The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 25 Good Samaritan

The astral realm is hazy and uncertain, reflecting the surface realm.

No one can paint a complete picture of the astral world, because it is always changing. Not only have countless extraordinary people set foot here, but even many righteous gods have shown their presence in the star realm more than once. Many extraordinary things have left traces in the star realm, like the food scraps dropped at a banquet, and those who come after them often benefit from them.

What Lin En dropped at this moment may not even be called residue...

Walking through the golden woods, Lin En told the good-hearted people who helped him about the contents of the "Fruit Tantra", which described the harvest and sowing in the Shuojin era, and about the dispute between the Earth Mother Goddess and a certain lady in the Shuojin era. . It celebrates a battle for the ripe fruits on the branches, and praises her transformation of the past into the present. Although those chapters always end in letting go, everyone knows that it is not over.

A trickle of [Miaolan language] came out of Lin En's mouth.

His pleasant and rhythmic reading brought out the phonological beauty of this ancient language. The brief lesson that Atali taught Linn was very fruitful.

The golden forest they walked through was extremely beautiful, but the smell left on the cut scars on the tree trunks made Lin En feel like a knife. He did not dare to get too close to avoid the tears slowly dripping from the tree trunks. The two people's footprints were left on the entangled tree roots in the forest, and the silver atmosphere and solar prominence intertwined light were projected along the gaps between the branches and leaves.

"The secret scriptures of the Shuojin Era sound like guidance for the two sexual phases [Spring] and [Desire]. As for the secret rituals hidden in sowing seeds, they are of little use to other basic Extraordinaries, and most of them are The basic mysteries of the sect are also suitable for the initiate to reshape the body, but that will also establish the extraordinary foundation in the body, just like you.”

After the kind man listened to Lin En's story, he gave his own evaluation of the "Abundance Tantra". His erudition was superior to that of Lin En, and he could easily tell that Lin En was based on [Spring].

The spiritual body in the astral world is an extraordinary manifestation. Lin En can also judge that the sexual light on the good Samaritan is not [Spring] and [Thread], but a kind of order that he has not come into contact with yet, with a sharp aura. of sex.

The sharpness aspect is similar to this woodland. Based on Bill's extraordinary knowledge, Linn guessed that it might be [blade]. As for the other aspect, he has no clue.

"If you can successfully collect all the tantra chapters, you may be able to obtain extraordinary secrets. However, unfortunately, many of the tantra chapters have been completely destroyed in the outer world, and no manuscripts are left. The astral world is boundless and will be searched for forever. It’s just a matter of luck.”

Linn nodded slightly. When he heard Mr. Bill introduce the "Abundance Tantra", he knew that the Tantra was a set. Having a fragment of the treasure map in his hand would certainly make him feel itchy, but Lin En had already received enough benefits from the [Abundance Tantra] and was already content.

The kind man reached out and pushed aside some of the hanging golden branches, easily separating the sharp spear-like branches and the sharp knife-like leaves. He still took care of Lin En who was following closely behind him to prevent his spiritual body from being injured.

According to the good-hearted people, they can reach a landmark through the woods, which is very safe and often visited by people.

"You are still very weak. You don't even have Sequence 7. It is best not to stay in the star realm for a long time. Even if you have a physical body, it is difficult to die here, and the damage to the spiritual body will cause the stagnation or even decline of extraordinary achievements. Although we can There are many rewards in the astral realm, but they often come with risks.”

Lin En looked at the understatement of the good-hearted people along the way, and could only come to the conclusion that he should be very powerful, definitely better than his half of Sequence 9.

However, the well-meaning people's ignorance of the sexual aspect [evil] in their bodies made Lin En vaguely realize that this [evil] and the Black Holy Grail were not simple, and it was best not to expose them before he had a sufficient understanding of the extraordinary.

"Little guy, we are almost there. I told you that I will not take advantage of you. You will tell me the content of [The Tantra of Abundance]. According to the popular rules of the star world, I will also trade the same information with you... Well, you Since you don’t have a leader, I just counted you as half a leader and just filled in the remaining half. How about using the environmental information of the star realm as a bargaining chip?”

The woods in front of the good Samaritan had begun to thin out. He no longer stood in front of Linn, but the two of them walked side by side with a gentle tone.

"Your generosity."

Linn politely agreed, feeling relieved at the same time.

Although I am very eager to understand the basic information of the extraordinary world, the information of the astral dream may be more important. At least the extraordinary basic information still has the channel of [Lamp Holder], but the star realm is really uncertain.

Lin En always felt like she was a newbie who accidentally entered the advanced picture. The kind man in front of me is a senior boss.

"I just told you what the astral realm is, so let me start by talking about falling into a dream, the dangers you may encounter, and waking up."

The voice of the kindhearted person sped up a lot, and Linn became more serious to ensure that important information was not missed.

"There is actually nothing to say about dreaming and waking up. Any extraordinary person with strong emotions can induce spirituality to enter and exit the star realm. After training, it can be controlled. Some areas of the star realm can also be reached through dreams through special secret codes. And the star realm's The dangers mainly come from dream creatures and environments, crazy extraordinary people, and traces left by gods.”

Lin En subconsciously wanted to ask, but thought that this was a transaction and suppressed her curiosity.

"The first category is the danger that extraordinary people who enter dreams are most likely to encounter. The method to deal with it is also very simple. As long as you have sufficient spirituality, you can protect the spirit body from harm. You can also leave the dream directly."

"The second category is crazy extraordinary people. There have always been extraordinary people in the star realm who have been in trouble for various reasons. There are also many crazy people. Especially the disgusting war has given birth to many crazy people. They have sunk into the stars. A part of the world will attack the dreamer indiscriminately. In this case, you must have the ability to attack or evade according to your profession. "

"As for the third category, remember not to get close to any traces of gods if you are not sure. The consequences will be worse than death. Extraordinary people can obtain something from other people's remnants, but they must also bear the pollution caused by carrying them. . At least until you become a mid-rank player, don’t covet something you can’t grasp.”

The kind man finished talking about the three dangers in one breath, and the two of them just happened to leave the range of the golden forest. Linn saw what he said was the signpost.

A bridge with a distinct style is the Thame Bridge in the outer world.

"Okay, polite and grateful little guy, I will send you here." The kind man stopped. It seemed that his destination was not here. "Finally, let me give you a piece of advice. Don't trust others too much in the star realm, especially an ignorant child like you. [Spring] will bring favor and covetousness."

"Ah, you are actually a lady..."

Linn was a little surprised. She couldn't see the outline of this kind person, but her last unconcealed voice told this fact. The elegant lady with a blurred face seemed to be satisfied with Linn's surprise. She laughed out loud and stretched out her hand to touch Linn's head.

"I have remembered your breath. If there is a chance, we will meet again, little one. I hope you are not posing strangely when we meet next time."

"Goodbye, ma'am." Lin En said sincerely, enduring the embarrassment of social death.

The kind lady rubbed Lin En's head and nodded with satisfaction, then flew directly into the golden forest and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Lin En looked at the place where she disappeared and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

‘What a kind lady, she sent me to a safe place. ’

Thanks to book friend 20180818120845575 for the reward, Klaasfen and Lennon for the monthly tickets~ The first update is given today, please vote for support every day!

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