The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 193 Struggle

There is no doubt that Ziegler is also a beautiful MILF.

Moreover, she is not the same type as the countess or the princess. Her maturity is soft on the outside and strong on the inside, and she will not feel inaccessible to others in terms of senses. The Countess' mature woman's scent was as seductive as fire, and the closer she got, the more she felt herself burning. The princess is gentle and elegant, a kind of maternal tolerance and care.

As for the Black Holy Grail, this guy is Linn's perfect imagination. She can do whatever she wants, and there is no point in discussing it.

If you want to ask who is more sultry, you can only say that radish and green vegetables each have their own preferences.

Lin En also experienced the careful care of the goddess of peace.

When he suggested that he would like to chat with her for a while, Dr. Ziegler readily accepted Lynn's request. She first helped Lin En sit up with pillows, and then sat down with a calm and peaceful face. She held Lin En's hand with a pair of catkins, as if she was listening.

The atmosphere is not glamorous, but beautiful.

It seemed that all the pain and illness were gone, leaving only him and her. Linn looked up at the ceiling in a daze. He could hear the heavy and orderly footsteps of the military police passing by outside the hospital. The occasional sharp whistle from the distance seemed to indicate that the city had not yet completely stabilized.

Lin En spoke subconsciously.

"Dr. Ziegler, why do you want to be a doctor? It's very hard, and so many people die every day. Isn't it painful for a doctor?"

Thinking of Qian Ning's appearance of shattered ideals, Lin En began to hide his words as a test. He didn't know if Ziegler could understand it. For him, it was enough to at least understand the superficial meaning.


Ziegler tilted her head slightly, her honey-colored bangs hanging down on her fair and smooth forehead, looking a bit playful and beautiful. She thought seriously about Lin En's question for a while. This should be a problem that every doctor will face. If you put aside the material things and think about it, it will involve the heart.

In Linn's eyes, the clear and clean Ziegler seemed to be shining.

"Of course, I want to live with you."

"You want to live with me..." Linn originally expected that the answer would be that he didn't want to see life wither, but he didn't expect that Ziegler's answer was so simple and unpretentious, making him feel like he was punching him. To the uncomfortable feeling in the air.

Ziegler's eyes were intense. This seemed to be the first time someone had asked her such a fundamental question.

"That's right, Mr. Lynn, did you know? Medicine originated from the expression of the most beautiful human emotion, that is, I want to live with you. It is this desire that gave birth to medicine. If it were you, would you like to live with you? Will we live together with Amiste?"

"Of course, if possible, I would like everyone to be free from pain."

Lynn replied affirmatively that this kind of emotional expression, which originates from the most primitive and beautiful human beings, has something in common and can form a sacred resonance regardless of country, race, and region.

This is not just for doctors, but also for teachers, firefighters, and volunteers.

Ziegler saw that the young gentleman could understand her, and her smile bloomed like a noble lily. Holding Lin's hand, it seemed that she could convey feelings, Her Excellency the Goddess of Peace recalled.

"I have saved many people on the battlefield, but I have not been able to save more people. At that time, I was praying that one, even one, would let me save one more person. The result was like this. I did not live up to others' expectations of me. , I survived with many people, and survived with the expectations of those who did not survive. Afterwards, I found that when I prayed, I did not ask the [Sage of Enlightenment] for help, but returned to the beginning. Primitive, pray to yourself just like the ancients.”

Lin En subconsciously held her little hand. He didn't know how many lives he had snatched back from the goddess of death's sickle with just such hands on the battlefield.

Suddenly, Linn felt unbearable.

He felt that he was a bit despicable and could use his questioning heart to figure out Ziegler. But soon, Lin En suppressed the slightly turbulent emotions in his heart. He also had a reason not to retreat.


When something threatens his bottom line of survival, Lin En's thinking is very simple. He must never give in. His ideals can be destroyed, his feelings can be cut off, and his reputation can be abandoned. He must fight to the end against factors that threaten his survival. Even if the blood is shed, he will not hesitate!

That's what he did in downtown.

From the beginning, try to hold back as much as possible, so that the tip of the cane is less likely to kill someone, to attaching the chain blade at the back, to the high-explosive grenade at the back, which is delayed for one second and thrown over the crowd's heads. Finally, when fighting for the life of an extraordinary person, every part of it can be used. Everywhere it is used is involved in the death struggle.

That is the survival of disorder and chaos, and it is also the bottom essence of Linn's seemingly gentle appearance.

"But the moment everyone left on the battlefield and in the downtown area, I saw too much. I gradually began to doubt myself as a doctor. How can I return medicine to its original expression?" Ziegler seemed to be talking in his sleep, holding Linn's hand and speaking out his heart.

"Everything is cyclical and spiraling on a large scale of time, and I think even medicine is no exception."

Linn answered this with confidence.

Before he traveled through time, ethnogenetics had already achieved a second breakthrough. It was able to correct a person from the genetic level. Such modulation could cut off the plague, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, from its roots. By the way, nuclear fusion plus carbon conversion and the full rollout of the methanol protein factory line can also kill famine.

Even death, a formidable opponent, must face the challenge of eternal consciousness.

"Your answer is very philosophical. It's a pity that I didn't get good grades in theology and philosophy." Ziegler smiled, and her shorts made it easier to get closer to Lin En. distance. "You mean the future is bright, but the road is bumpy, right?"

"That's right."

"Although this sounds a bit like unreasonable comfort, I don't think you are lying. Thank you, Lynn." Ziegler looked at the beautiful boy, and there seemed to be something more in his eyes.

Linn's eyes were glued to Ziegler's face, and he suddenly caught a fleeting emotion from the expression of this goddess of peace.

The name of that emotion is guilt.

Why does she feel guilty?

Just as Linn continued to speculate and test, peeling off Ziegler's appearance bit by bit, she suddenly said something to Linn firmly.

"I know you're investigating me."

Her words were like a sharp sword piercing her directly. Linn's grip on Ziegler's catkin subconsciously tightened a little. He couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed by the straightforward words of his savior. No matter how he said it, Gu Le saved her life, and she seemed despicable just now by saying this.

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