The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 23 Intimidation

Mr. Boris is a typical middle-class person in the Kingdom of Albion.

He has poor risk resistance, is stingy and loves to take advantage of others, but has to show his generosity in front of others. His only skill is to accurately calculate water bills, and the accuracy can even be controlled to a quarter of a penny, which is amazing. Lynn once felt that if Mr. Boris went to work for the Water Bureau, he would definitely have a better future than collecting rent.

Collecting rent on Squirrel Street?


Lynn's nasal voice cleverly expressed his prediction of the future of this career. The economic downturn is expected to last for some time before the war is truly over. The purchasing power of the gold pound will further decline. Mr. Boris may soon welcome him. My personal financial crisis is in crisis. After all, if the oil and water at the bottom level has been squeezed dry, it’s time to squeeze out the middle level.


There was a dull knock on the door, and soon the door opened a crack. In the dim light of the low-quality oil lamp, Mr. Boris's thin and dry face appeared in the crack of the door. It was a bit scary to look at it suddenly. The moment he saw Lin En, his yellow and turbid eyes suddenly widened, as if he was very surprised.

"Good evening, Mr. Boris." Lynn bowed in greeting in a well-educated manner.

"Good evening, little sir."

Boris opened the door crack wider, then glanced at both sides of the door for a few times before he breathed a sigh of relief. The landlord was wearing pajamas and clutching a string of holy symbols of various churches on his chest. He intentionally or unintentionally pointed the string of holy symbols towards Linn.

"I heard that you were taken away by the gentlemen of Elba Field. looks like it's not as bad as the rumors." Apparently he missed the scene of Lynn being taken away late at night. Bao heard it from other tenants. Mr. Reese had already assumed that he was dead and did not expect that Lynn would come back safe and sound.

Didn’t it say that there was a [mob den]? People with no money have to scrape off their skin to work as hard labor serfs. How come this guy doesn't do anything?

The landlord muttered a little.

Linn changed his body language immediately after the conversation started. He straightened his waist, raised his head, narrowed his eyes, and his expression became much more serious. Such a picture of a proper upper-class gentleman facing the poor and untouchables. look. Being stared at by Lin En's cold and profound eyes, Boris couldn't help but feel difficulty breathing, as if he was a frog being stared at by a snake.

"Mr. Boris, I'm here to confirm with you the problem with my room. Since yesterday, after I left, has anyone else, including you, entered my house?"

"Who dares to enter that haunted house with traces of blood and evil spells all over the place..." Boris subconsciously replied cautiously, but he soon came to his senses. "Wait, what right do you have to question me like this?"

Very good, at least your things should be complete.

Lin En didn't show any sign of weakness. Instead, he took a step forward. This offensive body language scared Boris and took two steps back. Without giving him time to react in anger, Lin En's emotionless monotone voice sounded faintly.

"I have to remind you Mr. Boris, that is a scene, not a murder scene that can be settled with the gentlemen of Elba Field for 100 pounds, but an extraordinary! Do you understand? The scene of an extraordinary murder! The things under the bed are comparable to people It’s much more terrifying. I went to be investigated just to settle this matter. The gentlemen of the [Suppression Bureau] take this matter very seriously.”

"I, I, I, how do I know?" Boris loves to take advantage, but he is not bold enough to dare to pick up the wool related to Feifan. Loving to take advantage is shameless but does not mean bold.

‘Nonsense, if you, an ignorant and unskilled guy who rests on his laurels, understood, I wouldn’t use this to deceive and scare you. ’

Linn replied in his mind, raising his head and lowering it a little.

"That's right, you don't know anything, otherwise why do you think you can still sit here peacefully. Four people were disemboweled and eaten clean. That thing has a bigger appetite than you, Boris gentlemen."

"Oh my God!" Poor Boris began to tremble.

"Let me guess, there must be a lot of people asking you, after poor little Linn was taken away, whether his room can be sublet at a low price. As long as half of the original price, the loss can be stopped in time, and the people around him will not You dare to talk nonsense." Lin En could imagine what would happen around the rent collection area every month. Those intermediaries were the sharpest flies, and they would buzz around and pester them whenever there was a profit to be made. you.

"I swear! I didn't touch anything inside, and I even locked the door!"

Mysterious and extraordinary rumors are always dangerous and taboo. Looking at the intact Linn, Boris couldn't help but think wildly but did not dare to think deeply. He could only let Linn lead him by the nose.

The report of a mysterious and extraordinary death with a tragic appearance is the best intimidation. Lin En borrowed the name of the [Suppression Bureau], but there was no psychological barrier at all.

Boris was trembling with fear, holding a string of holy symbols, fearing that Lin En would suddenly turn into a magic spell and summon the devil. [Weaving Moth] is a kind lady, everything is allowed in her domain, and now is the moment when darkness covers the earth. As for whether Mr. Lin En has been recruited by the [Suppression Bureau], that is not much different from the devil in the eyes of Mr. Boris.

Both illegal blood sucking and legal blood sucking can kill people.

There are even times when you have to put your neck close to suck blood legally, otherwise no one may care if you die suddenly overnight.

"Very good. It seems that the thing under the bed has nothing for it to feast on when it comes back here."

Lin En nodded with satisfaction, and his calm expression without warmth finally revealed a soft smile. The intimidation ending emotion was in full effect, and Linn finally showed his fangs.

"I'm going to get my things. Remember to lock the place. If there are any strange noises inside, be sure to notify me at the [Good Luck Bar]. I will contact the gentlemen from the [Suppression Bureau] and they will come and take a look."

"[Good Luck Bar]?"

Mr. Boris thought for a moment and immediately shouted.

"Isn't that a whole street away?!"

"You need to exercise, I have to go there and stay." Linn pretended to leave and made a malicious attempt.

"No, no, no, wait a minute, little sir." Boris rushed out and grabbed Linn. "It's so late. How can you come so far to stay? There's a nice room upstairs, isn't there?! There are so many wild dogs outside!"


Linn frowned, and Boris clapped his hands quickly.

"That's right! It's upstairs, with a big soft bed, a private bathroom, and a bright new gas lamp! The window is also convenient, so anyone who knocks on the window can remind you when to get up."

I have spent a long time talking, using threats and guidance, isn't it just to get those good rooms for you, a miser? Lin En did not rush to agree, but looked at the landlord Boris meaningfully. After he was so nervous that he unconsciously prayed, Lin En nodded reservedly.

"Since you are so generous, I will also look at the original room."

Thanks to Mr. Boris’s immense gratitude, Lynn will no longer have to live in a rubbish dump for a short period of time.



After finishing packing and moving in, he went to the private bathroom, boiled some water and took a very comfortable hot bath. Linn threw himself on the relatively soft big bed with indescribable laziness and fatigue. His eyelids quickly closed, and he fell asleep with a faint fear of the rotten fertility under the prosperity today.

Before his consciousness completely fell into darkness, Linn seemed to hear the faint and charming smile of the Black Holy Grail again.

It's like falling without weight, passing through a thick curtain of water.

When Lin En fell into a dream, she saw a strange and beautiful psychedelic world, which was bizarre, bizarre, and incredible!

Thanks to the past butterfly master_Shia for the reward, and Sanae for the monthly pass~~The first update is given today, please support me and keep reading!

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