The sin of wearing a crown

Chapter 237 Big Bald Head

There have always been too many people trying to curry favor with Count Amiste's golden thighs.

Even the royal family had hoped to marry this pretty widow, using her enviable wealth to facilitate a political marriage and bring about healthy exchanges between the northern and southern county leaders. However, with all of her properties tied to Albion's industrial and agricultural chariot, the Countess, the de facto lord of the place, completely domineeringly rejected the good ideas from the central government that would benefit the country and the people.

If we push the time back a few decades, a lord with the countess's influence is a typical grand duke who needs to be appeased to prevent her from rebelling.

Even if we want to eradicate it, we must take a long-term approach.

But in this era, when all wealth is tied to the national economic chain, multiple county leaders have directly formed the true pattern of an oligarchic alliance. After the centralization of power has declined invisibly, we can only hold our noses and admit it. As for whether this is the progress of the system or the regression of the system, I can only say...

Look at productivity.

If production is constantly being liberated and everything is flourishing, that is progress. There is no eternal system. Slavery is more advanced than primitive tribes, and the feudal kingdom is better than slavery. Capitalism can tear apart its old enemy of the feudal kingdom, and there will be a ghost in the decaying body of capital. It began to sprout, and when the ghost stagnated and fell, the dream of stars that walked out of the cradle became unstoppable.

From the broad perspective of time scale, there are no backward systems, only systems that stand still.

Everything in motion stays active.

Moving away from the vast macroscopic time scale and zooming in on individuals, it is not difficult to find that Linn's movement is cyclical. This is not to say that Lynn only takes one step after being whipped. Many people are whipped countless times and still stay in the same place because they have not found the right path.

The little gentleman has not yet found the path to the light, but his movement is a groping with highs and lows, without really stopping. Based on this, Linn's possibility has not been eliminated.

At this moment, when the lights were on, Lin En was extremely eye-catching in the salon. He was able to deal with different people with ease.

Political congressmen, hard-nosed civil servants, and financial predators mainly fall into these three categories. Then came artists with distinctive personalities, factory owners with good reputations, inventors with great potential, educational figures and the long-widowed wives of old aristocrats.

Lin En, who had an excellent appearance, was easily accepted by them. Later, the young gentleman showed his eloquence in various fields, like an all-round rising star, and won waves of exclamation and praise from everyone in the salon. He was very fond of women. The count was surprised to have picked such an outstanding young man.

After all, Lin En, a handsome and well-behaved young man, is a perfect template for those rich and famous families to cultivate heirs.

If not for knowing that Lynn was lucky enough to be discovered.

It is estimated that many people are vaguely speculating whether His Excellency Amiste is playing and raising the outstanding boy who he raised by himself and finally crawled into his bed. This kind of forbidden and incestuous relationship, in the decadent aristocratic life, Not for nothing.

Lin En couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after dealing with a wave of enthusiastic ladies.

When the obsessive-compulsive butler was taking care of Linn's appearance, he dictated to him the names, personalities, and hobbies of some of the guests. Originally, the manager didn't expect Mr. Lin En to memorize everything. As long as he could remember the important things and appear generous and natural when socializing, it would be good.

As a result, Lin En memorized everything!

Knowing his character's likes and dislikes, and adapting to his preferences, the beautiful boy chatted freely and carried out strategies at a rate of almost every three minutes. After gathering a group of people, Linn basically raised everyone's favorability level to a friendly level. Of course, the countess's support also played a vital role in this.

Amiste almost made it clear.

Although Lin En is under suspension, his official career will naturally be bright after the [Suppression Bureau] clears his name.

It just so happened that the [Suppression Bureau]'s later intention to expand had almost been made public. With the ability of this young man, he certainly had a lot to do. The Countess's clear statement was also echoed by many people. They were originally members of Amiste's party, and they could stand together without seriously harming their interests. Naturally, they could also be members of Linn's party.

For Lin En, this kind of entertainment was no less than a fierce fight.

You need to remember everyone's name, personality, likes and dislikes, family background, and background, and then you have to observe their words and expressions. When talking, you can't treat the other person as a rigid NPC. This level of quick thinking means fighting for Lynn, and he's been doing pretty well so far.

It was just that his brain was tingling, reminding him to stop thinking.

"I'm going to take a rest."

Linn needs to relax his brain. His butt has never touched the ground since he entered the field.

"Well, my little gentleman, dazzling new star, go ahead." In front of others, the countess behaved much more reservedly, but the love in her beautiful eyes was still obvious.

Others also made appropriate compliments.

At present, no one who is short-sighted dares to slap Amiste in the face. As for what other people's true thoughts are, the countess doesn't care.

Linn left the somewhat noisy luxurious living room and went from the brightly lit place to the quiet lawn outside. At this time, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Everyone is just wearing a mask...

Just when Lin En was relieved, a leg was exposed behind the haystack in the moonlight. This sight made him a little startled.

"Huh? Sir, are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm fine."

A confused voice came from behind the haystacks on the lawn, and then Linn saw a man sitting up. He also held a stack of paper in his hand, which was filled with densely written small words.

"Mr. Linn, why are you out?" He rubbed his eyes, his shiny forehead and suffocating hairline reflecting the light under the moonlight.

"Come out for a walk and take a rest."

Lin En had no information about this person in his mind, but he appeared briefly during the introduction, as if he was a politician brought over by a college student. However, he did not promote his political ideas like others, but listened to others speak and raised questions for discussion.

The bald man looked casual. He sat up and scratched his head, as if he hadn't woken up.

And Linn also picked up a piece of paper from the ground.

It just so happens to be the opening chapter.

"On Stim employment and labor capital, and the changes in production in the past twenty years, the author is Nolias Yuri..." Lin read for a while, and the beginning of the article was very solid, starting directly from the data and talking about people's most important Sensitive wages.

"It's me."

The bald man from Roman looked at Linn's subconscious reading with a glint in his eyes.

ps: I still owe 56 chapters, and I have paid off a lot without realizing it. It’s really fun to insist on paying it back every day~ I will open the reward when I have almost paid it back, and continue the daily charge.

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