The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 178 Recognition of greatness

At that time, Lin En was curious about how there were wild Beyonders running around in Xiacheng District. The data shared within the [Suppression Bureau] and the subsequent joint law enforcement showed that these rats should be in one sequence and the number should not be small.

In fact, from an economic point of view, it can be understood that the [Suppression Bureau] requires so much money to cultivate an extraordinary person, let alone a ghost place like the Lower City.

But Linn didn't worry much about it at that time.

Many times, people don't pay too much attention to things that are outside the scope of their responsibilities. At most, they just write down and remember that this thing exists, and then explore it in detail when needed. This is the normal state of most people. Lynn's thinking pattern is similar. The memory palace allows him to quickly recall what he needs.

Of course, the memory palace is not a panacea.

For example, Lin En could not recall clearly the facial features of Mr. Umbrella and the complicated and mysterious patterns on the umbrella, and could only vaguely remember them.

Now, Lynn feels like she's getting closer to the truth.

There must be something that certain people want in Xiacheng District, and for this purpose they can do anything illegal and involve many people. Regardless of whether it is the church, the Medical Association or the government, after clearing away the fog and obstacles, you will find that it was because of this thing that they intervened one after another, and the [Suppression Bureau] should not have been informed.

The reason is also very simple.

One is that this matter has an irreconcilable conflict with the philosophy of the [Suppression Bureau], and the other is that from the beginning to the end, no news has been transmitted to the branch from the headquarters, saying what can and cannot be done, and what should be turned a blind eye. There is no eye at all.

So what exactly is it?

Lin En, who was thinking, unconsciously raised his hand and pinched a leaf. He looked at the texture and veins of the green leaves, feeling the vitality carried by this leaf, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought. With my current extraordinary knowledge, there is no way to guess what could cause such a situation.

Even if he returns to his original goal and patrols for the murderer of Dr. Willy, there is no way to bypass the Doctors Association. These seem to be two different things, but they are actually a continuation of the same thing.

After pondering, Lin En had a detailed chat with Tie Gou.

Regarding the scope of the spread of the belief [Painless Apostles], as well as their number and possible weapons. Judging from Lin En's increasingly solemn expression, the content of this discussion was not very optimistic. Although he felt a little solemn, the young gentleman still maintained his composure.

The conversation between the old and the young became more and more harmonious.

After Lin En's previous strength was recognized, he actually won the respect of Iron Hook. After all, gang culture is like this. Whoever is strong is the big brother. This person is mostly violent, but there are also times when he is wise.

Detailed discussions took a lot of time.

From the time when the sky was getting dark and the conversation continued until the sun set, Lin En went through every detail he could get. After confirming that the topic was over, Tie Gou breathed a huge sigh of relief and almost sat down on the ground as he swayed. Cooperating with Lin En to carefully recall and dig out the things in his memory, to be honest, it is too labor-intensive and not something that ordinary people can easily keep up with.

"Well, it looks like our conversation is almost over."

This old man has almost become a conditioned reflex.

Because every time Lin En said "almost" to appease him, the "almost" followed by "almost" was either more or less. It completely followed the little gentleman's mood.

"I'm honored that I could help you."

This gangster from the far south, rooted in Stim, felt uncomfortable when he saw Linn, and had an urge to escape from him. If Linn hadn't still been here, he might have laid down without any scruples.

Lin En was also quite surprised that this old gangster could survive for so long.

"Well, goodbye, Mr. Hook." Linn took off his top hat, said goodbye and was about to turn around and leave.

"Wait a minute, Mr. Lynn."

A somewhat tired Mr. Hook stopped him.

"I know you are a decent gentleman. From the moment I got to know you, I could understand why that wild girl Sophia would hold back her temper. She saved my life. I don't have any children when I am old. Ben I wanted her to sit in my seat, but I thought about it again. Not many people like us can die well, so I would rather not harm her. She has a good man, and this man also loves her, and she can live happily ever after. That’s enough for the day.”

Sophia saved Tie Gou's life?

Lin En touched his nose. His sister had never told him about this matter.

"I hope you won't make the wild girl cry."

"I won't." No one else needs to remind him of this. The only place where Lynn can make Sophia cry is on the big bed in the bedroom.

"You know, after all, I am an old man whose body is half buried. I have seen too many people and know what people are like. And your expression just now is very scary. You must know your determination to hurt others and yourself. Why do you want to do something that is not easy?”

Hook knew what that look looked like, he'd seen it on the faces of many gang shooters before they decided to die.

A hint of surprise flashed across Lin En's handsome face.

He didn't expect that this old gangster would see some clues about him who had always taken the initiative. Indeed, the closer he got to the truth, the more pressure he felt and wanted to bend his spine. If he didn't want to be bent, he could only straighten up hard to show that he would not give in.

Lin En is struggling here. The more he investigates, the more he realizes that he may not be able to change anything. Even if he investigates the truth, it will not help. He may even risk his own life. Can his mind answer the question of what he is going for? Are you working so hard?

When questioning himself like this, a picture flashed in the young gentleman's mind.

Sophia, her figure bathed in the sun gradually calmed Linn's hesitant eyes. She was the goddess in his mind after putting on makeup and looking very beautiful this morning. If it were for her, there would be mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead of her and she would rush forward until the threat was eliminated.

"I won't fail."

Lin En smiled brightly, with unparalleled determination and confidence in his smile. People can become fearless and heroic for the sake of others, and the determination to protect something can allow individual human beings to create miracles.

For example, before the time travel, when the grandson was run over by a car, the grandma used amazing strength to overturn the car in order to save her grandson. So much so that in order to protect their homeland, the cutest people were frozen to death in the ice and snow without moving, and fought tenaciously against the heavy rain of steel with their flesh and blood on Shangganling.

Faced with these deeds, the immature Lynn laughed, ridiculed, questioned, and became numb.

But it was really my turn to wake up.

He actually had tears in his eyes. Without him, even in a different world, those great things still inspired him to embark on the path of liberating himself and embracing greatness.

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