The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 24 Star Boundary

‘Where am I? Where is this place? ’

Such doubts were like the violent turbulence of the stormy sea, and Lin En's shaky soul let out an overwhelmed wail in some foreign reality. Like a whale trying to squeeze into a small fish tank, the full mug kept overflowing, and endless useless information was poured into it. Linn slowly fell down in a frightened emptiness.

The information in his mind whispered to him that this place was the star world, the spirit world, the dream world, and a place where all extraordinary people would step into.

The bright silver atmosphere is the light spread by the lady. The sky is like a pleated mirror emitting prominences from the gaps. The fairy-tale forest of golden branches and jade leaves sings and dances in the thunderous wind. You can vaguely see the metal city on the distant mountain top puffing out steam into clouds. , a winding path appeared under him, going deep into the forest and disappearing into the dark end.

Linn fell into whose soft embrace.

It turned out to be myself...

The Black Holy Grail hugged Lin En from behind and pressed close to his head. The silver hair was like a gorgeous waterfall scattered on the rose-purple grass, and part of it fell on Lin En's neck like a lover's caress. The delicate red lips paired with a sexy thin skirt that looks like a wedding dress and mourning dress are as gorgeous and dangerous as the star realm.

The Black Holy Grail opened and closed its lips, whispering everything it received.

When the pair of blood-red eyes reflected his weak and blurred self, all the squeezing sounds disappeared, and Lin En's raised hand in Yu's arms touched the whispering red lips.

Perhaps it was a hallucination that was still in a state of confusion.

Lin En saw the Black Holy Grail's loving expression deepening in a trance. The half-covered fingers seemed to be licked and teased by the light and flexible tongue. The next moment, the graceful and beautiful figure disappeared naturally. Lin En could clearly feel that she had returned to his body. , no longer relaying to him the debris dropped by the unconscious projections of many beings in the star world.

The torrent of information was cut off, but Linn was still lying dead.

The world in this dream is completely unreal and uncertain, completely different from the outside world. Lin En wanted to control his hands, but somehow he raised his legs. His body control was extremely sensitive but difficult to control precisely. This resulted in a very spooky scene appearing on the grass somewhere in the Star Boundary. A figure with a vague face and body was sometimes rolling on the grass, sometimes standing jojo, sometimes standing upside down, and sometimes supporting the body with anti-joints.

It looks like a scene from a ghost movie, as if a ghost has emerged from its cage!

The phantoms of creatures that occasionally flashed by in the forest or in the sky were frightened by Lin En's ghostly and curious sight and kept them away. This ultra-modern art form is still too early for humanity.

‘If it were in the outer world, I would be completely dead by now. ’

Subconsciously, she assumed a standing posture that was similar to Yu Di's shameful middle-class position. The posture was so sultry and enchanting that Lin En really wanted to cry.

He was so exhausted that he finally managed to get some sleep, but why was he dragged into this astral world? There can't be something wrong with the way you sleep, right?

“Is this Albion’s latest new art model?”

Just when Lin En was glad that no one was watching his death, a long and melodious voice suddenly sounded above his head. Lin En's jojo was suddenly out of control, and he turned into a drunken man lying on the battlefield looking up. A figure whose gender cannot be seen is suspended. His body is glowing with the beautiful light of order, and he is arranged and dispersed in an orderly manner.

Lynn: I'm crying, I'm crying!

"Haha, poor little guy, is this your first time dreaming? Where is your guide? Why is he so irresponsible and leaves you alone create a new art sculpture?" The unknown figure half It was half pleasure and half accusation, and he turned Linn's head in a circle to observe this strange and novel posture.

"Sorry sir, I fell into a dream accidentally."

Linn's tone was polite. He noticed that his illusory body also had a similar brilliance, but his own brilliance was very weak and messy.

"Oh? It turns out you are a lucky person... Well, you smell quite good, fresh and natural, which is very rare. So, little guy, do you plan to continue your new artistic creation? Or stand up and talk to me ?" He landed on the ground, his steps light and graceful.

"I'm sorry, sir, I can't control myself." Lin En was a little nervous, but could sense that her sleeping body was ready to run away at any time.

When meeting a stranger in a strange place, you should at least be cautious.

"Can't control it? Well, it's your first time to dream, and you haven't been protected by a guide yet. It should be that you were shocked by the information from the star realm and caused spiritual disorder. There are two ways to solve your problem. First, you continue like this. Maybe it will recover on its own after some time,” the stranger said in typical mid-sentence.

"Sir, what about the second one?" Lin Enyuan took the bait.

"The second is that I help you sort out your spirituality. You will soon be able to control your spiritual body in the star realm according to the experience of controlling your body. If you are willing, I can help you, this lucky little guy. , how about you succeeding in making me happy for a long time?"

There was an unstoppable smile in the stranger's voice, and the cross-generational impact of Jojo's ghost and animal scenes really made people laugh. He must have been pleased by Lin En before he came to take a look.

Lin En really didn't want to twist her waist in such a seductive pose anymore!

"Then I'll trouble you."

As soon as he finished speaking, a swift ray of light ejected from the stranger's hand and disappeared into Linn's head in the blink of an eye. Lin En leaned back subconsciously, as if he had been shot in the head. Immediately, the originally chaotic spiritual light of his spirit body was pulled by something, and they all turned around in one direction. Then the light flew back from Lin En's head. into the opponent's hands.

With such a simple combing, Lin En was pleasantly surprised to find that the spirit body that was originally difficult to control finely regained natural and smooth control. He suddenly changed from a first-class cripple to a normal person.

"thank you."

Lin En, who climbed up from the ground, immediately politely said hello to this unknown extraordinary person. At the same time, the Black Holy Grail in Lin En's body began to check his spiritual body.

"Well, the little guy is very well-educated." The stranger seemed to be doing good deeds every day, and he was in a happier mood. Although he couldn't see his deliberately hidden face clearly, Linn could still roughly judge from his words that this was An extraordinary person who could communicate, and his accent didn't sound like an Albion.

Apart from the [Lamp Holder], this is the second time he has come into contact with an extraordinary person.

When Lin En felt that he was still safe, he looked at this bizarre astral world... maybe this was an opportunity?

"Sir, please allow me to express my gratitude to you. I only have a secret knowledge that I can tell you. I hope you can accept my gratitude." After trying to figure out the character and quality of a kind-hearted person, Lin En threw out his own temptation.

"Not only are you well-educated, but you also know how to repay kindness. I see the qualities of a nobleman in you."

Doing good deeds can not only satisfy oneself, but also gain recognition from others. The kind-hearted person looked at Linn with soft eyes that added a little satisfaction.

"Say it, little one, I won't take advantage of you."

Thanks to A5 for not working hard and Shia for the reward. Here is the second update. I ask for votes and support every day~

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