Of course, you should trust a reputable elder who can easily solve the recent bad effects on the territory without any subsequent consequences."

"Really?" Lin En saw through his lie easily.

The little gentleman began to walk around the yard as if he were admiring a garden. He liked the flowers and plants here, letting their soft or hard limbs slide across his palms. Iron Hook followed Lin En, and he found that he breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

[Flower Maker] is actually a gardener, and he is much more sensitive to flowers and plants than humans.

Linn also experimented with his abilities on plants.

The result was that weeds grew wildly in his small yard, and the tangled green on the fence became lush and lush overnight. In this regard, Lin En was still very rough.

Be in harmony with the environment.

He raised his finger and a fluffy golden bee happened to land on it. This little cutie did not sting Linn, but rubbed it on his finger twice, taking away a little spiritually contaminated nectar, and finally circled him twice. Fly away reluctantly. Lin En didn't say anything, and the iron hook was like a student facing a test paper, dragging him as long as he could.

"Have you ever had any conflicts with people who look like corpses?"

After sending the happy bee away, Linn's eyes followed it as it flew over the compound wall, seemingly flying all the way to the chaotic lower city, overlooking everything.

"Don't dare."

"Don't you dare?"

"They gathered together. There were so many people. We heard that they still had guns in their hands, so we didn't dare to mess around. Besides, that sect that is not afraid of pain has been preaching for a while, and you have no one to care about it. How can we dare to be so presumptuous? ." After Tie Gou said it, he looked like he didn't dare to say anything. His words also confirmed some of Lin En's conjectures. There really are people in the city who have been covering up. Otherwise, the [Painless Apostle] believes in It won't spread that big.

In fact, the current situation is somewhat serious.

Lin En beat a little too hard, and there were some things that Old Man Iron Hook didn't say to Lin En.

Now a large group of people in Xiacheng District believe in the [Painless Apostle]. The belief that is said to be able to eliminate pain is spreading everywhere like a plague. After all, people are still suffering before the economy picks up. Originally, the church would send someone to keep an eye on it, but as soon as the newspaper published a piece praising the damn faith for bringing stability to Xiacheng District, it could no longer control it. Today, the gang can barely maintain its existence in Xiacheng District.

Gang rule is pure violence, using beatings, disability, death, and pain to threaten others into submission.

If people were not afraid of this at all, there is no doubt that the gang order would collapse in an instant. I used knives to chop at each other with a group of numb people. I saw that the opponent's hand was chopped off until only the skin was left connected, but he could still continue to chop without changing his expression. Even the gangsters would become weak in their hands and feet and dare not continue.

Therefore, those who rule others with the threat of violence and death fear violence and death themselves the most.

"Someone will take care of things, it depends on when." Lin En pondered for a moment and expressed that he was the one to take care of it.

"Then you should know a place, the big house on the corner three streets away from here. There are people like you there, and the pastors of the church have met there. They asked me to arrange it, and everything else is with me. It doesn't matter."

After all, he is considered an elderly person in the gang. Having lived for so many years, Iron Hook has an extremely sensitive sense of danger. When Lin En said that someone would always take care of it, he decisively removed himself from it. No matter what, one thing is for sure. Ordinary people who dare to get involved in the confrontation between extraordinary people will often not end well. , the methods used by extraordinary people to torture people are endless.

Lin En raised his eyebrows, his blue eyes thoughtful.

Were people from the church and the government involved?

From the affirmation of the new health decree in some mouthpiece newspapers and the praise of officials, it can be inferred that the official government is openly indulging in the spread of the "Painless Apostle" faith for the sake of order in Xiacheng District. After the initial maintenance, the church may have reached some kind of deal with Stim officials and chose to stand aside.

If you start from the perspective of interests.

Such behavior will undoubtedly damage the purity and spread of the church's faith in Xiacheng District. If the church can choose to give in, there should be sufficient benefits to allocate it.

What benefits does the church desire?

Belief? No, most righteous gods don't care about ordinary people's beliefs at all, they only need to approve. extraordinary? This is possible. The essence of the extraordinary power controlled by the church is no different from other organizations. They are all extraordinary paths based on sex and guided by sequence potions.

Recalling the night when he killed the demon spirit and met the team from [Timepiece Tower], Linn seemed to have captured something deeper from that conversation.

Thank you all for your rewards and monthly tickets. Currently, I still owe 94 updates~~ In addition, there will be double monthly tickets on the 29th. Readers, you can keep the monthly tickets in your hands for rua, and for the sake of the doll's efforts to update, I will give it to you when the time comes.

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