The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 194 Trying to convince

The atmosphere in the quiet ward was awkward.

Dr. Ziegler's smile, which was holding Lynn's hand, seemed to have a bit of teasing in it, and she didn't seem to care much about Lynn's exertion and hurting herself. She seemed to like to see Lynn's fussy look. At least, there was no obvious dissatisfaction and blame on Ziegler's expression.

"This is my job."

Lin En calmed down quickly and said shamelessly.

At this moment, the abilities he had developed after being teased by the countess were clearly highlighted. Faced with Ziegler's playful expression, the young gentleman's acting skills were outstanding.

"If it's work, there's nothing you can do."

Ziegler accepted the reason given by Lin En without any objection. She lowered her head with a hint of pitiful grace. This look made people want to hold her in their arms and comfort her. Ichiban. The young gentleman subconsciously pulled Ziegler, but to his surprise, she directly touched his forehead with one hand.

"You haven't recovered yet, so don't move, you passionate little gentleman." With a little gentleness, Ziegler had obviously talked to the Countess about Linn, so when he opened his mouth, he poked his vitals.


Lin En couldn't stand it immediately. When a woman tells you that you are romantic, it basically declares that she will not be moved by your sweet words. Although he had no intention of flirting with Ziegler, with the contact and understanding, Linn couldn't help but become attracted to her.

To say that some people definitely like her is not a lie. Who doesn’t like a gentle doctor sister?

But to talk about love is nonsense.

The considerate Ziegler raised the corners of his mouth and did not continue to embarrass Lynn on this issue. After all, it would be strange for a gentleman in this era not to be romantic. After all, this was an era when homosexuals would be sent to chemical castration, and men still worked hard to prove themselves.

"I once heard some of your remarks about war and society at a peace conference. I wanted to have a good chat with you at that time, but unfortunately time and circumstances did not allow it."

"Your ears are so keen." Lynn recalled the distance between herself and the podium at that time and couldn't help but admire her.

"War is not beautiful, and society is also affected by war. In the final analysis, it is all about profit. Lynn, have you ever taken any courses related to philosophy? There is such a course at the University of Livia." He said to Lynn Ziegler was curious about some of the previous arguments.

“I haven’t had time to finish my studies at the University of Livia.”

"Really? I feel that you have surpassed them, because this is the first time I have heard such interesting remarks. In the literary salons I have attended, when those philosophy instructors talked about success and failure, more It’s about looking at problems and kings from a divided and separate perspective. A coherent perspective like yours is very novel, and it has a feeling of connecting the entire historical movement, like the clarity of the sun driving away dark clouds.”

‘This is a materialist view of history. ’

Lin En whispered in his heart that idealism is still more popular in mainland China because of the existence of the astral realm that is linked to human consciousness activities. Therefore, idealism in this world follows the objective stream. As for materialism, it is still groping in its simple stage and is being studied in conjunction with the bourgeoisie.

"I would like to ask, what you just said about the spiral is very clear and easy to understand. So does this spiral have an end? If it is never-ending, is it too cruel for humans with short lives? Even ethereal.”

Ziegler seemed to be in a strange obsession.

She did not feel that this kind of philosophical question was obscure, but instead she was looking for something from it. Regardless of gender, when facing philosophical thinking, many people feel that it is too dry and a bit mystical. After all, isn't life always like this? In fact, this kind of ideological reform thinking will eventually affect society in turn, and this is also an inevitable problem in the development of society.

Otherwise, to put it bluntly, if you don’t think about it, then why did Ape erectus jump from the tree in the first place.

To be honest, Linn was stunned by the question.

Because this is almost at the edge of who I am, where I come from, and where I am going. What Ziegler is asking now can actually be summarized into the last two questions.

Lin En was actually surprised!

In his eyes, Ziegler has surpassed humans in some ways. Her thoughts are like a calm sea, and he is standing on the edge of the sea at the moment, touching the depth. But there was no way for Lynn to avoid this, because if she wanted to understand Ziegler's temptation to test her, she had to see clearly what kind of person she was.

"I'm afraid it's hard for me to answer this question."

"Irresponsible man." Ziegler, whose appetite was whetted, accused him dissatisfiedly, as if Linn had done something to her that was outrageous to both humans and gods.

"Haha, this is us humans." Linn laughed and accepted the resentment from Ziegler gracefully. "Creatures that can't even convince themselves but still want to convince others are human beings."

Ziegler was stunned for a moment, as if he had been struck by lightning.

She vaguely saw her two students again, and they were arguing with her. At that time, she said similar things.

Is this destiny?

Unexpectedly, after a sincere discussion, Lin En also said similar words to her. Obviously, the answer is so close, but I have to stop.

"Um, did I say something wrong?" Linn noticed that Ziegler's expression darkened visibly. Although the sentence itself had a double meaning, Ziegler had such a hurt expression. It still made him unbearable, always feeling that he had done something wrong to her.

"No, it's my own business."

Ziegler shook his head, and his beautiful clear eyes regained their original tranquility.

"I was supposed to be chatting with you to relieve my boredom, but unknowingly it was you who answered my questions. As a doctor, you are really incompetent. I want to say thank you, Lynn."

"I'm very happy too." The young gentleman said politely. In fact, he lost a lot of brain cells in thinking about philosophical issues.

"So let's take a shower next."

"Okay...wait, what did you say?"

Lin En, who subconsciously agreed, suddenly realized something was wrong.

"I said, take a shower and clean your body to avoid secondary infection of the wound. To express my gratitude, I will help you." Ziegler said seriously and did not give Linn any room to refuse.

"I can do it myself!"

Lin En quickly shouted, this kind of thing is very strange!

"Pfft, when I was suturing your wound, where did I not look at it? Maybe I know your body structure better than Amiste."

At the same time, the Countess, who was enjoying tea in the manor, couldn't help but sneeze. She was a little annoyed for no reason, as if something important to her was being coveted.

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